Friday, August 6, 2010

Anyone Else Lonely on a Friday Night?

I'm attempting something new on the blog tonight--finding all the others who are lonely tonight. Feel free to comment back and forth. At least I'll know I'm not the last person on earth...


  1. Watching warehouse 13 ... eating chips and salsa ... lights out ...candle burning ... Peppy is having doggy dreams.

  2. Jeez, I have candles going too. A Bud lite with lime. I'm so pathetic, I'm going to go through Netflix and pick a slew of romantic comedies -- something I usually avoid like the plague but I want to see other pathetic females. It makes me feel like I'm part of a club. Perhaps I am the president of that club?

  3. awwwww you are not pathetic you are a sweetheart

  4. Barry;
    You're way too precious. :-)

  5. I know and I'm modest too

  6. So, Warehouse 13--any good? I watched a few episodes and they just didn't suck me in.

  7. so so ... now Eureka is on. Later it will be Haven. I may go to bed early lol

  8. Well, be warned. I've been known to jump into people's dream state and visit them. I've done it with 3 other bloggers, so beware. I'll try to dress appropriately (or is that, undress appropriately?)

  9. to borrow a line from Poe that would be a dream within a dream

  10. He quotes Poe. Shouldn't you be in one of these movies in my queue? Right now "Big" is on and then I'm going to see "Doc Hollywood" and one I never thought I'd actually watch "Sleepless in Seattle." I'm tired of people talking about it and not knowing what they hell they're talking about even though I think Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks is kinda incestuous feeling like that "You Got Mail" movie--they were more like brother and sister. Ick.

  11. Thats the beauty of being anonymous I can be anything

  12. Yeah, I get ya, it's why my pic's are partial. I expose enough of me on the blog :-)

  13. What do you know. My favorite Japanese word is GODZILLA !!! While Peppy thinks it funny; of course, I bribe him with dog bones

  14. Godzilla--that makes me laugh. That was my nickname for my son. He was over 10 pounds when he was due to be born and he ended up being 2 weeks late and lost a little weight (8 pounds 12 oz). He was too big for me, so I had to get a C-section. I had been calling him "Godzilla" because he was huge and always elbowing me horribly. They wheeled me into the OR and guess what the surgeon had playing on the radio? Japanese music. I laughed so hard they had to wait for me to calm down before cutting... I still refer to him as Godzilla.

  15. I am forever deleting spam from Asia

  16. My first teachers were Japanese I have a pair of tiny scars on my left hand where one smacked me with a ruler. I was being punished for writing with my left hand.

  17. Yes, but did you know that spam was Japanese? It's usually Chinese. I actually was stupid enough to google tranlate it.

    You gotta be kidding me? I was left-handed. My mother started me first grade at 5 years of age. I think she was sick of having the last kid at home. She made me write with my right hand. I hated it. I would sneak back when she left the room. My oldest brother was a leftie and she didn't want that for me. Unfortunately, it ruined my artistic talent. I am right-handed now, but when I injured my right hand, I was able to pick up the left hand quite easily. I wonder what that does to us? A constant turmoil inside.

  18. Yeah I was joking its usually Chinese

    Oh no, I remain left-handed. The teacher eased up on me after blooding me up.

  19. Most excellent. All my best friends in the world have been lefties. I suppose it's left-hand envy? Is there a name for that?

  20. Don't envy lefties. Try opening a door right into your face

    Its hard to impress the ladies and look like a klutz

  21. Hence the Ferris Bueller aspect of you, hmm? Yeah, I can imagine starting a car is weird too. My friends curse about using spiral notebooks because it gets in the way of your hand and you're constantly smearing ink so you need no-smear pens. My brother that's a leftie--became a doctor. Talk about a world of miseries... Still, the lefties tend to have very open minds and very awesome talents.

  22. so if you jump into my dreams how will i recognise you?

  23. My plans were all canceled... I'm quite bored... and I have no money to go kidnap a friend and go to the movies or what not. lol Fun stuff.

