Sunday, August 31, 2014

Patterson Full-Length Film: Priceless

Lots of people don't believe this is authentic, but thanks to the work of astrophotograper and film/video expert, MK Davis, the first to stabilize the actual film and elucidate great details with amazing clarity, it's hard to refute the reality of this film, the proportions and details.

What is questionable is what happened to the beginning of the reel of film and the ending. On an interview for Monsterquest, Bob Gimlin said that Roger Patterson ran out of film while filming Patty. That's all well and good, but Patterson didn't start filming her at the end of a roll. What was at the beginning? And, why don't we see the actual film roll end? Why cut it neatly at the beginning at the bolting of the horse when surely the camera was on before it bolted? Every frame of Patty that was captured was a precious moment in time, including before and after she was on film. 

This is part of what has made the legitimacy of the film questionable all these decades. When people put reported Bigfoot video up on YouTube and it is edited to just the moment they saw it to the moment it disappeared, we are left with a greater question -- what was edited out? 

If the film is authentic, then the entire full length should have been given to the public to see that they had not edited out many "takes" of the same scene, or comings and goings of an actor in a costume. 

Whoever might possess this full-length film is sitting on the one piece of evidence that could either add legitimacy to the event, shed light on how it all went down, or expose a hoax. 

But wouldn't the public be angry at someone who withheld the film all these years?  

Let's consider a similar situation - a person who comes forward decades after a UFO incident and reports that they worked for the government and were not supposed to talk about it. They say they felt threatened or their families were threatened. We don't get angry at them, we are relieved that someone was brave enough to come forward finally. And, consequently, the government can hardly go after them or their families now that they are in the public arena. 

The truth will come out by one of the people or their heirs and that will leave a deceased person not able to defend his reasoning. It will also leave us to continue to battle over the legitimacy of the film.

I cannot imagine how priceless this film is in its entirety - the whole roll without splicing. How much would you pay to own a copy of a certified and verified DVD made from the unedited and unspliced film from that fateful journey into the Northern California woods in 1967?

Yup. That's one priceless DVD!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

How To Make a Haunted Mirror

(Eleanor, Edward and Emily)

I wanted to create a mirror that had an image that looked ghostly looking back, but honestly every adult image I found was rather boring, even old Victorian Era pictures, so I came across a photo of three Victorian kids that unsettled me.  That made me think about the black-eyed children phenomena, and I realized - wow, this would really unsettle! 

I put it in photoshop and did a crackled aging effect and then took and did a stamp of the dark area on the boy's bow and stamped their eyes out.

I bought a large glass framed ugly picture at a secondhand store. It was like 25 dollars and 30 inches by 40. I removed the ugly picture. 

I printed out the kids on regular printer paper in black and white and cut out their outlines. Taking Mod Podge glue (or you can do Elmers and water combined for decoupage mix), I glued the kiddies to the bottom of the mirror, face against the glass. I wanted to hang the mirror at a height that made them appear as if they were peering into a window at about their height. After gluing them down with the mod podge, I let them dry. 

Once the kiddies were dry, I took a wrung out wet dish towel and dabbed the edges of their photos to make them moist, but not soaking wet. I began to use my finger to roll away layers of the paper, leaving the bottom layer of paper against the glass. Now, they were "sheer" around the edges. I had to redo one of the kids when I accidentally wet her too much and her eye came off. Instead, I just concentrated on making sheer the hair and outline and leaving the face mostly intact so I wouldn't ruin it. You can play with this and see how well you can remove layers of paper without going to the glass. Let them dry. 

For this large project, I used 3 cans of the looking glass spray. I laid the glass down on a drop cloth with their faces facing the ground and on the back side of the glass, I sprayed back and forth, but wanted it to look aged, so sometimes I sprayed some water on the glass and then the paint and other times, concentrated more paint in some areas, less in others. The effect was a very aged looking mirror. I let them dry well.

I painted the frame with black paint, then let dry. I painted with crackle medium, and then let dry. I then painted it ivory and let it crackle naturally.

Time to put the glass back into the frame and hang it up!

Below are my 3 videos showing the phases of making the haunted black-eyed children mirror - 

Friday, August 29, 2014

Most Amazing Cave Photographs Ever!

Caves aren't just dark holes in the ground, they are wonderlands showing a raw geology, caverns, voids, ice, stalagmites, waterfalls, amazing creatures and more. What bits of sunlight enter them, create a view to a pure clean slice of heaven!

What's lurking inside? Let's take a look - 

What does your imagination insert? 

