Friday, May 6, 2011

Lonely on a Friday Night--Join Us Here!

Hey, I'm here all evening. Jump on and we can chat, come and go as you wish. I love to hear from y'all.


  1. here on a friday night too! :p

  2. Haha. It's an epidemic. Just put on the movie "Snowbeast" A real classic!

  3. I actually have the walking dead playing on my computer right now! :D

  4. Seriously? You know, I missed the opening episodes and then felt like I should wait until they reshow the season, but got impatient and watched one episode and was hooked and then it was gone. I can't wait until it starts up again. I want to see them replay the season so I can be caught up. I'm contemplating a zombie novel I'm writing with a western twist, part of a horror classics southwestern style series. I'm thinking maybe some trapped miners who go cannibal and then they dig them out, only to have them take over the mining town...

  5. Zombie miners? I like it...
    Still cleaning the house for Kennedy's birthday party tomorrow so I don't know if I will be back.... maybe later.

  6. Soraya! Hey sweetie! I hope your week was a good one. I'm just working on the editing of the novella. It's going to be up on Kindle and Nook on Memorial Day--exhausting. I do my 8-hour work day and then a 7-hour writing evening. It's making me loopy. Thankfully, next weekend--vacation!

    Have fun at Kenz's party, sis!

  7. How cool! Cant wait to see what you write! :D

  8. My week was alright. Got my grades back, made all A's :)
    My friend and I have decided to be super nerds and we're gonna cosplay. Lol It'll be fun. :-p
    YAY for vacation next weekend!

  9. It will be fun. Every time I'm out hiking around the desert and ghost towns, I get cool ideas on how to do new things with the classics. The one coming out on Memorial Day is a new take on vampires.

  10. Hey, Autumn, i think you can write a light entertaining read on sex life of cannibals.

  11. I could so do that. Erotica is my specialty, actually.

  12. I everyone... cooking dinner, but just thought I'd pop in to say "hello"!

    (And to thank A.F. for the nice birthday present!)

  13. Hey Steve;
    Did you get it already? I was hoping it'd come tomorrow on your b-day. :-) Drop in again!

  14. I'm assuming it was from you, but I could be wrong... a DVD collection of old movies? :)

    (I was kidding when I suggested people buy me b-day presents and/or give me money--and I've got another joke centered around that schedule to post tonight at Midnight--but several took me up on it, either via Amazon or Payal! And I am as grateful as I am surprised!)

  15. Good. Yes, I thought the naughty girls was a good DVD selection. You had a very interesting bunch of fav's on Amazon--as complex as you are!

  16. Looking forward to watching one of them while I eat dinner.

  17. Then, you must report back if they did the job of stimulating your, ahem, mind.

  18. I'll give you a preview of the review that will follow on one of my blogs. :)

  19. Just finished the first film in the "Bad Girls, Vol. 2" set...

    "Night Editor": A homicide having an affair with a thrill-seeking married wealthy woman witnesses a murder during one of their trysts. Even though he can identify and arrest the killer, he can't do so without causing a scandal, destroying his family and ruining his career. Will a good cop who made a bad call do the right thing, or go further down the path of corruption?

    This is the stuff good 1940s film noirs and crime dramas are made of, and this is pretty good crime drama. Part proto-police procedural, part film noir, part melodrama, this film is fun!

  20. Oh, I'm glad you like it! Sounds like it had your rapt attention. They were so classy back then!

  21. The most interesting thing about the film is that I can't recall seeing a femme fatale in a Hollywood movie made before the 1960s that was quite as creepily sociopathic/borderline pyschopathic as the character in this film. From her demand to see the body of the murder victim to the icepick action late in the film, I was surprised by just how nasty she was. She makes the crazy scheming women of "Strange Woman" and "Lady From Shanghai" look like they should be selling Girl Scout cookies.

  22. Hahaha. Okay, when i thought that package might be good coming from me, perhaps I was hasty. haha. Don't worry, I don't own an icepick, but I'm sure I could keep up with the 1940s witty comebacks blow for blow.

  23. Hehe... I once bought an icepick for a friend and when her husband found it, he became worried.

    And I'm sure this is going to be great set of movies. Especially "Women's Prison". I didn't even know they made those kinds of films before the 1960s. :)

  24. Damn! I admit to a fetish for those sexploitation/grindhouse movies!

  25. You must be a fan of Roger Corman then.

  26. Wonderful! I admit to liking some of the cheesy Italian filmmakers too. I am easily distracted by goofy music, naked bodies and subtitles.
