Here's hoping the team brings in a paleontologist or herpetologist to review this "snake" situation. Here's some of my thoughts -
27-40 feet long
40 feet long
Looking at these two "extinct" snakes above, one has to wonder - can they still exist?
Well, in a delightful episode in Season 3 of "Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch" the team was left pondering the results of a slither path to the waterway, a dead deer with a fang embedded that showed it was snake but also prehistoric, and a photo taken by Charlie showing a huge snake in a pond on the property.
I've long had a hypothesis that western lakes didn't dry out became it became warm. That makes no sense - why the west? Why not have ancient lakes in other equal latitudes drying out because of sudden heat from (Source ???)
Instead, the seismic activity of the west and eruptions of locations like Mt. Shasta, led to draining of the lakes to the underground caverns.
The west has relatively "new" activity geologically compared to the east coast. It has undergone many rapid changes and seismic and volcanic activity.
I remember as a kid in Virginia thinking a 5000 foot mountain in West Virginia was the top of the world! Those mountains were worn down and very ancient in comparison to the West.
When the water drained into lower caverns, the area dried up and heated up because of lack of water. Places like Lake Lahontan in California/Nevada and Bonneville in Utah, as well as the lakes of Death Valley, went away, but did the life associated with them go away or simply exist in well-watered underground locations that already held a good deal of water prior to the ice age thaw?
Did civilizations, such as the gold and copper-seeking "giants" retreat underground?
Well, if you listen to Paiute wise legends of the Hav-Musuvs, yes! In fact, they stated this ancient culture in Death Valley once utilized boats, but when the lakes dried up, were underground and utilized flying silver discs in the sky! In fact, they mentioned these ancient people walked with "prehistoric" creatures that sounded a great deal like mammoths.
It is interesting to note that, as a researcher of ancient giant culture, Utah is like the promise land with many discoveries there and many reasons the ancients loved that location.
The Spanish Trail is a great example of how the Spanish utilized the Native People to learn of these ancient gold-seeking locations of the First Occupants. It is no coincidence that where you find Spanish gold seekers, you also find "giant" culture.
Things at the ranch are getting more and more interesting -
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