Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Best 1970s Disaster Movies

The 1970s were in a decline economically, fuel shortages, inflation, with a background anxiety about the Cold War and serial killers - the new hobby of a different culture. 

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Friday, May 29, 2020

Ghost Ship Mystery

Ourang Medan

In the late 1940s, near Malaysia and Sumatra, a ship was found adrift in the sea. The unknown ship had posted a distress call that was chilling - 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Bridgewater Triangle: They Go In, But They Don't Go Out!

A lot of my paranormal studies end up crisscrossing each other. You think you are investigating a Bigfoot situation and find UFOs and strange lights in the woods or perhaps you go out in search of ghosts and find there are missing people and creepy cryptids being seen locally. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Unsolved Mysteries in the Grand Canyon

Shadow of a Man

This photo above was taken by someone using an internet live cam from the canyon, as he looked for UFOs, but what he found was a giant shadow of a person (at least it looks that) - bottom left quadrant of the photo. It could be some kind of soil erosion, but a few ponder if perhaps something was set up long ago to cast a shadow like that, such as the geoglyphs of Nazca or the Intaglios of Blythe, California. This is only one of many oddities at the Grand Canyon. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

I'm on the Radio Tonight

Tonight at 9 pm EST/8 pm CST/6 pm PST I'll be on the VanWessling Report show again! Yes! We are going to talk about urban legends tonight, so make some popcorn!

Skinwalker Ranch Secret: Bigelow and Fugal Coincidence?

"The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch" show on History Channel 

The Skinwalker Ranch Secret series on Ghost Hunting Theories.

The season finale airs next Tuesday and Dennis Guern and I have been hitting most of the main explanations for what is happening there. 

Monday, May 25, 2020

Habituation Situation: Researcher's Words As We Wrap Up This Series

The well-loved series documenting early 2000s Bigfoot research done in Texas is at an end and the research y'all came to know as "Dusty" has some words about the experience.

I am extremely honored that they would let me archive this research as it was quite groundbreaking. I have spent many hours reviewing audio and video from the site with MK Davis who was given the content to examined. I learned much about their habits, communication, and interactions with the property owners and researchers. 

I encourage you to look at the links at the bottom of this post that take you to all the episodes that chronicle and archive several years of intense research on one Bigfoot clan in East Texas. 

I am also going to place below videos MK Davis has reviewed expertly from the research site. I leave my intelligent readers to come to their own conclusions about this site and the existence of Bigfoot. I cannot give you an encounter with one, but I can share this research that shows a definite back and forth on a property fraught with interactions. 

Here is "Dusty's" final statements - 

Hard to believe that the experiences related to this series happened approximately 18 years ago. Seems like yesterday. 

In January 2002, I and another few co-researchers were invited to investigate the happenings on a family property in the NE Texas
area. This started an adventure that lasted for me until The fall of 2004. 

What started out with investigating an undocumented 'ape' creature ended with being led into different levels of awareness by the Sasquatch/Forest Giant peoples. The ones we experienced called themselves the 'Ancient Ones'. They all had names and they gave the ones of us at the habituation site, names. They communicated with us on different levels: 1) chanting/speaking in a native American language 2) leaving various drawings and writings on a black board and notebooks 3) leaving written Ogam writings 4) speaking their names and ours 5) and doing a lot of messing with us, as a game.

Even though I was on the family property and the general area in 2002, I didn't actually start taking the photos of the on-going activity until 2003. The 899 photos in this series cover 54 days from that 2003-2004 time frame. Nearly all the days are weekends with a few days during the week. 

Typically, we would try to visit 1 or 2 weekends a month. My 2 co-investigators and I all lived in the greater Dallas area at the time. It was an effort to visit. There were times when only 1 of us could visit for a weekend. 

The family was very gracious and hospitable with the visits. We actually stayed on the property every visit and even ate meals with the family. The five of us (the 3 of us plus the husband/wife) were a real team in investigation and research. FYI there were other independent researchers that were invited to visit the property also. They were few and only came when invited.

Here's some items related to the home owner's property and the area that was ideal for this on-going activity: 
1) the property is 33 acres 
2) there is a cabin in the pasture 
3) 2 fairly large wooded areas on the property 
4) 2 ponds, 1 pond is a natural spring pond 
5) an open tractor/storage barn in the back of the property 
6) behind the tractor/storage barn the main family garden plot 
7) another garden near the family house and the major wooded area
8) a major creek passing through the property near the house and through the main woods. The property owner (husband) had set aside the main wooded area as a Sasquatch people preserve. 