What kinds of movies might inspire the dark side of caves?

Vlog Friday: Dreams

The stages of sleep make for some of the most eventful times of our entire day. I don't care how busy you are awake, when you're asleep, you're putting in double time. 

The phase of first phase of sleep (alpha state) occurs as you are drifting off and when you first wake up are a lot like the feelings of hypnosis, body is afloat, mind is not engaged on analytical thinking, you simply exist. This is a key time for slipping in and out of the body in out of body experiences/astral projection and also visitation from the dead. If awakened in this phase, you may feel like you didn't sleep and your body might also jerk as if you are falling. This lasts perhaps 5-10 minutes.

The second phase of sleep, your muscles contract and relax repeatedly throughout, the heart rate slows, the temperature drops. The body at this point is preparing for deeper sleep, going into almost a hibernation physiology.

The third and fourth stages take you into the deeper realms. Three is deep, but fourth is intensely deep. The brain waves slow and if people are awakened at this time, they will be hard to arouse. We go in and out of REM (rapid eye movement/dream state) for short periods. This occurs about every 90 minutes. During the deepest stages, the body repairs and your immune system strengthens. As we age, we get less of this restorative sleep. 

Thankfully, our bodies go into a paralysis during the deeper stages and so when we do have dream state, we don't act on them, though sometimes these functions are disrupted and hence there is talking and walking, even eating in one's sleep.

If someone tells you they had a weird night's sleep, well, that's more the norm than we realize. Unusual sleep events do happen because of the delicate balance between the sleep phases, environmental interruptions, chemical influences from medications, and exhaustion. 

We also tend to change up the themes on our dreams during the night, to where we left off anxiety and fear, steam and anger in the earlier dreams and work into problem solving in subsequent dreams until morning when we might start having pleasant, happy, hopeful and arousing dreams.

Sleep walking and talking.  When sleep paralysis phase is interrupted, the body can move, both mouth and legs. Some people get up and actually make food and eat while their mind is still in sleep state. There are some people whose transition from sleep states are more ineffective so that they are more prone to talking or walking in sleep. It has also been shown that certain drug effects can alter the sleep state, as in the case of people taking sleeping pills and even driving asleep. 

Out-of-body experiences.  
Out-of-body experiences are described as a sense of leaving your body (like in near-death experiences) and traveling and witnessing things in other locations. I have had these to such a degree that I communicated with someone in another country, in her apartment and then the next day asked her if she saw me there. I described the apartment, how they were speaking, what her fiance looked like who was standing behind her. She was shocked. She had seen me in her apartment and worried that I wouldn't understand her speaking slowly to speak English clearly. I had wondered in the encounter why she was speaking so oddly. We might possibly have OBEs in our sleep more than we know. I have gone places and learned things in my sleep that I couldn't have known, details about people's homes, what they wear to bed, what's on their walls, the books on their shelves.... The only warning I have is a super high vibration in my entire body so that it feels like every cell is fluttering like a million hummingbirds. This occurs upon leaving and reentering.

Encounters with aliens and the dead.
You are most likely to have an alien encounter or a visitation from the dead in the sleep state between stages. Some people report sleep paralysis with this and associate that with the aliens controlling their body, but sleep paralysis with waking encounters are common. I have had them where I open my eyes, see the room, but cannot move my body. That's a part of sleep staging. It's what you seeing during that time that is questionable. If you are still in a dream state, it can appear that you seeing things not there, like the hallucinations of dreams. It's a catch-22 when understanding these encounters. Were they genuine encounters done at this time because the mind is in a state to perceive and not a threat or are they result of dream state interfering on waking state? I can say that two of my encounters with greys in my room, I was moving around, in fact, the first time, I swung my legs over to go to the restroom when I saw one in front of me, I also crawled across the bed to try to touch on. I could have been asleep, but all sense were involved in this encounter including sense of smell and temperature, light and I was up and studying the window's view within seconds. 

Premonition dreams. 
I've had these for decades and they are unsettling. I did learn a commonality - it is a premonition dream if no one in the setting sees or hears me. I'm there as a kind of witness. I have gone down with many airplanes, been hijacked, survived earthquakes and tidal waves. I am not sure why these events can come through 24-48 hours beforehand, but they can and some of us have an uncanny ability to see a dream come true. If the pineal gland truly is the third eye and it is the regulator for our sleep and dream state, there might be a tie-in.

