Saturday, December 30, 2023

Cloven Hoofprints: Devil's Footprints


"Devil's Footprints"

"It appears on Thursday night last, there was a very heavy snowfall in the neighbourhood of Exeter and the South of Devon. On the following morning the inhabitants of the above towns were surprised at discovering the footmarks of some strange and mysterious animal endowed with the power of ubiquity, as the footprints were to be seen in all kinds of unaccountable places – on the tops of houses and narrow walls, in gardens and court-yards, enclosed by high walls and pailings, as well in open fields." (from newspaper clipping)

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Don't Think of it as Snow: Think of it as Opportunity!


For those of you plugging through snow, here's a new way to look at it. 

Don't think of it as snow: Think of it as opportunity!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Legendary Christmas Monsters


Halloween ended, many grieved. Christmas begins and they might come to life again when they realize there were a lot of legends of monsters to keep children in place.

Talk about a holiday buzzkill, European children had to be pretty frightened of Christmas - it could be really good or incredibly evil. In many ways, it reflects religious beliefs of a Divine reward or a hellish punishment.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Finding Your Zen


What is zen?

Zen is the Japanese pronunciation of a Chinese word, ch'an, which comes from a Sanskrit root meaning "thought," "absorption," or "meditation." And meditation is at the heart of Zen, along with an emphasis on self-control and insight.

Monday, December 4, 2023



There are lots of strange creature and monster legends involving cultures around the world in the season referred to commonly as Christmastime. Today, let's explore a Swedish one - Julbock.