Saturday, January 31, 2015

Numerous Articles About Ancient Giants!

Livermore Herald, Volume 7, number 27, July 29, 1880

Giants in Muskingum County, Ohio.
The mound in which these romarkable discoveries were made was about sixty-four feet long and thirty-five feet wide, top measurement, and gently sloped down to the hill where it was situated. A number of stumps of trees were found on the slope, standing in two rows, and on the top of the mound were an oak and a hickory stump, all of which bore marks of great age. All the skeletons were fonnd on a level with the hill, aud about eight feet from the top of the mound. Now to a more particular description of these antiquated remains: In one grave there were two skeletons —one male and one female. The female face was looking downward, the male being immediately on top, with the face looking upward. Tbe male skeleton measured nine feet in length, and the female eight feet. In another grave were also found two skeletons—male and female—with the female face lookiug upward and the male face looking downward. The male frame in this case was nine feet four inches in length and the female eight feet. In another grave was found a female skeleton which was incased in a clay coffin, holding in her arms the frail skeleton of a child three feet and a half long, by the side of which was an image, which, upon being exposed to the atmosphere, crumbled rapidly. The remaining seven were found in single graves, and were lying on their sides. The smallest of the seven was nine feet in length, and the largest ten. One single circumstance connected with this discovery was the fact that not a single tooth was found in either mouth except iv the one incased in the clay coffin. On the south end of the mound was erected a stone altar, four feet and a half wide and twelve feet long, built on an earthen foundation nearly four feet high, having in the middle two large flag stones, upon which sacrifices were undoubtedly made, for upon them were found charred bones, cinders and ashes. This was covered by about three feet of earth. This excavation was made under the direction of the Muskingum County Historical Society, and the things alluded to in this letter, or dispatch, cau be verified by a number of witnesses who were present and watched the work as it progressed. It was pursued with great interest and diligence, there being the strongest incentive to prosecute the investigation, for such remarkable developments in mound-opening are very rare, aud are therefore fascinating in the extreme. Their future labors were also rewarded with additional developments, which, if they do not throw additional light upon this giant race of people that once inhabited this country, will at least stimulate research. What is now a profound mystery, the result of this excavation may in time become the key to unlock still further mysteries that centuries ago were commonplace affairs. I refer to a stone that was found resting against the head of the clay coffin above described. It is an irregular-shaped red sand-stone, weighing about eighteen pounds, being strongly impregnated with oxide of iron, and bearing upon one side two lines of hieroglyphics.— Cor. Cincinnati Enquirer.

Los Angeles Herald, Volume XXIX, Number 124, February 2, 1902

Remains of a Giant Found in New Mexico
Las Vegas, N. M., Jan. 26, 1902. You may be sure that people in Las Vegas, N. M., are very proud of their somewhat distant suburb of Chaperito. That New Mexican village of adobe huts lies sixty miles from the railroad in the great, open country on the Mesa Rica. It is in San Miguel county, just as much as Las Vegas or any one of a hundred pueblos, but then San Miguel county ss larger than whole states in the little crowded country back east. Most any state in New England could go away back and sit down in a little corner of this big county of mountains and stake 1 plains. The archaeological find of the age was made near Chaperito, on the Mesa Rica, last week, and all the scientific world will stand breathless at the marvel of it. There was never anything like it in the world before, since the days when Odin and Thor lived in Oggard, and those days belong only to the myths of creation. It was one sunny day last week that Don Luciana Quintana said in his heart that he would find what the great, rough-hewn boulders of building stone planted like tombstones at a certain point on his lanch were put there for. He took four Spanish American citizens into his confidence, and they dug between two of the great stones together. They had heard that these stones marked the graveyard of a family of giants, but they would rather have discovered a secret mine. They went five feet down, and then they found the skeleton of a human giant so big that they couldn't believe their own eyes. He was fifteen feet long, and his legs had been broken just below the knees in order to bend them so that he might be crushed and scourged into the fifteen-foot grave which was too small for the dead giant if he stretched out straight like a dead giant ought to. The skeleton was tolerably well preserved, The lower jawbone was all that remained of the head. In it was a loose tooth, and Don Luciana packed the big molar home and gave it to his prettiest daughter for a milk stool. It is big enough for any mortal's use as a stool. If It were hollowed and polished it would make a novel punchbowl when my lady entertains. The giant's forearm was a wonder. It measured four feet from wrist to elbow. But what would one expect from a giant whose ribs show that his chest measurement was exactly eight feet. There are other stones on Don Luciana's ranch, and the party will dig for other remnants of that wonderful race whose history Is written only In the secret bowels of the silent earth. HENRY C. WARNACK.

Daily Alta California Volume 36, Number 12457, 25 May 1884

Pre-Historic Americans.
H. R." Hazleton recently opened the large Indian monnd near Catersville, Ga. A layer of very heavy flagstone covered a deep vault in which was found the skeleton of a man 9 feet 2 inches in height, surrounded by seven other skeletons, apparently those of very young persons. The giant evidently had been a king, as his head was encircled with a copper crown. His hair, black as jet reached to his waist but he had no whiskers. The bottom of the vault had first been covered with a thick matting of reeds and dry grass, over which were spread the skins of some wild animal. The underside of the stones covering the grave are filled with deeply-carved inscriptions. If it is ever possible to decipher these, Mr. Hazleton thinks he will have something reliable in regard to prehistoric man in America.

