It was a satisfying season of "Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch" on Discovery Channel.
There were a new addition to the team this season, Josh Feldman (treasure hunter) and three happy re-additions (Eric Drummond/geologist, James Keenan/ancient civilizations expert, and Ryan Skinner/researcher).
What became quite apparent this year was the Aztec connection. It is believed the Aztecs had their origins in Utah, headed south into Mexico, establishing themselves in the abandoned Teotihuacan city and other areas. When the Spanish arrived and sought all their gold, Montezuma sent this men with the treasure northward to their homeland.
There are clues of the Spanish trailing the Aztecs, underwater aqueducts, areas of sacrifice at the bead site, and definitely massive cavern systems that nearly impossible to safely enter.
The season concluded with Chad making a crazy dive into a wet cave, only to come up in a large open-air cavern.
As much as I'd like to know what they found in that cavern, I'm cool with waiting. This team has to stay ahead of the poachers and treasure hunters hoping to get one ahead of them. These seasons need to stay behind so they can hide the finds from the public until they are already retrieved.
What do I hope for the following season?
I'd like to see more about the unexplained aspects like dire wolf, ancient snakes, skinwalkers, UFOs.
It would be an utter dream to see them team up with Skinwalker Ranch to discuss the cavern system. I have zero doubts they all connect up in that region. Comparing notes, making hypotheses... But, I understand that the series is based on the search for gold, not for healing waters or alien contact, ancient giants, or cryptids.
If you really enjoy this series, I highly suggest you check out Gaia channel's "Cosmic Disclosure" Season 18, episodes 9, 10, and 11. Duane was interviewed about the more high strangeness events at the ranch. These are terribly fascinating.
Amazon Prime has previous seasons available for those who have Prime membership.
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