
A Hike in the Desert in Springtime

Boy Murdered by a Witch?

Josh Gates "Expedition Unknown" Starts a Hardcore Adventuring Season 5

"On the Trail of Bigfoot"

Is Texas Missing the Boat on the Next Big Oil Boom?

How "Jaws" and "The Goonies" Are Alike!

Joe Ghost: My Housemate

Sky Cubes: Most Unusual UFOs

Phantom Islands

Giant and Unusual Skulls From Around the World!

Hemp! A Beauty Solution

Canada's Wildman

ROKU Free Streaming Horror and Paranormal Channels

Could Godzilla Exist?

Are Caves Nature's Natural Phone Booth to the Paranormal?

Grand Canyon Mummies Series: Background

Physical Versus Environmental DNA? Can We Imprint Our Environment?

Haunted Shirley: Doll #3's Eyes Have Changed

Green Found in Nature: Happy St. Patty's Day

South Mountain - Odd Lights!

Secrets Found in Caves!

URBEX: Ghost Towns

Paranormal Caught on Camera

Ghost-Themed Movies Broken Down Into Categories

Cursed Towns

Protective Stones and When to Use Them

Octave Haunted Mines For Sale!

URBEX: Interesting Building

Lost Ship of the Desert

A Quirky Fun Day in Phoenix

Mysterious Skull

PteroCast Radio Show - My Appearance

What Makes a Cemetery Creepy?

Images From the Blog That Haunt Me Still

My Top 5 Favorite Bigfoot YouTube Channels

Was Easter Island a Memorial For a Lost Continent?

I'm On Arcane Radio Tonight

The Two-Toed People