Daily Alta California Volume 22, Number 7247, 23 January 1870

This One Only a Skeleton
The Oil City, Pa., Times is responsible for the following: On Tuesday morning last, while Mr. William Thompson, assisted by Robert K. Smith, was engaged in making an excavation near tho house of the former, about half a mile north of West Hickory, preparatory to erecting a derrick, the exhumed an enormous helmet of iron, which was corroded with rust. Further digging brought to light a sword which measured nine feet in length. Curiosity incited thorn to enlarge the hole, and after some little time they discovered the bones of two enormous feet. Following up Iho "lead" they had so unexpected struck, in a few hours’ time they had unearthed a well preserved skeleton of an enormous giant, belonging to a species of the human family which probably inhabited this and other parts of the world at the time of which the Bible speaks, when it says, " And there were giants in those days." The helmet is said to be of the shape of those found among tho ruins of Nineveh. The bones of the skeleton are remarkably white. The teeth are all in their places, and all of them are double, and of extraordinary size. These relics have been taken to Tionesta, where they are visited by large numbers of people daily. When his giants!) it was in the flesh he must have stood eighteen feet in his stockings. These remarkable relics will be forwarded to New York early next week. The joints of the skeleton are now being glued together. These remains were found about* twelve feet below the surface of a mound which had boon thrown up probably centuries ago, and which was not more than three feet above the level of the ground around it. Here is another nut for antiquarians to crack.

Los Angeles Herald, Volume XL, Number 19, April 30, 1893
A Skull as Big as a Bushel Basket.
One of the most remarkable finds of gigantic human remains of which wo have any record was that made at Palermo, Sicily, in the year 1516, when an entire skeleton of nnheard of proportions was unearthed by some marble quarrymen. These mammoth remains measured exactly 34 feet from head to foot, and 9 feet 7 inches from point to point of the shouldersi A stone ax buried with this old time giant may still be seen at Palermo in section "Z" of the St. Isorcnt ftiuseum. It is made of a bluish looking, fine graihed bowlder, and appears to be about 2 feet 8 inches long by 1 foot broad and 9 inches through in the thickest place. A musty, rusty looking tag attached to the relic informs the visitor that it weigh.. 53 pounds, but the general verdict is that it could not weigh over 80 or 35 pounds. The skeleton was burned by a mob in the year 1663 during the prevalence of the black death at Palermo, tho ignorant, superstitious people believing that it was connected in some mysterious way with tho death dealing distemper. The skull of this giant, according to Abbe Ferregus, "was largely excessive of the baskets sayd to hold tho bushel, being fitted above and belowe withe teeth to the number of sixty-foure, the each of which would have weighed two ounces." Cavalier Scroy claimed to have found a skull on Teneriffe that had 60 teeth.—St. Louis Republic.

San Francisco Call, Volume 95, number 31, 31 December 1903

Captain Xewlo^ H. Chittenden Makes Discovery of Skeleton of a Prehistoric Man
Berkeley Office San Francisco Call, 214S Center Street, Dec. 30. Captain Newton H. Chlttenden, the explorer and lecturer, has proved the theory that he has held for some time that this neighborhood was formerly the home c-f giants by finding the bones of one of the species. Captain Chittenden refuses to reveal the burial ground of this prehistoric man. but admits't^hat it is somewhere In one of the old Indian mounds of West Berkeley. The bones found by Captain Chittenden make almost a-complete skeleton, the missine parts being a number of the vertebrae. The thigh bones are large and, measured by present day standards, indicate that the owner of them must have been a man at least eight feet high. Half the skull Is gone, but the half that remains shows that the head must have contained about twice as many brains as that of the modern man. This skull is like one found several years ago in West Berkeley when excavations were being made for the foundation of a building. "I have no doubt," said Captain Chittenden, "that ages ago giants roamed around this country. This man was no monstrosity, such as we occasionally have nowadays, but a perfectly formed "man and possessed of great intellectual powers. I intend to continue my investigations in the hope of finding more cf the bones of our ancestors." Captain Chittenden will present the skeleton to the Berkeley High School.

San Francisco Call, Volume 104, number 39, 9 July 1908

Remains of Giant Race Are Found Near Santa Monica Beach SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE CALL LOS ANGELES, July 8— Fourteen skeletons. of giant Indians, supposed. to have roved this section centuries ago, have Just been dug from the, sands of the beach on the Malibu ranch just north of Santa Monica. The smallest skeleton indicates a stature of seven feet, while several of the Indians must have been. at least eight feet tall. The discovery was made by three Santa Monica men camping at the mouth of- Malibu canyon. The skulls, teeth-and-.bones are in an excellent state of preservation. Many relics of an extinct race have . been found in the same locality, but no skeletons of such size ever before have been unearthed.

San Francisco Call, volume 87, number 51, 20 January 1902 

From New Mexico Comes Wondrous Story of a Skeleton.
Special Dispatch to The Call.

EAST LAS VEGAS. N. M.. Jan. 19.— An archaeological find has been made on the Mesa Rica, near Chapento, this county. It is the skeleton of a prehistoric man. Legend has it that the vicinity of the Chapeinro and the Mesa. Rica was peopled by a race of giants centuries ago. Evidence to substantiate this tradition was found on the ranch of Don Luciano Quintano. Five men,- several days ago, began to excavate at a place marked by two pieces of rough hewn white building stone about fifteen- feet; apart. They had dug about five feet between the stones when skeleton was unearthed; The bones are well preserved. The "giant's ' chest measurement could have been no less than, eight, feet. The lower jawbone is all that' remains of the head. It is a massive ' piece and in it is a huge tooth.. The forearm measured three feet and the length 'of the arm must have been about six feet. The skeleton will be sent to. the Archaeological Society at Santa Fe.


I have only shared such a very minuscule amount of 
reports.  These are just ones from the 1800s/early 1900s and not even but a small portion for the State of California's archives. The point in all this is that repeatedly the same characteristics are reported. These are not random tall people with acromegaly, but a culture of people who were not Homo sapiens, they were "other" and apparently "original." 

