The Urban Sasquatch Journal: Revamp and Cleanup

Links to previous installments:
Episode 1 - 'What is Urban Sasquatch?"
Episode 2 "The Original Experiments"
Episode 3: "The Urban Study Begins"
Episode 4: "Signatures and Signs"
Episode 5: "Mixing It Up"
Episode 6: "Neglected and Discouraged"

Episode 7: "Adding Complexities"
Episode 8:  "Stunning Interactions"
Episode 9:  "Showing My Intent"
Episode 10:  "I'm Being Directed"
Episode 11: "New Team Member"
Episode 12:  "Working It Vigorously"
Episode 13: "Curious Interactions"

NOTE: Green highlighter is done on the items that were moved between visits.

The primary research areas in the urban location are these, although the research intends to branch out to some other periphery locales over time.

Area #1= the ditch, grassy right-of-way with trail entry opening and the cedar tree break.
Area #2= pipeline right-of-way / P-ROW. Using the bike/hike trail is just the way to get to the P-ROW. This area includes the east side trail entry with large limbs signature stack and the nearby 3 tree breaks location.This is 2 miles east of area #1.

Wednesday Oct. 22, 2014

85 degrees, Clear.

I arrived at the park's parking area around 4:35 p.m. and was at the site around 5:10 p.m. I was back to my vehicle by 6:15 p.m. I stayed less than an hour. 

All the food R and I had left on the Sept. 27th visit had been taken except for both jars of Red Plum Jam & Grape Jelly and the plastic container holding the deer corn. 

I re-stocked bucket #1 but left #2 empty. I put the jam & jelly jars along with the container of deer corn at the base of bucket #1 tree. 

There were torn open wrappers etc, left around both bucket trees: snickers, granola bars. The unshelled peanuts bag was torn open like before and not bitten into. I found nothing of all the other items left from before. The empty peanut butter jar could not be located. 

The tires, rock circle items, plastic lids, etc. were still in the same positions. No changes, I could notice. The scattered balls, I began to pickup again. I dumped what balls could be found into the tires stack opening. I had left a plastic
garbage can lid as a cover over the stack opening. This had toy items, etc. on the lid covering the stack. They had not been moved either.

I moved 2 of the tires over near the grouping of pipes to the north of bucket tree #1. I planned to move the other tires to that spot next visit. While at the pipes, as I was looking around, I found 4 bones in close proximity. 
I put 2 of the tires in a new set-up. I placed the 4 bones on the top tire of the setup. I do not know if deer or hog bones. I was hoping R would be able to tell me on his next visit here which they may be. This spot might be or been an ambush location. I had been wanting to find a grouping of bones and have now found some. I took some time to pick up some trash and haul it out of there. 

I also found more of my collected balls which had been scattered by last month's flooding. I'm planning to move the balls over by the pipes next visit. I was going to put them in some kind of container, but I hadn't decided. I wanted to see if they could be used for more interaction. I slowly removed all the trash from the main investigation area. At the pipes,
the ground around them was pretty clean, except for the bones found.

I will remove bucket #2 from its present tree to a tree over by the pipes. That bucket will be used for natural foods only: unshucked corn, fruits, other vegetables, potatoes(5 lb. bag), deer corn. Bucket #1 would remain at its present location indefinitely. In this bucket would go: Snickers bar, cinnamon rolls, peanut butter, corn flakes, honey, an unshelled bag of peanuts, granola bar. 

Once I clear more trash, etc., from the area around bucket tree #1, I will put 3 sets of limbs ground arrow pointers, to show the way to the new area with the pipes. These will be in succession, with so many yards between and a stick, bottle marker at the point of each arrow. These will be pointing to the the spot I would like the Sasquatch to now visit also. 

**NOTE: The series is taking a hiatus as the Urban Sasquatch researcher continues ongoing projects. Expect new editions of this and the Stalker Between the World series as more events occur.**
