Every Monday on Ghost Hunting Theories I continue to archive what I consider to be one of the most significant habituation situations documented by researchers. As the series continues along, field notes, photos, audio and video will be revealed on a massive scale.
As the researchers worked to understand the entities they were dealing with, around every corner they found more and more startling evidence and interactions that changed their viewpoint on everything they thought they knew about mankind.
LINK to #3
LINK to #4
July 13, 2003
Dusty’s lantern (above) left on a trail leading to the cabin – something urinated on it. Cows were in pasture behind house, so not the cows.
Limb (above) found in front of sleeper cab from a semi – wasn’t there the last night.
The food bucket had been emptied (above). Dusty put two different color tees on food buckets to see if they would take it. They were full of Dusty’s stinky scent.
Looking through side gate (above) over into active area of homeowner's property. Through gate is the duck pond. Wood working shed where recorders cords and TV monitors were inside is to the right. There was a little building behind the shed. Looked sometimes like the white BF was going back and forth through there when coming and going.
July 18, 2003
West side of creek (designated "Bigfoot Preserve"). Red ribbon found in tree that once held the iron bed piece and the coconut. Those items were removed The cord behind in the distance was for running equipment.
Another researcher (above) arrived to show the bed iron rail was moved to a tree behind the tree with the red bow at about 8 feet up in the crook of the tree.
Tin plate on ground (above) that had been in tree where bow is now.
Fresh tree break near tires and mirror (foreground above).
The coconut half is on top of the beach ball now. The Bigfoot set up the tires and all that near the mirror. All of this above was done by Bigfoot.
Bigfoot’s set up (above). Two buckets were hanging from limb on tree near property owner’s garden about 5 feet off ground. These were now found empty of food and moved near an old stump. They put red decoration there too. Stump piece on ground beside it that wasn’t there before. Of this was on the West Side ("Bigfoot Preserve") area.
Dusty’s camo poncho (above) was placed on top of old box like a tablecloth by the Bigfoot. A rusty can was stuffed with sweet treat wrappers from treats left out prior. Three limbs on top of the box ( this all done by Bigfoot). Y-shaped limb in foreground is one of the limbs leaning over. This was all in the West Side ("Bigfoot Preserve") area.
Above is a photo of gray t-shirt spread over bucket #3 found down at the creek on the West Side.
A yellow half lid (above) found on ground next to food bucket #3. The half lids were added to keep the food from falling out of buckets.
The red bow decoration (above) was found on old bait cut up can where food had been placed inside at one time. The team pounded the cut edges in so the Bigfoot wouldn’t get hurt. This was on the West Side.
Near Santa bow, limbs (above) set up high in tree by Bigfoot. This was on the West Side
Footprint (above) found near camo blinds and tent - on the trail.
Hand placed for perspective (above) near a right hand print found near the footprint above.
Jam jar #1 (above) that had been emptied. (A lady friend and neighbor of the property owners gave them some homemade jams) and these were left out.
Jam jar #2 (above). Both jars found near camo blind and tent approximately 12 feet from the hand print.
Jam jar #3 (above) found approximately 3 feet from camo blind.
Jam jar #4 (above) found near a tree approximately 15 feet east of the blind.
Inside camo blind (above). Property owner’s coat, camo bag with monkey doll and human doll that had been missing for weeks, found with old sweater on it. This was all done by Bigfoot.
Two more jam jars #5 and 6 (above) found northwest of the tent.
Dusty set up the bows on the little “door opening” (above) but the feather near the bow was added by BIGFOOT.
Small teepee formation (above) was west across from the clearing, not far from the rocks and harmonica. Near a creek branch run-off. There was a little cedar there and different limbs leaning up against it like a teepee.
The Bigfoot stuck Dusty’s shirt )above) over tree and it looks like a person. This was near food bucket #4 east side of the creek.
Tires stacked on one another from largest on bottom to smallest on top (above). This was done by Bigfoot. The limb from the stump with Dusty's orange kerchief was tied off. Red bow as on ground and chair out of sight. The Bigfoot did the whole thing. The metal chair was gone that Dusty had there, put east of the creek near the large pond.
Bigfoot moved Dusty's red shirt on cedar tree to west of the garden near food bucket #5 (above).
Side of tractor barn (above). This is next to north side of barn. Limb from the cooker grill in the garden is now leaning on the north side of the barn with the gourd. Placed by Bigfoot.
Southeast corner of property, Dusty’s shirt (above) is approximately 10 feet up the tree. Branches inside make it look like a dummy. This was done by Bigfoot.
Food bucket #6 (above). Limb hanging on rear back.
Beer bottle Dusty had on a string is on the ground. Could be limb it was tied to that is on the ground (center under left side of limb)
Southeast area - missing bottle #2 (above) found stuck over top of small cedar tree, upside down, approx. 7 feet off ground.
Southeast area. About 14-15 feet up cedar tree they found the original bait can up in tree. Went from barn into this SE area and up in the
Dusty’s formation (above) was found destroyed and scattered. Green chair again moved to near the game trail and revolving feeder. Dusty had urinated on formation and each time he did that, the formation would be wiped out.
Limb and branches Dusty had in teepee formation (above) near the trail had been removed and found as an X formation on the ground of the trail.
Formation Dusty had near fence off the trail (above) was wiped out. Chair, bowl, Wilson ball, tires…
West of creek (above) Dusty's brown t-shirt found up in tree approximately 10 feet off ground near food bucket #1.
Dusty's black t-shirt (above) approximately 9 feet up near the food bucket #1
On porch of wood shop on the property (above) was found a partially eaten apple from property’s apple tree found near old leaning tree near food buckets 1 and 2. Tooth marks in apple seem to be square.
Blue shirt of Dusty’s (above) up in a cedar tree about 6-7 feet off ground near the large pond. Near formation they had set up previously.
Neighbor 2 houses down where they found formation earlier. They went back to her property and found cedar bows.
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