Friday, January 30, 2015

Just How Tall Were Those Giants?

Take your hand and hold your jaw as if you're saying "hmmm" and thinking.  Now, imagine another jaw that is so big it easily surroundings it.. Hold your hands a couple inches away from you jaw. Now you're getting the picture. Take it further. Imagine an entire skull fits over your entire head like a water bucket. And that's just the inside size of their skull. Now, we're talking ancient giant size!

Ancient red-haired giant jaw (above)
Human jaw mold within (above)
Notice the mental foramen (holes) near the first molars on the front of the giant's jaw? The magical "Otamid" type of skull with sloped head and extra bone in the back called an os inca that created a pointed looking back of the head.  

Did ancient people bind their heads to look like the giants? 
I would swear that I'm right about that!

 (The talented, Joe Taylor, Director of Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum sculpted this accurately sized bone to show a femur would have been like 1950s finds in Turkey. The skeleton had 20-22 inch long feet, 14-16 feet tall.)

Check out this posting:  In 1911 bat guano harvesters started working in this same cave. After digging out four feet of guano they found many broken arrows that the Indians had fired into the cave as well as other interesting artifacts, and they found red-haired giants. Even in the shrunken mummified condition the skeletons ranged in height from 8 feet to just under 12 feet.

The Review-Miner June 19, 1931 reported the find of two giant skeletons in the Humboldt lake bed. Both skeletons were wrapped in a gum treated fabric. The first skeleton was 8 and one half feet tall, the second was just under 10 feet tall.

Check out this link for the picture above that says - 
  • The height of Goliath varies between the various witnesses (manuscripts) to 1 Samuel 17.4 - between 4 1/2 and 6 1/2 cubits (even coming in at 5 1/2 cubits in one witness).
  • Deuteronomy 3.11 only offers us the length of King Og’s coffin (which, due to uncertainty in translation, could possibly alternatively refer to his bed). So, we might expect that the giant lying inside the coffin is about a cubit shorter than the 9-cubit coffin itself, or 8 cubits.
  • There was no standard measure for a cubit (the measure of a forearm) or a span (the measure of a spread hand width). So, (the author of the post) has estimated that 1 cubit = 45 cm, and that a span is half that.

Check this link out about a find in Alaska - Five skeletons, nearly complete, were exhumed and each is the set of bones that belonged to a giant of prehistoric times. One of the skeletons measures over seven feet in length, so that the man must have been considerably over that height. Then there were two others of within an/Inch of seven feet and the remaining two “were more than six feet in length and the men were of gigantic frame."

Check out this interesting source of descriptions - When Hernando De Soto reached the territory of the Apalachee around Tallahassee, he recorded meeting a giant Indian chief whom he described as "a man of monstrous proportions." At the same time as De Soto, across the continent near present day California/Arizona, Francisco Coronado was leading a team to search for the legendary beautiful "Seven Cities of Cibola," and ran into several tribes of giants. Pedro de Castaneda, one of Coronado's team members later wrote a complete history of the expedition mentioning their meetings with giant Indians. In one such passage he wrote of their encounter with the Seri Indian tribe: "Don Rodrigo Maldonado, who was captain of those who went in search of the ships, did not find them, but he brought back with him an Indian so large and tall that the best man in the army reached only to his chest. It was said that other Indians were even taller on the coast."  (**Were indians taller on the coast because this is where the giants landed and bred with locals? We find this in Florida and Texas with taller than usual Native People as well as the `Patagonian Giants' at the tip of Cape Horn. Seems those who are on the coast faced the newcomers by boat.**)

(Tibia - shin bone- from the giant uncovered and a regular sized human in Rome)

At 6ft 8in tall, he would have been easily eligible to compete amongst those giants of sport in the U.S. basketball leagues today.  In third-century AD Rome, where men averaged only about 5ft 6in, he would have been a giant the likes of which most people had never seen.  It's no legend - archaeologists believe have discovered the first complete ancient skeleton of a person with gigantism near the capital of the ancient empire.

 (Corezze Skull from France was identical to Neanderthal, but enormous in size)

(Spy Skulls found in the late 1800s in a cave in Belgium - enormous and with Neanderthal features)

(For a 60 pound hammer to work, it would have a 9 foot long handle)

Source:  A very interesting find in North Wales - the Great Orme Copper Mines.  These mines that date back 3500 years were the site of an interesting find of 2500 hammers, but the size of these hammers were 60 pounds as compared to 20 pound sledge hammers of today. It is believed the people (proportionally) who swung these in the copper mines were 12-18 feet tall!  In perspective, the average height of a home ceiling is 8 feet. 

(Some of the tools from the Great Orme Mines)

Where there was copper and water - there were giants! 

Phoenician Origins of Britons and Scots, 1925

And it was presumably early pioneer stragglers of this same Nordic race at the end of the Old Stone Age who are represented by the "Red Man" of Paviland Cave, in the Gower peninsula of Wales, of the mammoth age, and the "Kneiss Chief " in the stone cist at Keiss (Kassi?) in Caithness. Both of these are interred with rude stone weapons, and are of the superior and artistic Cro-Magnon type of early men, which seems to have been the proto-Nordic or proto-Aryan. Indeed, the associate of the Keiss chief had a cranium described by Huxley: The Keiss chief is described by Laing as "tall man of very massive proportions", lying extended with face to the East. Huxley found his cranial index was 76, with projecting eyebrow ridges which gave the forehead a "receding" aspect and the forehead "low and narrow." 