Here's some area items 
1) to the west, across the road from the property is a 8,000+ acres Texas Wildlife Management Area. 
2) A major lake just a few miles away 
3) the property is on the edge of the local rural community of approximately 200 residents at that time. a number having had their own encounters. 
4) to the east, 1-2 miles is a TANG training reservation, 15,000 acres. training is done sparingly at this site. I trained there several times in the late 80's as a National Guardsman. 

I guess the main item was that the couple owning the property was the type of people the Sasquatch/Forest Giant people wanted to interact with. The couple had been under observation and seemed to be approved for this interaction. 

To me, this nearly 3 years of experiences went far beyond what I was expecting. It went to so many different levels that eventually I had to leave that area. It was like I was not in control anymore. I have to be able to put it down when necessary. I have to remain in control. I have done that over the years. Investigate and research for some time then put it behind me for an amount of time.

It was a fascinating 3 years. This is not some 'ape' creature in the woods. To me, through my experiences, these are a 'Forest People' with families, structure, language, etc. They can live in the rural areas and also the urban wilderness, wooded areas. They can interact and 'mess' with people as they choose. I just happen to have experienced being messed with quite a few times back 2002-2004 and as recently as a May 2020. 

 Hope this has enlightened you. Be in control. Thanks.


Below are some videos from the research project, having been evaluated by video expert, MK Davis. 

Please subscribe to MK's channel as he is a leading expert in evaluating Bigfoot evidence and a really good human being who actually does the field research, endless hours of studying video, researching history and cultures. 

MK Davis Blog
MK Davis YouTube

Some people are famous for being in the right time at the right moment when it comes to Bigfoot, but they have absolutely no skin in the game when it comes to hard work. MK works tirelessly and without compensation because, like me and my readers, he's a curious mind!

Throughout the series, more videos were shared and I hope y'all take the time to look at some of them - links below are to the series installments.

LINK to #3
LINK to #4


Sunday, May 24, 2020

Are We Beseiged With Interdimensional Beings?

"Interdimensional Beings." Let’s go to Wikipedia to get an overview: There is a hypothesis called “Interdimensional hypothesis,” relating that UFOs, aliens, shadow people, crop circles, Bigfoot, and ghostly activity are all explained by the passage of beings from another dimension occasionally crossing into our dimension and being glimpsed.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

What Your Favorite Horror Movie Says About You

Horror movies really come down to three categories. We could push it and say suspense/thriller and SciFi can also be horror, but let’s just talk straight-out horror genre—found on the aisle at the video store. Take a look at your collection and see which type you seem to have the most of:

Friday, May 22, 2020

Skinwalker Ranch Secret: New Evidence of Portal Between Universes?

Anyone following the Skinwalker Ranch Secret series here on Ghost Hunting Theories knows Dennis Guern and I are working hard to bring info as we get it in the bank of evidence accummulating for high strangeness at Skinwalker Ranch. 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Extreme Homes

I always dreamed of having a very odd house, something no one else had. It's certainly born in the fact I grew up in that creepy old mansion that stuck out in the neighborhood. This Canadian Tree Sphere, above, is a great example of extreme homes. Let's look at some other outrageous designs creative and ingenuitive folks have come up with -

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Does the Government Coverup Paranormal Events?

I am fascinated with conspiracy theories. Some are so ridiculous, you can't help but laugh. Others, have a ring of truth to them. Many can handle the test of time by becoming more and more "fact" as times passes, like Roswell. Let's look at some of the best of the paranormal conspiracy theories--you might see a government theme.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

I'm on the Radio Tonight!

I'll be on VanWessling Report tonight on BlogTalk Radio at 9 pm EST/8 pm CST/6 pm PST- LINK. Tina Harter and I will be discussing the paranormal with John Wessling and Richard Van Dyke.

Can't wait to talk para subjects with such intelligent folks! 

Skinwalker Ranch Secret: Alien Base?

Dennis Guern and I are on a roll as we discuss the different hypothesis to explain the high strangeness at Skinwalker Ranch. Those watching the History Channel show "The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch" are surely glued every Tuesday night for a new installment. 

Monday, May 18, 2020

Release Of My Favorite Book of the Year: Hawkesmoor: A Novel of Vampire and Faerie

I'm an author and a screenwriter. I also have two popular blogs. As a communications major and English minor, I'm not always easy to impress when it comes to fictional writing. But, I did request to review a book that was upcoming and once I tucked in to read it, I was MIA from this world and taken into a parallel one that seems similar, but has some very pivotal differences.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Victorian Era Photos Concentrated on Physical Oddities

Photo by Charles Eisenmann (1855-1927)

The Victorian era took an interest among nobles in those born with disabilities and "flaws." The curiosity for these unique people created Barnum and Bailey and other sideshow displays of these people live and in action for the crowds to appease their curiosity.