  24. Well, the first time I did it, it was a woman in Greece. I was in her apartment talking to her and she was talking real slowly. I was asking her where something was in Athens. When I woke up, I realized I knew someone in Greece. I went to her blog and asked "did you have a weird dream?" She came back later and said "It was you, wasn't it? I was speaking slowly so you would understand through my accent." She recognized me from my pic. In another one, it was a woman in England. I talked to her in a marketplace and asked for a specific mall I had no knowledge of and woke up the next morning to realize it actually exists! The third time, it was one of my followers and I was in his bed. Haha. Sounds funny, huh? I was in his apartment and for some reason was stuck there and had to stay the night. He was none to pleased and had to put on some PJ bottoms and I noted the were ratty black with some kind of colors on them. He was shocked by my description of the things in his apartment and his PJ pants that were old and he never used. He's a very private person and really was angry I was there in the dream. Now in the case of the English woman and the man--they didn't remember me visiting them. The Greek woman did, but she's psychic. That might help. I don't bother people, but I do take note of them and their surroundings. If I'm there and you notice me, just be a good host and maybe I'll stay the whole night :-)

  25. @ Soraya

    a woman with a sword
    should never be bored

    hee hee

  26. @ Sharon

    give me a code word so I know that its you

  27. Barry:
    Codeword "leftie"

    I get your pain. I have girl's night tomorrow night but tonight is just a big empty sigh... Watching "Only You" right now. Just saw "Big" and gonna see "Sleepless in Seattle" next. Finishing off beer #1. Gonna shoot for 2 tonight. Girl's night tomorrow, however, probably more--we usually end up naked pool dancing with the music turned up. It's pretty crazy. Maybe I should film that for the blog, although no one would believe it. It's pretty hilarious.

  28. ok calling it a night

    I'll see you in my dreams, if I am allowed to see a dream within a dream

  29. Hey, thanks for stopping by. Yeah, if you come to Nashville, I would love to me you all. That would be so much fun!

    Right now, i'm so bored. TV sucks! I'm watching Monk, I do like the characters in that show, kinda kooky.

  30. Sandra;
    Monk has some good characters. Jeez, I so envy your Halloween this year. You are going to experience seasons! I get tears in my eyes when I think of how precious that is. Enjoy every second of it!

  31. Oh, that's so weird that you can visit people in their dreams! Fascinating!

    You have an invitation to visit me anytime. I would like to see if I could remember your visit.

  32. I think CA is cold lately in the winter. I guess I'm gonna know what real cold is this time. I am such a wimp in cold weather, I bundle up like I'm going skiing, lol.

  33. Sandra;
    That'd be cool if I visit you. I have a tendency to visit people I was just emailing with or talking to online. Some people see a monster movie, go to bed and see the monster in their dreams. Not me. I talk online and then visit the person. It's very weird. I open a connection that is hard to close sometimes and passes the time we stop talking. Yeah, if you're a cold wimp, you'll have time to build up. It'll being with cooler nights in September and then cooler days in October and you'll build up more and more tolerance. The thing is, when I lived in Redondo Beach, I'd go to the beach and freeze my ass off in a thin sweater. When you live in TN, you wear layers. You're prepared. Now, here in the desert, I can take off all my freaking clothes and still be hot. There's no escape. I'm lucky. I have a high tolerance for cold and no tolerance for heat--great in places with seasons, miserable in AZ. I'll expect pic's on your blog some time, sweetie!

  34. Haha, You'd think I wouldn't be bored, eh.

    I actually ended up trying to make plans to hang out with my one "friend" ... Decided to dump him as a friend... I'm over it. He chewed me out because his co-worker told me about a prank that they pulled on him and I brought it up in casual conversation and put a "haha" with it. So he flipped a switch. Whatever.
    I very well might be having a girls night.. kind of... tomorrow. My friend is dancing at a restaurant so I might go to see her dance. Although your girls night sounds more entertaining. Lol!

  35. Soraya;
    My belly dancing buddy and I keep meaning to go see our teacher dance. Problem is, she has a stalker and so she's underground about where and when she's dancing. It's really creepy. Poor gal. I used to have a stalker for a couple years. It was misery! I hope you get gal's night. I need to make more local friends. All mine are across town.

  36. Haha. That's so odd gnostalgia. I just erased my Warehouse 13s on my DVR. I had too many I hadn't watched. I like Eureka. Warehouse wasn't as entertaining for me.

  37. CB;
    Yeah, I just could not get into the show. I wanted to, but I just didn't like the two characters--I wanted a more Mulder/Scully thing and they just were too without personality...

  38. Lol all my good friends are across country, so yah I hear ya. :-p
    I've... thankfully not had too many issues with stalkers. Hoping to keep it that way.

  39. Yeah, Soraya. The one I had when I lived in LA made my life miserable and the cops could do nothing back then--no laws. They basically told me the van he drove and to watch out for it. Great, huh? I actually quit my job because he stalked me at work. It was miserable and terrifying.

  40. Oh wow. That's miserable. I can't believe they wouldn't do anything about it. That's not cool. Then again, when my neighbor was harassing me the cops wouldn't do anything about it either. That sucked.