Source:  This mummified finger came into the possession of a researcher who met a man who might have been a questionable grave robber who allowed him to photograph it. It is 15 inches long which correlates with a 16 foot tall human. 


Another perspective - this is what it would be like to stand near a giant. Humbling, huh? 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Project To Prove Afterlife

THE AFTERLIFE FILES is a TV docu-series that will feature a cast of opposites -- dogged paranormal investigators, mainstream scientists, families mourning lost loved ones and others -- collaborating on the greatest feat of scientific detective work ever undertaken. Picking up on leads generated by recent cutting-edge research, they will seek nothing less than an answer to the most fundamental question of the human condition:

Do we survive death with our personalities intact, and if so, can hard science prove it?

And, depending on how the pilot and twelve half-hour episodes of this series unfold, the world could be transformed.

Have we got your attention?

“World Death Rate Holding Steady at 100 Percent.”

When the satirical newspaper The Onion ran this headline, it captured two universal qualities of the human condition:

All of us, and every person we know and love, are going to die.

Being human, we each have our own way of dealing with the grim reality that our lives will end.

Some of us, like the editors at The Onion or Woody Allen (in his early, funny movies) use humor to deal with death. Others take comfort in religious belief, or simply push the thought of death aside for another day.

But whether you approach it with humor, faith or forgetfulness, one fact remains: Death is the one unchangeable reality that every one of us has in common. It binds us together. And all of us – even the faithful and true disbelievers – wonder what’s really going to happen to us when we die.


There’s an alleged “paranormal” phenomenon that people have been talking about for years – and chances are you’ve seen it depicted on the news, in movies or on TV shows about ghost-hunters. It’s called the Electronic Voice Phenomena, or “EVP.” It refers to recordings that people have captured that many believe contain the voices or images of people that have died -- in other words, electronic evidence of an afterlife.

Proponents of EVP claim they get these paranormal recordings by following a straightforward procedure. The simplest method involves running a voice recorder in quiet surroundings for two to three minutes. Then, they'll play back the recordings through a computer to see if they've received sounds that weren't heard when the equipment was being run.

Sometimes, these EVP investigators say, their recordings contain the voices of deceased loved ones that call out to them by name and refer to recent events. Researchers working in so-called haunted locations have reported EVPs that make statements or respond to specific questions.


People involved in EVP research stand apart from those of us who may be casually interested in “psychic phenomena.” Most started out as complete skeptics. So they're not willing to just take the word of mediums who claim they can talk with the dead, or even the Bible or religious teachings.

Yet, some of these investigators have come to believe that EVP is objective evidence that our personalities live on in another dimension after physical death.

In fact, some have claimed we’re on the verge of establishing a regular communication channel between dimensions – even though, as in the early days of radio, the technology we're using is at a primitive stage of development.


The science. The science. The science. And the people.

The beauty of EVP, if there's anything to it, is that it could be concrete evidence of life after death. You don't have to take the word of a medium who's telling you what he or she is hearing from the "Other Side" at a séance.

It’s a direct observation -- as straightforward as measuring an electric charge, or observing a blood cell through a microscope.

Now, if you had direct evidence that we somehow survive physical death with our personalities intact, you’d think that would be pretty big news, right? After all, it would mean that the biggest mystery of the human condition would be solved.

So why haven’t we seen weeks of breathless, back-to-back coverage of this story on CNN, Fox and the web?

Up to this point, EVP has been the province of well-meaning amateurs, those fun ghost hunting shows on cable TV, or the occasional scientific professional who doesn't have the funding to mount a truly convincing study. No one has yet tested the claims of EVP proponents underabsolutely impregnable, controlled conditions that would convince even the most die-hard skeptic or cynic.

Until now.


Well, if you insist. We’re seeking Kickstarter backing to conduct the most rigorous, far-reaching investigation of EVP ever attempted – and to film every step along the way. The support we get from our backers will be used to fund two components: The Investigation and the Show.

The Afterlife Files is running a Kickstarter - let's make this show happen!

Native Legends Provide the Origins of Sasquatch!

Let us begin this voyage into the subject matter of Sasquatch and the Native legends by talking about the ancient giants whose remains have been found around the world.

Why would the government want to put the ancient giants underground and forgotten by not recognizing them, perhaps working to hide the evidence?

If you consider America in the latter half of the 1800s and early 1900s, Christian agenda was important to uphold and any evidence to disprove the Bible would be shunned. Not only that, but it would validate Native American legends that incorporate their encounters with the giants, making their beliefs justifiable and valid, not "heathen nonsense." Then, there's the whole popular Darwin Theory backing of the time and "science" as the new force driving politics and culture. How would they possibly explain a giant civilization of other beings when man was supposed to have superbly and singularly evolved from primates as the soul "intelligent" winner?

The concept that these beings interacted with Natives is probably beyond the thinking of the times. If even one Native legend has truth (Paiutes and red-haired giants, for example), then the Natives' faith was based on truth and their record-keeping was meticulous. That would make them on "even ground" intellectually with the Europeans arriving in elaborate boats with guns and books and other "modern devices." They were not a superstitious heathen bunch as was assumed by the arrogant newcomers, but a cautious people who lived alongside beings with exceptional skills and ruthless carnivorous tendencies. The Native People had this isolated relationship with the Tall Ones and the newcomers had not learned from the past as their people had. These Native People were keenly more aware of the country and its history.

The Paiute Tribe - a classic example of a humble tribe giving detailed legends of their origins and their trials and victories in which the stories prove over time their accuracy in history keeping.

