Shocking Realizations about Blind Frog Ranch and Skinwalker Ranch: Meteor Strikes, Serpents, and Magnetite in the Brain!


The last episode of "Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch," Eric the geologist went to the serpent mound in Ohio to uncover some mystery.  What he found rings bells for two other locations - Skinwalker Ranch and Blind Frog Ranch in the Uinta Mountains of Utah.

Serpent Mound is also a meteorite hit location. This large chunk of iron affects magnetism in the area. It also opens up limestone caverns and underground hiding spots for all sorts of life forms. Somehow ancient people knew this location held something unusual and they created a serpent mound marking the spot. 

Why the serpent? 

Blind Frog ranch's Charlie took a photo in a pond of a gigantic snake and found its trailing trackway. (see my previous post about the type of serpent). It appears to live underground in the cavern system and also has the DNA of a snake and a prehistoric snake. 

Speaking of snakes, I saw a photo online supposedly taken from a helicopter by Travis Taylor from Skinwalker Ranch, showing a gigantic snake in a pond in the Uinta Mountains. Was this one accessing the same caverns under the ranch? 

Both Skinwalker Ranch and Blind Frog ranch have evidence of meteorite strikes and also notice by ancient cultures, limestone caverns, underground water, and lots of oddities.

So, how do ancient people know that sites have meteors? Well, one of our "sixth senses" comes from the magnetite in our brains. 

There cerebellum and brain stem reveal the most magnetite. 

The portion of the brain in the back of the head between the cerebrum and the brain stem. The cerebellum controls balance for walking and standing, and other complex motor functions.

Your brainstem connects your brain to your spinal cord. It sits near the bottom of your brain. It helps regulate vital body functions that you don't have to think about, like breathing and your heart rate. Your brainstem also helps with your balance, coordination and reflexes.

Doctors still debate today whether the magnetite aids in man's sense of direction, much like how birds know where to migrate. Such a pull might help us unconsciously discover feelings of being "off" or "weird" in certain magnetically drawn locations. Like a psychic wandering a haunted manor and stopping in areas of "strange energy," these senses might help man to know where to construct religious centers.

LINKReceptor cells containing crystals of magnetite could register changes in magnetic fields and report this information to the brain.

LINK: Research suggests that some people do perceive magnetic response to a changing magnetic field, so-called alpha brainwaves, the background hum of the brain.

Scientists are not sure why or how magnetite gets into human brains. Magnetite could serve some physiological function, such as signal transmission in the brain, but scientists are only able to speculate.

Shaman of the indigenous cultures were very connected spiritually and attuned to the environment. Coming across lands with large meteors within and the magnetic pull, might be more trained to realize that the site has something magical - something that catches them off balance, hitches their breath, makes their heart beat faster.... Such a location would be of spiritual significance.

What about the snake commonality? 

(note the snake-like shape at the top of the glyph)

It might be that looking at the serpent mound,= and the wavy petroglyphs found around the world, they are noting the existence of an ancient underground water world that contains serpents given hidden dens to evolve for many thousands of years into something so rarely seen or feared that it holds a spiritual signficance reflected in glyphs and designs.

Chichén Itzá (thought to be Mayan) has the Pyramid of Kukulkan in Mexico referred to as the serpent shadow pyramid. On the equinox, it shows a serpent in the shadow. Incidentally, this location is at the tip of the Yucatan Peninsula - an area struck by a gigantic meteor long ago. 

In Northern Australia, there are the Henbury Craters and a culture that focused on the rainbow serpent in its designs. 

The Hopi Culture in Arizona are on the edges of the giant Barringer meteor crater. Snake symbols represent messengers that will carry the prayers of this desert tribe to the gods of the underworld to send rain, and to inform their deities that the Hopis still live in the old way of their ancestors. The “underworld”, which is beneath the earth's surface, is the Hopi heaven.

Some call it witching, but the use of divining rods have shown a very odd degree of accuracy at finding things in the ground. Why? Perhaps the same reason psychics are drawn to areas and shamans determine spiritual sites. 

Years ago, I did an experiment utilizing divining rods. In a hotel doing a ghost investigation, being the only psychic on the team, I entered a supposedly haunted room with a map of the room. I walked the room alone and found the areas of "energy." I put an X on the map wherever one was found. I folded the map, put it in my pocket, went into the hallway and had one of the other team members go in with divining rods. That person marked an X on their map wherever the rods crossed. That person folded the map, put it away and handed the rods to the next person. When all were done, there was one psychic (me) and three other team members with no specific psychic skills. We unfolded our maps to find they were identical.

Archaeologists and anthropologists came together with the realization there were archeoacoustics in ancient sites - designs built to obtain certain frequencies when vocalizing. If we take this science a bit further, we may find many correlations we never realized. It would seem the ancients were much more attuned to earth's energies, and utilized their brains for more than mystical spiritualism and vision quests, but for actual highly acute mechanisms in the brain that give us an edge on locations with "power."

I do hope the teams continue to pursue such correlations. 

Correlation may not represent causation, but with enough understanding of the qualities of an earthly location and the human body's many attuned senses, we may find we are more earth alert than we realized when we got distracted by devices and technology to tell us what we see and feel. 