Sleep paralysis.
Paralysis is important in sleep to keep us from hurting ourselves, but sometimes it can be terrifying if you start becoming conscious during it. I've awakened during anesthesia a few times (redheaded complaint) and it is horrifying. In one case of sleep paralysis, I fell asleep on some cushions on the floor watching a movie. My eyes fluttered open and I saw the credits scrolling but I could not move my body. I felt strangely heavy and drugged. My mind felt foggy and weird and I interpreted this as the screen scrolling safe harbors to go to in my neighborhood during the ongoing nuclear attack. I wanted to read where to go, but my eyes weren't clear and I couldn't move and felt drunken. I thought perhaps the radiation had already affected me. It was horrifying. 

Night terrors.
This happens more often to children, but adults can get them too. It can happen when you are overly exhausted and go to bed or taking medications. A shift in the sleep and wake state makes you have a nightmare that you are able to scream, sit up, throw your arms about and fight off an imagined threat and can be very difficult to calm down. 

As you can see, with so many possibilities in the dream state, we seem to have lots of chances for things to go wrong, but also chances for interactions our brains can't perceive in our analytic awake state.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Abandoned Victorian Houses

If you are into Victorians, the abandoned ones are true treasures of creepiness, great bygone days, and for some of us who imagine fixing them up, a real beautiful challenge!

Gourmet: Eat Like a Sasquatch

We utilize farmer's markets to get freshly grown items to enhance our cooking experience, but many chefs find items grown in the wild to be exotic local tastes to add to their dishes. They consider it a natural enhancement, but the woodlands really were the first growing sources for food. 

If you ever worried about Sasquatch's diet, consider this - they live in a wonderland of fab foods! Let's just take some of the things they work with and consider the gourmet properties, medicinal, and nutritional benefits. 

Wild Boar:  (1 pound of raw meat) 544 calories, 262 mg of cholesterol, 96 grams of protein
Deer: (1 pound raw):  336 calories, 80 mg of cholesterol, 96 grams of protein
Catfish:  (1 raw fillet) 215 calories, 75 mg of cholesterol, 25 grams of protein
Fresh water mussels:  (3 ounces) 70 calories, great source of vitamin B12.

Now, let's wonder into the Sasquatch produce aisle, shall we? 

Juniper Berries

Juniper berries grow on juniper shrubs in the wild. Their medicinal properties have been used to alleviate anemia and give stamina, energy, fighting off flus and colds, aches and pains. In general, an anti-inflammatory and energizing effect. They are used to make gin and have that sharp taste, but also can be used to cut through gamey taste in wild meats. Great with game meat, but also in soups, it can be roasted to make a great coffee substitute.  

Sasquatch signs:  If bushes have been freed of their berries, even up high where deer do not reach, this might be a sign of Sasquatch nibbling.


Salmon Rub:  Dried juniper berries crushed in a spice grinder with Earl Grey tea. Sounds wild, huh? Well, a very hip Scandinavian chef understands the bergamot and juniper make an amazing taste when curing the salmon and searing it. 


The unfurled fronds of fern plants, fiddleheads are a gourmet cook's treat. They are harvested very early in the season before the frond unfurls and cut close to the ground.  They are served as a cooked vegetable.  They are kind of like if asparagus met string beans in taste/texture.  They have a short season, so you must harvest in the spring while they are available. They are very high in vitamin A and has about 44% of your vitamin C needs for the day.   

Sasquatch signs:  If you can't find fiddleheads, there might be a reason. Look around those ferns in the very early spring and see if they've left some prints. 


Saute the fiddleheads in butter, garlic, red pepper flakes and salt for 10 minutes.

Wild Grapes

Much of today's grapes have been hybridized to be seedless, but sadly the important antioxidants are in those seeds and indigenous people did well eating those for their diet. A diet is the array of foods a being needs to ingest to get proper nutrients for cell turnover, growth, maintenance of weight, and immune system support. Wild grapes are a healthy source, but also need to be carefully looked at. A wild grape has multiple roundish seeds inside, but the poisonous moonseed, has a single crescent-shaped seed. Knowing this you can keep from being sick. Of course, we all know grapes are great for jellies, jams. 

Sasquatch signs: These vines/bushes are an easy snag for Sasquatch hair while nibbling on the yummy treats. I'd say, come back when berries and grapes are fermented and see if they might have dropped some inhibitions, left some stumbling marks (see notes at the end of this post)



Morel mushrooms. Lots of folks in woodland areas appreciate foraging for these gems in the woods. It has become a family pass time for many generations. This honeycomb topped fungus is a gourmet delight. They are rich in B-complex, vitamin D and essential amino acids. They also potentially lower the risk of breast and prostate cancer. At a going price of $10 to $20 an ounce, gourmet cooks consider them gold. 