Numa Titucca - "Man Eaters" were described in their legends. A tribe of unknown origins that was very tall, with red hair all over their bodies, and carnivorous cannibals. This horrifying tribe of tall cannibals came from somewhere in the California territory, as best as could be assumed, and came into the lands of the Paiute around Lake Lohantan. The Paiutes fought them off, finally trapping the last Man Eaters (who had constructed a reed boat and were living on the lake) inside of a cave where they burned the last of them and won the war with these outsiders.

Who were these red-haired giants? They were a people who likely fled a Mt. Shasta eruption. In the day, Pyramid Lake and Lake Lohantan were joined. The journey would likely be water, these giants all over the world being water-oriented from their first launch into the South Pacific and onward to Peru's coast.

In the early 1900s, guano farmers found these giants' remains inside Lovelock Cave, verifying the legends so meticulously carried by the proud Paiute people.

In the journal, Noticias de Nutka: An Account of Nutka Sound in 1792, there was reference to what locals reported by Natives of the Pacific Coast of America. Reportedly, the creature encountered by the Natives was referred to as Matlog. They were reported to be massively large, covered in black bristly hair, strong fangs, upright, and creating a loud screech. 

(Lenni-Lenape legend) The Mississippi River Valley was lush and fertile, and was looked upon by the Lenni-Lenape as a good place to establish a permanent settlement. They followed it downstream to its junction with the Missouri River where they came face to face with the mighty *Talega; The Moundbuilders. Highly sophisticated and intellectual, the center of Talega land was the walled city of Cahokia located near our present East St. Louis. Cahokia was the commercial, political and religious center of the Moundbuilder culture, and has been described as “a cross between New York, Washington, D.C. and the Vatican”.

A message was sent to the Talega leader asking permission for the Lenni-Lenape to settle in their area as friends and allies. Permission for a settlement was denied, but safe passage across their territory was granted. A peaceful crossing was begun, but trouble soon reared its head. Over the generations, the numbers of the Lenni-Lenape had swelled greatly. When the Talega leader saw the thousands of people preparing to cross his land, he panicked. Fearing an invasion, the Talega warriors were ordered to attack, killing those who had already crossed the river. Enraged by this deception, the Lenni-Lenape swore to “Conquer or die”, and called upon the Iroquois (with whom they had established a strong bond) for help. Help was granted.

What followed has been described as one of the largest wars ever fought on the ancient continent. One stronghold, called Fort Ancient, had pallisaded walls 13 feet high and 5 miles long, and could shelter 10,000 people. The war raged over the lifetimes of 4 Lenni-Lenape chiefs before they were finally victorious, driving the Talegas south forever (down the Mississippi by accounts). The Natchez are the descendants of the final remnants of the defeated Talega.

(*Talega tribe have been referred to as giants from the "Hopewell" mounds)

Interestingly, one of the most active regions Bigfoot regions of America is down the Mississippi.

Left - where giant remains were found
Right - Bigfoot sighting reports

California tribes speak of the "Hairy Man" depicted on this ancient stone drawing - 

The Yokuts call him "Hairy Man," a being standing upright, arms out wide, long hair, and large haunting eyes. The hairy man painting is 8-1/2 feet tall. 

In the book, "Myths and Legends of Washington," Lynn E. Bragg wrote about the Cascade and coastal tribes describing what sounded like ape-like beings who lived in the caves within the Cascades. 

Source:  Sharp-Elbows is a malevolent humanoid monster of the Chiwere and Winnebago tribes. He resembles a human but with long bone spikes protruding from his elbows, which he uses to stab people to death. In some stories he also has a second face on the back of his head, like the Sioux Doubleface. In some stories Two-Face is a predator who eats humans, but in most he is an evil being who kills simply for the sake of killing, frequently targeting women and children.


The sad thing is that Native stories were brushed off as spiritual nonsense or cautionary tales for the young and superstition. But, the Native People revered the land and nature and reported of the places they lived upon, the crops, the seasons, and the animals they encountered quite vividly. 

My hat is off to North American tribes that kept meticulous records that Europeans tried to belittle and defame. My advice is to look to Native legends. These caretakers of the Americas know it and pass it on with great reverence and responsibility. They have the only original history of our country, not the pasteurized one by the Europeans. 

More info:

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Effigy Mounds and Geoglyphs: Key To Giant Culture?

Intaglio - Blythe, California
(state filled with giant finds and giant legends)

Serpent Mound, Ohio
(moundbuilders of curious background)

Atacama Giant - Chile
(mining region with tales of giants)

Chalk Horse - England
(mining in Wales by beings with enormous weighty axes, Stonehenge, legends of giants)

Nazca Peru
(elongated skulls and numerous legends of giants by Native People)

The Uffington Horse, UK 
1000 BC 
This location gets even more mysterious when you consider that to keep the chalk exposed, people had to clear it off at least every 150 years for 3000 years!

All over the state of Wisconsin, animal effigy mounds can be found. Wisconsin was also a state in which copper mining occurred long, long ago and which the Native People claim they were not miners, but the tall white people from the North were established in mining there when the Native People came to the region. These animal effigies were believed to be created somewhere between 800 BC and 1200 AD.  

In more and more discrepancies in explaining the unexplainable, the researchers claim the Ho-Chunk people were likely the builders of the mounds, but other reports say "Current elders suggest that their pre-history is connected to the mound builders of the region of the Hopewell period."(not, however, saying THEY were the moundbuilders). Considering the hunter-gatherer nature of the early Ho-Chunk, it would seem rather extravagant to apply moundbuilding and animal effigies with their culture. This is yet another one of those gaping holes in the explanation of the Hopewell/mound-building era.