Charles Eisenmann created photography of these people that were used in collector cards of the time. These photographs captured in the formal Victorian setting were very unique and much used and sought after today as vintage collectibles.

As an interesting aside, it seemed that Victorian era nobility enjoyed having these oddities in their "possession" to parade around for the titillation of their guests. One interesting story involves a supposed Bigfoot woman in Russia during that era that was reportedly captured and taken in by nobility until he tired of her and sent her to a noble's estate in the country. This story has been dismissed by many, but any wild woman covered in hair and powerful would certainly been a prize for any noble in that era, so there is something that rings true about that story. If you want to know more about her, look at my post about Zana.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Types of Aliens

Aliens aren't always reported as the grey, large-eyed, small-bodied beings as the one in the photo above. A wide variety of them have been reported by a wide swath of witnesses. I will discuss some of the more popularly described ones:


Diminutive, gray-skinned, huge black eyes, tiny delicate bodies, enormous heads... these are the classic ones most often portrayed in movies and TV and stories told by supposed abductees.  The majority of those who encounter aliens, report the greys and not always positive encounters, often times involving abduction and medical testing. For some, they are in a contactee position in which the aliens impart insight and knowledge.


Reported with typical Aryan traits, they have blond hair, blue eyes, strong and robust, webbed toes, and 24 teeth supposedly. These are described as kind of like "star child" earth-loving, eco-weenie, peaceful sort of beings.  A popularly held belief is that during Eisenhower's time in office, the Nordics arrived in a meeting in California with the president hoping to make a connection, but was rejected. Then, later, he met in New Mexico with the greys and made a deal with them instead - a deal they regretted later.


These humanoids are described as tall and scaly. Often, they are reported in caves or around caves.  Encounters with reptilians have not always been positive and sometimes downright threatening, but they appear to want to remain very hidden and have also been associated with the ability to walk in and out of walls in a kind of parallel world membrane. Reptoids are often part of legends of cave dwelling and underground tunnels in the Ozarks and California.

Hairy Dwarfs

Reported to have hairy bodies, small, almost alien grey shaped, but sometimes wearing a strange helmet on their head. These have so far been reported in Latin America.

Aquatics (Sirians)

The Sirians were said to be the first to visit our planet in ancient times, 4 to 5 billion years ago (how this is confirmed given there is no written language from back them of eye witnesses, I'm not sure). Reportedly, they along with other aliens, DNA manipulated our life on this planet.

Tall Whites

Described as exceedingly tall, about 8 feet, with pale chalky skin and wrap around blue eyes. I saw two of these as a child (more on that on Wednesday). They are said to have translucent platinum hair. Iran believes there is a base of them under their land -


These beings are described as blue and said to have landed in Florida in the 1950s, trying to convince our government not to work with the greys to no avail.  They have wrap-around eyes and are sensitive to light. It is said they are friends with the Nordics. From Exopaedia: "They claim to be descendants of Noah who traveled to the Western Hemisphere a few centuries after the deluge and discovered ancient antediluvian cavern systems and technologies which had been abandoned in the subterranean recesses. They have been encountered mostly in deep cavern-systems beneath the general region of the Ozarks-Arkansas and surrounding regions (Evadamic)." Other sources tell of encounters with this same race in the Southern States of the USA."  As ludicrous as this sounds, much of the concept of underground caverns and alien civilizations really do ring true for most researchers who are finding more and more correlations, especially in the Missouri/Arkansas/Ozark area. 

For more info on the variety of aliens, I suggest Alien Anthropology site.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Doll's Head Trail and Doll Crafts

Finally shopping habits are taking on the healthy concept of reusing items, buying from thrift stores, turning trash into treasures. And, the abundance of cheap or even abandoned dolls makes for some really cool craft ideas and Halloween prop concepts.

You may have some free time lately to tinker with Halloween props or start your garden. Why do you need dolls for the garden? Well ....

Let's have a little fun with baby dolls and a park that is devoted to displaying them in nature - 

consider letting them age through the summer outdoors to create a Doll Island display

as a grouping, dolls have huge impact

with no eyes, a glow stick or candle inside is eerie

Want to be inspired? Take a hike in Constitution Lakes Park in Atlanta, Georgia on the Doll's Head Trail -  This is creepy public art at its best and displays change.