Slice morels length wise in half.  Heat oil over medium heat. Mix 3/4 c milk with 2 eggs. Break up one 4-ounce package of saltines. Drip into milk/egg mix and then saltines and carefully drop into hot oil. Flip when golden brown - they cook fast. Drain on paper towels and then salt and pepper. 


Most of us know sassafras for its root beer flavor and the root's tasty tea. The medicinal properties of sassafras are pretty significant.  It's effects are far reaching from handling colds and flus, diuretic properties, and topically, it helps poison ivy and eczema.  The leaves, roots and shoots are all edible.  


Wild Leeks

This plant (aka "ramps") has leave and bulb that smell like onion. They surface deep in the forest early in spring before other things pop up. They are high in vitamin A, vitamin C, selenium and chromium. 


Pizza with fresh leeks and morels is about as good as it gets. Drizzle a trace of truffle oil on top and you have a woodland pizza! 


Dandelion might be thought by some as a weed, but all the parts are edible. Some people confuse dandelion with "false dandelion" or "Hawksbeard." 

The greens, tops and roots all have medicinal qualities. They have a high amount of vitamin A, tons of vitamin K, and vitamin C.  They can be used to make wines, put in soups and salads and more. My mother used to candy them for atop of cakes. 


1-2 cups of flowers, 1 egg white at room temp, 1 tsp water, 1/2 c. superfine sugar, a drying rack. 

Put sugar into blender to grind to a fine texture. 

Mix water and egg white and drip flowers in it, let drip and then sprinkle with superfine sugar, set on rack and let dry and harden into shape. 


Chickweed is chock full of healthy stuff and tastes sort of like spinach.  They can even be grown as a pot herb and used on salads.  It can be used to constipation, coughs and colds, a diuretic and expectorant. In fact, when I used to make herbal teas, this was in my head cold mix - with some other goodies that helped alleviate mucus symptoms and boost immunity. 


Use chickweed for a pesto!  2 cloves garlic, 3 tablespoons of pine nuts (discussing those next), 2 cups chopped fresh chickweed, 1/2 c. olive oil, 1/2 c. parmesan in the blender.

Pine Nuts

These sought after gourmet nuts are harvested from pine cones.  They are ready to harvest 10 days before the green cone begins to open.  The cones are dried in a burlap bag in the sun for 20 days. Cones are then smashed and seeds are separated by hand from cone fragments. (be sure to check your forest floor for signs of smashing by the Sasquatch - they often do this on tree stumps with a rock).  These are calorie packed so great bang for the buck for the Tall Ones. They are also high in vitamin E. 


How about cooking quinoa with pine nuts, raisins and garlic? Add a little olive oil and some fresh diced parsley. 

Fermented berries and grapes
(Is Sasquatch a berry crack whore?)

Raspberries, blackberries, juniper berries and wild grapes all ferment on the vine and then what happens? Well, sometimes it's too good to pass up!

This is only a fraction of what is available in the wild. I didn't even delve into things like various mushrooms, roots, berries, greens, seeds, nuts, and other sources of dense protein. 

I believe in backtracking in research. I study who Sasquatch descended from so I can legitimize their very existence. They have to have a lineage, just like we do. Most of us arrived on second or third migration to America (Native American and Europeans). It is my conjecture, they were part of the first migration or what is referred to as the ancient giants. They have the same skull shape and the same size and they are heavily populated not far from ancient giant civilization lands. That is my own take on it thus far, but they had to come from some lineage of man.

In the case of the woods, it's easier to find where they are going by where they have been; which areas they depleted of resources on their circuit. I also believe they show a great amount of restraint in eating things in a grazing manner, leaving adequate resources behind to not draw attention to or lose their food sources in that area, so they mark the spot with perhaps an arch or an X. That lets them know - I've fed here already but some remains. It is kind of like putting out McDonald's signs along their roadway to know where the next rest stop is. 

They also use some unusual methods that will be revealed next week on the Tuesday installment of "The Urban Sasquatch Journal."  The more I learn of their methods of survival, the more determined I am to protect family units and their precious and worthy existences.

Don't worry about the Sasquatch, they are well fed. We could learn from their example and do a little foraging as our ancestors had. There are many medicinals and high protein, high nutrient foods in the woods and, as some clever chefs have found, they are gourmet finds!