Wikipedia perhaps has the most telling explanation of effigy mounds:  After the discovery of effigy mounds, and other mounds all over the country, wild theories began to be developed as to how and by whom they were built. The first theories were the most accurate; people in the late 17th century assumed that the mounds had been built by the Native American people who still lived in the vicinity. These logical assumptions lost popularity as more fantastic theories were developed. The most popular of these theories in the 19th century was that an extinct race of Mound Builder people had built the mounds and then vanished. This theory was laid to rest by archaeologists at the Smithsonian Institution in the 1880s.

That last sentence did crack me up, I must admit! Oh, well, if the Smithsonian in the heyday of its ethnology nonsense put it to rest, there was absolutely no political provocation, that's just stating fact (*wink*).

Here's the two issues with archaeology (among others): There is a tendency to assume anything in an area that is ancient belongs to the culture of the Native People who were living there. That is a ridiculous notion, given the time periods the Native People moved into regions and the very vagrant nature of their people to move on to better lands, as well as their history in that area and how far back it reached. Many tribes have gone missing, such as the Anasazi, HoHoKam and Sinagua and very ancient paleo-indian tribes very likely had nothing to do with latter Natives who moved into the region. Another issue is, there is also a tendency to explain everything as religious musings when they can't understand what something is or why it was done that way.  Just because these geoglyphs and effigies were gigantic and seen from above does not mean that they were for the gods to see or some sort of religious expression. There might have been very practical reasons for marking a territory. In fact, it might help to look UNDER some of these geoglyphs.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Ancient Metal Plating: Earmark of the Giants?

From the book "Aboriginal Monuments of the State of New York" by EG Squier. 

Page 188:  Engravings of the silver-plated discs and also of the embossed silver plate supposed by Dr. Hildreth to have been a sword ornament, are herewith presented. These articles hae been critically examined and it is beyond doubt that the copper "bosses" are absolutely plated, not simply overlaid, with silver. Between the copper and the silver exists a connection, such as, it seems to me, could only be produced by heat; and if it is admitted that these are genuine remains of the mound-builders, it must, as the same time, be admitted that they possessed the difficult art of plating one metal upon another. There is, but one alternative, that they had occasional or constant intercourse with a people advanced in the arts, from whom these articles were obtained. 

Studying ancient objects from 2000 years ago, researchers found..."They discovered that gold- and silversmiths 2,000 years ago developed a variety of techniques, including using mercury like a glue to apply thin films of metals to statues and other objects. Sometimes, the technology was used to apply real gold and silver. It also was used fraudulently, to make cheap metal statues that look like solid gold or silver. The scientists say that their findings confirm “the high level of competence reached by the artists and craftsmen of these ancient periods who produced objects of an artistic quality that could not be bettered in ancient times and has not yet been reached in modern ones.”

Source:  The oldest archaeological evidence of copper mining and working was the discovery of a copper pendant in northern Iraq from 8,700 BC. The earliest substantiated and dated evidence of metalworking in North America was the processing of copper in Wisconsin, near Lake Michigan. Copper was hammered until brittle then heated so it could be worked some more. This technology is dated to about 4000-5000 BC. The oldest gold artifacts in the world come from the Bulgarian Varna Necropolis and date from 4450 BC.

The Bronze age was based on the making of bronze, the main ingredient being copper - Europe had a “Bronze Age”, archaeologists have accepted that much more copper was used than what they have been able to attribute to European mines. So where did an extremely large part of the copper come from? The answer, as bizarre as it may sound, could be America. 

In the State of Michigan, the largest mine was on Isle Royale, an island in Lake Superior, near the Canadian border. Here, there are thousands of prehistoric copper pits, dug thousands of years ago by ancient peoples unknown. The Minong Belt on Isle Royale has a distance of one and three quarter miles in length and is nearly four hundred feet wide. The copper pits range ten tot thirty feet deep with connecting tunnels; one archaeologist estimated that their digging would take the equivalent of 10,000 men working for 1000 years.

The Menomonie Indians of North Wisconsin possess a legend that speaks about the ancient mines. They described the mines as being worked by “light skinned men”, who were able to identify the mines by throwing magical stones on the ground, which made the ores that contained copper ring like a bell. This practice closely resembles a similar practice that was used in Europe during the Bronze Age. Bronze with a high concentration of tin indeed resonates when a stone is thrown against it. The legend might have confused the start of the process with the result of the process. Even so, S.A. Barnett, the first archaeologist who studied Aztalan, a site near the mines, believed that the miners originated from Europe. His conclusion was largely based on the type of tools that had been used, tools which were not used by the local people.


In our modern day attempts to recreate some of the sophisticated ancient metal working, we seem to have lost a certain knowledge these originators had. Sure, we eventually learned to mine and make metals from this original race, but we did not know some of their more amazing techniques. We were learning how to dance by watching someone dance on a stage and then went home to try some of the things we recalled from the show. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Ecuadorian Legends and Uncovered Evidence of Giants

Source: According to the 16th-century writings of Pedro de Cieza de Leon, the ancient Mantamanian Indians, also called Manta Indians, one of the three indigenous tribes along the coastal area of Ecuador, north of the Bay of Guayaquil, were said to have Egyptian characteristics, and they called the area where the “giants” landed “Jocay,” meaning "golden doors," as it has always been a port and center for trade since the first men appeared. The Manta Indians claimed they received from their ancestors of very remote times, the following legend: 

(300 BC figurine from Ecuador) 

“Ages ago, at Point Santa Elena, a barren peninsula on the north side of the Bay of Guayaquil, Ecuador, there arrived on the coast giants “of such size” that an ordinary man was only as tall as their kneecaps. They had long hair and eyes as large as small plates, and they were covered in skins. This colony of giants put great pressure on the region’s resources, consuming “more meat than fifty of the natives of the country could.” All the giants were destroyed at one time by God, with only bones, skulls, and teeth remaining.