    Finally had a fun word Verification: Dingle. :-p

  41. Soraya;
    I got a word verification the other day of "fcked" I thought that someone was taunting me... Yeah, the stalker thing was in the 80s and they had no laws. I almost caught him once. His girlfriend found my name and number in his wallet, called me bawling like a baby. I tried to find out from her what his name was, where he lived, anything... She was a wreck and slammed the phone down in anger.

  42. Haha! I think this was my first and only fun word verification. Everything else is just a random cluster of letters... well this time I have Tanci but that doesn't quite mean anything... >.>

    That's definitely freaky. Weird to me that the stalker had a girlfriend... I always find things like that weird.

  43. Soraya;
    It was even weirder that she called me "Sherry." That's a nickname only my mother and best friend from childhood used back east. So, how did this guy have my number and my nickname? Well, I struggled with my mind until I remembered that when it all began it was the same day I had a problem downstairs. I went down to mail a letter and the neighbors were moving out and their friends were helping them and one guy was harassing me. I was used to that all the time, but I just shoved the letter onto the edge of the box for the mailman. I went upstairs to escape the cat calls and the letter had been to my best friend with my nickname and my address. He just looked me up in the book. The neighbors had moved out, so there was no one to ask who the hell this guy was. He knew my schedule, what I was wearing, where I worked. It was pretty creepy. He called nonstop all the time. I left the phone off the hook all day long.

  44. I stayed in tonight. I didn't care much for Warehouse 13 last year, but now it has kind of grown on me. Last year I thought the show had to many stand-alone episodes and not much of ongoing story arc. It just seemed like each episode was mostly the same, Pete and Myka would go to a city and search for some kind of mysterious artifact. Not much depth. But once I realize the show is supposed to be more of a comedy-drama, I saw it in a new light. I don't go looking for any in depth story, I mostly just watch it for the humor now. And since I'm a sci-fi nerd and the humor is geared toward sci-fi nerds, it can be quite amusing sometimes.

    Plus Myka is pretty hot. :)

  45. I will definitely post some photos!

    So glad you weren't hurt by that nut stalker that is so scary.

    I'm off to bed now talk to you soon.

  46. Wow that's realllllly bad. Sorry it happened >.<
    My one friend has an ex that is kind stalkerish. But I don't think it's to that extent.

  47. Jeff;
    I actually liked the dude--he was in my very favorite show of all time "Stark Raving Mad." He was so great in that show as a real stupid guy. I can't take him seriously. I know a few people who hated it the first season like me and love it now. Maybe I'll give it another look-see. I did like that they put in actual mythical relics like Pandora's box and such.

  48. Good night Sandra.

    Yeah, it made me rather distrustful for a time. I had a few guys who bothered me during my modeling days and the male judges in pageants but I could put them in their places. I do know the best way to put a man down. When he stares me down, I just look him up and down like he's doing to me, then study his crotch and break out into laughter and turn away. Works like ice water.

  49. LMFAO!!! I like that technique. Sounds great :-p

    I'm trying to get into modeling. I just have no clue how to get into it. I want direction with it... I don't have the money to take a modeling class. lol I did sign up for ModelMayhem though... had a free shoot with someone for belly dance pictures.. but so far that's it.

  50. Modeling is a difficult biz, especially in NY, CA, TX and FL. If you're under 5'8", you gotta kiss it goodbye. It's just about impossible to get the industry to anything under that height. They also are rougher nowadays about weight. I was a size 4 sample model and 5'8" and 119 pounds. It was the 80s then and that was the typical model size. Nowadays, I'd have to be around 113 and a size 2 max. For a 5'8" woman's frame to fit into size 2 is basically pure skeleton. So, those things aside, there are some niches of modeling that are good, whether it's hands, butt, legs, or swimwear. Ideally, if you want to do it cheap, you get a friend who can seriously photograph and get them to do the shots. You'll need a wide variety from head shots to swimwear and lingerie to high fashion. If you watch the Top Model show with Tyra, that gives you an idea of the variety of stuff you're dealing with; some is theatrical, some is wholesome girl next door. If you don't have a good friend photographer, you can do what I did. I found a photography school and posed for them and they let me have the shots they took. Then, you do your research on agencies and start taking those photos around and letting them see you, talk to you and see you walk. It sound so simple, but I went to 2 schools to learn the walk. Now, it's second nature and I use it all the time, but it was hard to learn my own stride and how to handle myself and stare them in the eye and smile without making a goofy face. So much to think about. I can't tell you how much Preparation-H I used on my undereye bags. If you want to do posing for belly dancing, you have a huge jump up. You start peddling your photos to costume makers and even to Middle Eastern and Greek Restaurants. See if anyone bites. I wish you luck. That's a very hard industry and really fun because no 2 jobs are the same.