Note: This is very interesting, as the Peruvians have a similar legend of giants coming ashore, wreaking havoc, eating the locals, and God striking them down with a flash of light.

Source:  According to a press clipping, dated Nayarit, Mexico, May 14, 1926, Capts. D. W. Page and F. W. Devalda discovered the bones of a race of giants who
averaged over ten feet in height. Local legends state that they came from Ecuador. Nothing more has been heard of this, but that is not surprising; the word "giant" will flutter the feathers of any scientist into rapid flight, metaphorically speaking, in the opposite direction. So also with a report from the Washington Post, June 22, 1925, and the New York Herald-Tribune, June 21, 1925. A mining party, it is reported, found skeletons measuring 10 to 12 feet, with feet 18 to 20 inches long, near Sisoguiche, Mexico. The Los Angeles Times, October 2, 1927, says that explorers in Mexico located large human bones near Tapextla, indicating a race of "gigantic size." All this, if unfounded, would be straining
coincidence or imagination pretty far.

Source:  According to a press clipping, dated Nayarit, Mexico, May 14, 1926, Capts. D. W. Page and F. W. Devalda discovered the bones of a race of giants who averaged over ten feet in height. Local legends state that they came from Ecuador. Nothing more has been heard of this, but that is not surprising; the word "giant" will flutter the feathers of any scientist into rapid flight, metaphorically speaking, in the opposite direction. So also with a report from the Washington Post, June 22, 1925, and the New York Herald-Tribune, June 21, 1925. A mining party, it is reported, found skeletons measuring 10 to 12 feet, with feet 18 to 20 inches long, near Sisoguiche, Mexico. The Los Angeles Times, October 2, 1927, says that explorers in Mexico located large human bones near Tapextla, indicating a race of "gigantic size." All this, if unfounded, would be straining coincidence or imagination pretty far. Press accounts say that the skeleton of a gigantic man, with head missing, has been unearthed at El Boquin, on the Mico River, in the Chontales district. The ribs are a yard long and four inches wide and the shin bone is too heavy for one man to carry. "Chontales" is an Indian word, meaning "wild men."

Source:  In 2013 in the Ecuadorian jungle, they discovered a megalithic ancient city of pyramids. "We are personally aware of legends in that area that pertain to giant humans and their lost cities, in fact bones of giant people have been found in caves in the area – as well as in other parts of Ecuador. This particular region was said to be a great meeting place of the tribes, in fact tribes from as far away as Brazil travelled to this location due to beliefs about its long standing importance and strong energetic vibration. The discovery of this pyramid complex establishes the fact from the supposed fiction, this really is a place of the ancient giants and their cities. What remains to be seen is how big the complex area really is. The logical deduction is that roads or paths going out from this urbanisation would likely lead to other cities of the same civilization deeper into the jungle. The team has so far identified several large hills near to the structure, each of equal size that may be covered structures. The reasonable and logical working assumption is that each of these hills is a pyramid yet to be uncovered. This would make it a very significant sized city and pyramid complex."

One of the large tools from the site


Peru and Ecuador both have legends of the giants coming ashore, most likely from their exploits in the South Pacific, Australia, Solomon Islands, and Easter Island. They made landfall to inhabit the Americas, building civilizations there first before trekking on up to North America. It would seem that more and more of their ancient remains will be found under the thick jungle growth for decades to come.

More info: 
Pyramids at La Mana Ecuador

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Era of the Ancient Giants In America

Source:  In the summers of 1992 and 1993, Overstreet and Joyce conducted digs at Schaefer. Within three days, they found what they were looking for. Their discovery was spread across the pages of the Chicago Tribune. "All of a sudden, this poor farmer has people driving through to look at this mammoth," says Overstreet. "... He was very close to throwing us off the property."

As the digging continued, John Hebior, a farmer across the road, walked to the site with something to show the scientists. "Here, this is from my field," and he handed the team more mammoth bones. They returned to the Hebior site in 1994 and discovered that this mammoth also had been butchered, bringing the tally to four known butchering sites in Kenosha County.

The bones found were well preserved and the cut marks were easy to identify. Joyce reasoned this in the fact that, "More than 12,000 years ago, Kenosha County was 30 percent marshes, lakes and rivers. Virtually all the animals found were associated with water in some way. Because marshes allow very little oxygen to penetrate the soil, the layers of sediment that can preserve animals and plants remain much longer." Joyce and Overstreet were able to take spruce twigs from the Kenosha sites that were more than 12,000 years old, cut them open and look at the wood inside; they looked as if they had fallen from the tree just days ago.

To analyze the markings on the bones, Overstreet and Joyce called in expert Eileen Johnson, curator of anthropology at Texas Tech University. Johnson concluded that two different human tools were used to butcher the prehistoric animals, one for cutting and the other for shaving the meat from the bone.

From the Kenosha sites, Overstreet and Joyce were able to extract collagen material directly from the bones and distill it to the amino acids that could only come from the bones. Using the latest form of radiocarbon dating - accelerator mass spectrometry - they measured consistent dates that are accurate within 40 years, far more accurate than the earlier radiocarbon dating a decade or two before. Radiocarbon dating of mammoth bones from the Schaefer dig indicated the site went back 12,500 years. But radiocarbon dating of one bone from the Mud Lake site went back even farther, to 13,500, which was more than 2,000 years before Clovis and the theoretical Bering crossing.

According to Overstreet, the number of human remains in the Americas, dating back 9,000 years or longer can be counted on one hand. 

The era of the ancient giants in America take us back tens of thousands of years ago and more and more site are being found that push dates of humans in America back more and more. The question becomes, how do we segregate what was giants and what was Amerind people? Even today, the Native People are handed over ancient finds in America that involve human remains, assuming that these tribes, who shifted territories and many who were here not that long ago, are somehow related. Some cases are blatantly unfair to make an assumption today's tribes have any relation to these people. 

Discovered in Paisley Caves in Oregon were stemmed points and human excrement of ancient origin. What they found, however, was something puzzling that, once again, leads back to the concept that there was another culture here when Homo sapiens from Asia arrived in the Americas long ago. 

Source:  "From our dating, it appears to be impossible to derive Western Stemmed points from a proto- Clovis tradition," Jenkins said. "It suggests that we may have here in the Western United States a tradition that is at least as old as Clovis, and quite possibly older. We seem to have two different traditions co-existing in the United States that did not blend for a period of hundreds of years."

Regarding the oldest known burial in America, once again I hear the interesting use of the word "human" which is entirely unnecessary to say. (I have previously seen another researcher mention human repeatedly when comparing "second migration" to America versus the "unknown species" that was first migration).

The skeleton of the Clovis child—which experts determined belonged to a young boy about one to one-and-a-half years old—was discovered in 1968 in the Anzick burial site in western Montana. Dozens of ochre-covered stone tools found at the site were consistent with Clovis technology, and radiocarbon dating revealed that the skeleton was approximately 12,600 years old.

The Anzick skeleton "is the oldest burial in North America, and the only known human burial associated with the Clovis culture," Waters said.

In Fallon, Nevada in 1940, in a cave called Spirit Cave, a husband and wife archaeological team discovered the oldest mummy in America. They were wrapped in tule fabric. The relics found with them were put on display at the Nevada State fair, but then stored away in a facility from viewing eyes for over 50 years now. The mummies were said to be 9400 years old by radiocarbon mass spectrometry. 
Regarding a find of a skull at Spirit Cave in Nevada, it was handed over to the Paiutes, even though they readily admitted that it pre-dated them. There have been legal issues back and forth. 

The BLM (Bureau of Land Management) wrote up a paper about why they believe the Pauite-Shoshone Tribe should not have the remains: Based on a review of the evidence from the tribe, as well as the evidence gathered from other sources, the BLM has concluded that the preponderance of the available evidence demonstrates that the human remains from Spirit Cave are appropriately considered to be unaffiliated with the Northern Paiute, i.e., the remains predate contemporary Northern Paiute tribes and cannot reasonably be culturally affiliated with any of them. Thus, the BLM has determined that the
remains from Spirit Cave are unaffiliated with any modern individual, tribe, or other group and
are therefore culturally unidentified.

Source:  Interestingly, D.Gentry Steele's (Dept of Anthropology, Texas A and M) analysis said the skull was consistent with other earlier American occupants, but not modern Indians (vague about these other earlier Americans, but it's obvious the scientific community is extremely aware of them and afraid to say that the Amerind people are second migration). And MORE tantalizing, he added, "the grave associations tied to the ancient dates do not show any demonstrable relationships to the historic material culture of any living Native far as the scientific data reveal so far, there are no direct descendants of the early Americans living today."

The mummy found in Spirit Cave dated at 9270 BC and the Paiute arrived around 1000 AD. 

Glyphs: ("National Geographic" link) The carbonate ages, combined with an analysis of sediment cores taken from neighboring Pyramid Lake, suggest that the boulders were exposed to air—and thus accessible for carving by humans—between about 14,800 to 13,100 years ago, and again from about 11,300 to 10,500 years ago. In between the two time periods, the boulders were submerged, the scientists say. Scientists say they have found genetic evidence that a first wave of migrants (*interestingly chosen term "migrants") crossed into the Americas from Asia about 15,000 to 18,000 years ago by slowly creeping down the continent's coasts. A few thousand years later, according to the study, a second wave of humans (*now they differentiate with the term "humans") entered North America, this time by slipping across the Bering Strait into Alaska and then crossing through an ice-free corridor into Canada.

Another great example of the varied people living in America comes from the bog people of Windover, Florida. As many as 168 burials were found of ancient origin in peat bogs in Florida. Amazingly, half of these skeletal remains had brain matter still within, giving us a window into these mysterious people dating back 7000 to 8000 years ago.

The skull was immediately European-like; long, narrow, very constricted behind eyes with a very prominent nose. I immediately got the impression I was dealing with a European—probably an early Kennewick pioneer. I had no idea where this story was going at that point. The skull, the bridge of the nose is very prominent, the skull very narrow, recedes to the back—the kind I had only seen among the people of western Eurasia. Very long limbs, his lower limb segments quite long compared to the upper; and American Indians tend to be quite the opposite. They’re short limbed. We’ve got this paradox—Stone-Age object in European man [sic], after the carbon dating reports were in.

On studying the DNA -Since the haplogroup frequency distribution of the prehistoric Windover population is unlike that of any known surviving or prehistoric group, they may represent the only demonstrated instance of the recent extinction of a group of Native Americans with no close surviving relatives.”  In fact, the DNA had European characteristics. 


It would appear that there were people from all over in America who may have had no relationship. The Yaghan people of the remote Cape Horn tip of Argentina were found to have a different origin than other American tribes. We can make no assumptions that ancient people here were related, but that many types of ancients lived in the Americas.

It shouldn't be any wonder that this melting pot has always been such. The first innovative people to trek to this region did so with great bravery. Were the European-like people of the Florida bogs evidence of European people going across the straits with the Asians who would become the Native American tribes, or were they brought here as slaves by a giant people? No matter how we look at this mystery of ancient remains in America, we must come to the conclusion that the lands have been claimed by many for many eras and not necessarily genetically associated.