  51. I was hoping to find a niche in modeling that doesn't require height. lol I'm stuck at 5'3 :( It's really depressing. But I can walk in heals like none other (I can run in them with them at 5 inches)
    Unfortunately I'm not a size 2 either. lol I range from a 4 to a 6. depending on the make.
    The thing with belly dance photography is I don't see that being a decent market.
    I was thinking it would be amazing to keep my eye out for ANTM for another short person series. :-p They had one season with girls who were shorter than the average model. I just wish I could find people who appreciate curves. I <3 my curves. I could do a little smaller, but I don't want to be a stick like most models. I figure if I can get my foot in the door with modeling, that'll lead to possible commercials... and then that could lead to movie roles.
    Do agencies cost anything?

  52. Soraya;
    5'3" and curvy--two things agencies won't want to hear, but there are alternatives. Agencies take a cut of what you make. But, they won't take you at all at a petite height. There are other alternatives that within your industry you can pose for restaurant ads, costume makers, Greek festival banners, those types of things. I would take that you have curves and are womanly and use that to your advantage through the belly dancing world. You already know the poses, have the costume, have the perfect body for it. I used to do swimsuit modeling back when they wanted flat models for it, nowadays they want Victoria's Secret thin bodies with boobs. It's all dependent on what's in. But your look will always be in for your line of work. You can even see if an agency might list you as a belly dancing model. Sometimes, they need just one certain kind of model someone asks for and they keep you on file as their gal for that thing. It sucks. I always wanted to be short myself because men treat you better. When you're tall, they expect you to carry boxes and open doors like you're a work horse. Heehee

  53. Lol I think curvy has become a derogatory term now. One of the reasons why I admire Kaya and Sadie, who were on Americas Got Talent. My body type is similar to those, except for the height. They're BEAUTIFUL!
    granted I don't have her boobs unless I'm wearing a certain costume that has the padding but it's all good :-p I wish I could be taller... that's the only issue I had with myself. I think I'd be fine with it. lol It figures that girls who are tall want to be short and short girls want to be tall.
    Oh what has the media done to us?

  54. Soraya;
    You are so right! I used to wish for breasts and after having a baby, I wished I didn't have such big breasts. I used to wish I were petite, but the height allowed me to play basketball, be an awesome longjumper and model. All in all, I think the world is better for petite women. They are youthful longer, have a huge array of men to choose from and are more often helped and treated protectively. I admit being tall has one advantage for me. I look a man in the eye on the street and he won't mess with me. He can sum up my athletic build and my height and staring him down and he won't mess with me. So, we look for advantages for what we do have. Some things we can change, others we can't, but damn, I'm glad we come in different packages. I don't want to see a march of robotic model-types walking around. I want variety. I want to see all colors, shapes, sizes and attitudes. Jeez, it's an awesome country that we have such variety. Imagine if we lived in Japan?

  55. Oh definitely! I just wish the media would see that. Us short people can take good pictures too. lol!!
    I've always been curious about that... Why is their gene pool so small that there isn't much variety? I don't understand it... I mean Scandinavians are different looking from each other... Aussies...
    Never understood that one.
    Liagra was my word verification this time... Lol

  56. I agree about short women. Look at Nicole Richie. She's what, like 5' or something? You'd never know it. Of course, because she's short, she has to be super super thin to photograph because the fact is that the shorter your body, the more curves. That's why it was hard for me to get curves, my body is very long for my height so I have to have weight on to get the curves. But, there are face models, hair models, hand models... I have seen a lot more "typical" looking women modeling lately and I'm thrilled about seeing that. Ultimately, the clothes just look better when they don't have to flex over flesh and can just hang. It's sick but true. I am working to get my modeling body back, but not the runway body--the photographing one which was about 15 pounds more. I just like the way I move in my body when it's thin. The pounds I put on during the last 10 miserable years made me feel like I was in someone else's body. I had no idea how to dress it or move it and felt like I was wearing a costume and not myself. So, it's all a relative thing. Stay within your natural type and relish it. When I took belly dancing I was painfully aware of how my body is not shaped for that craft at all. It was hilarious to see me trying to thrust my hips and not have hips there, just bones... I envied the fleshy Greek teacher. She was a goddess...

  57. Haha! Oh beleive me, I definitely get it. I put some weight on... I used to be a size 2... and in some cases I could fit in a 0. That was 10th grade... then I had that fit of Depression and shit... ugh. not fun. I really want to slim down a little bit more. I <3 my hourglass though... It works out for me, I just want to have a flatter stomach. Everything else is golden. :-p well... Maybe the boobs could be slightly larger. :-p But that's what Victorias Secret's "Wonder Bra!" is for :-p

    But teaching, I can see what you mean with that. When you have no hips, you have to work extra hard to get the effect... I have a student who's built that way. I was loving how I was moving tonight though... Although I totally dehydrated from my photoshoot on Tuesday and I think I haven't fully hydrated... I wasn't thinking 100% tonight.
    Bought a bunch of Vitamin Water's though so I'm hoping that'll help. Between that and I'm starting some Fish Oil again... I'll figure it out.

    ... I feel like I just rambled a LOT. Sorry if any of it was painful to read

  58. You would totally fit in with my girl's nights. This is exactly what we talk about, well the other girls do. All I ever talk about is men and sex, but that's my attention span. hee hee
    Perhaps it's like when dieting woman fixate on chocolate....

  59. Haha, It figures. You're across the country so naturally I'd fit right in :-p
    I've always thought it would be amazing to have an island to myself and just take all of my friends from everywhere and stick 'em on it with me. It would be great! :-p

  60. I'm with you there. Some of my friends are in other states and the far corners of this city. I work from home so it makes getting new friends more of a challenge. I joined some meetup groups and am hoping to broaden my friendships more. I spent so many years focusing on raising my son and keeping up with my schedule that I never noticed how lonely I am. Now that he's out of the home, I feel liberated in some ways and still a prisoner in others. I just want to live and take it all in that I deprived myself of for the past couple decades. I feel like running away from home sometimes and just recreating my life without others coming first. I really like me and I will never compromise who I am, my genuine self, ever again for anyone else's expectatations or needs. Be sure when you find someone special that you can totally be yourself with him and don't have to start disowning parts of you because he doesn't like it, like your sass or wit or humor or affection. It's the death of self and the beginning of zombie-hood.

  61. See that's the problem that I have, I can meet people no problem... it's getting along with them that's the issue. Everyone around here is so superficial... Sure they all want to be friends with me, but their antics don't really work out with me. It's like.. I can't stand it... And then there's the flakeyness.. I meet so many flakes in the area it kills me... "Oh yeah sure we'll go do this" ... "yeah... I decided I'd rather go here." or like .. I started my belly dance class for someone i knew who wanted to start doing it... yeah she went to one class and decided that she'd rather stay home and smoke pot with her dad. I don't know, I almost feel like it's an insult to me. That could just be me though... hmm. Lol

  62. I totally get it. I'm in a snooty part of town and the women are trophy wives, i.e. 5' tall, 98 pounds and blonde bleached hair and high maintenance. I'm like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. I'm completely and totally real and I don't straighten my hair and I'm goofy and fun and playful and can't stand being all stiff. I'm so out of place here. Then, it's conservative too so I'm a liberal democrat, a psychic, a ghost hunter, a horror writer... you get the picture. I so don't belong here. The other alternative is that women have kids and so they can't ever be free to go to a bar or have fun and kick it up. I love going on girl weekends and just having a blast in a Mexican Restaurant, flirting and giggling and dressing up and just painting the town. A lot of women put their families and hubbies first. It's hard to find fun gal pals.

  63. Aww if you were here I know a whole bunch of girls who would definitely love to do the same thing. lol My one friend is... 42? She has 2 kids but when they're with their dad she's out and loves to have a fun girls night out.

    What are you doing in a town filled with stepford wives?

  64. Looks like you folks had quite the gathering last night!

  65. Pangs;
    You gotta join us next Friday, although I suspsect you'll have a date, you cute littl devil.

  66. First of all, I have to apologize because you had 69 comments, and now due to me, no more 69 !

    I know how you feel, lately it's been almost unbearable. I just don't talk to anyone about it, so kuddos to you for being braver than I and admitting it.

  67. Senorita,
    Yeah, I readily admit I'm lonely on the weekend. I'm going to be doing this every Friday night, so if you're lonely too--jump on board. It's pathetic because I'm in a marriage, I shouldn't be lonely--but I'm immensely lonely in the marriage--more than if I were on my own which is why I'm in a state of transition. Having my friends on here with me on a lonely weekend night when I dream of being out on the town, or better yet, finding a fun and smart guy to spend the evening helps. Sometimes, folks just find their plans falling flat or they're too pooped from a long week at work--I encourage them to come on Friday nights and start a fun and flirty conversation.
