Microwave Signals - Crop Circles and Skinwalker Ranch


Sometimes in research, I run across different unusual cases that have similarities to each other. When reviewing Thomas Winterton's injury on Skinwalker  Ranch, I couldn't help noticing that it appeared he developed a node. This can come from high intense heat causing a separation of skull from meninges. That made me think of the microwave-induced node changes in wheat found in genuine crop circles.

Did you know that the human brain contains magnetite? This is a mineral, an iron ore that is ferrous (magnetic). 

How does such a thing come about? Researchers believe it has two sources - external such as pollution and internal such as biogenic (grown in the body). 

Magnetite is an excellent absorber of microwave radiation at frequencies between 0.5 and 10.0 GHz (Skinwalker ranch 1.6 Ghz) through the process of ferromagnetic resonance, where the magnetic vector of the incident field causes precession of Bohr magnetons around the internal demagnetizing field of the crystal.

Microwaves can be manmade or naturally occurring. Naturally occurring sources of microwave radiation include the stars and the sun. Cosmic microwaves, known as ''background radiation,'' are also a natural source of microwaves.

In the case of the 1.6 Ghz signal and Thomas Winterton, it would appear that a microwave frequency could affect the magnetite in the brain, creating heat and oscillation, creating tissue damage. The head is one location that has more issue dissipating the heat from a microwave signal because of the skull closure around the brain tissue. 

Microwave signals are unidirectional, traveling in a straight line. Should Thomas happen to be in that line of sight, it would be like being hit by a laser beam. His chances of falling into that path again are extremely small, but now we know that it wasn't Thomas's physiology, it was his location that made him susceptible. The same will go to any other team members.

Now, let's move on to crop circles. MIT students found that to recreate the bend and the node bursting in wheat, they had to utilize microwave energy. 

What does microwave radiation do to metal?

Well, at a microscopic level most metals are lattice arrangements of atoms with a bunch of electrons freely floating around between them. The microwave radiation will attract all these electrons as it bounces around inside your microwave oven, pulling them back and forth, and this generates heat inside the metal.

If an "alien" culture were to leave us tips for better living, crop circles might be an impressive way to do so. Sure, there are messages within the shapes they create, but the science of the process is their biggest message. 

LINK: (2013) also found that exposing wheat seeds to a strong microwave electric field at 2.6 GHz for 20 minutes enhanced grain production.

What messages are the crop circles providing? Perhaps not only how to enhance our crop production, but also a realization that the Annunaki reportedly taught humanity how to grow crops. Perhaps the interest in our advancement remains without a physical interaction that breaks the barrier between our isolated world and the other worlds.

In fact, testing 1.6 GHz signal on wheat shafts might also help us compare with the crop circle results. 

Microwave frequencies can penetrate deep into a rock.

This odd mesa with its occasional rumbling and broken boulders presents an interesting hypothesis. When microwave heats sandstone, it actually strengthens it. You take something that crumbles easily and now it can break into fantastic square boulders as we see on the mesa.  

Now, let's talk about the lights coming from the mesa. You have gases within the caverns of the mesa that escape. When you apply extreme heat to a gas, you create plasma lights. Noting where the light is on the mesa might also help to understand fissures to underground caverns. And, it should also mark a 1.6 Ghz signal being transmitted to the mesa.

LINK: Scientists have created plasmas with fusion-suitable densities, using microwave power with low frequency. The research team has identified three important steps in the plasma production: lightning-like gas breakdown, preliminary plasma production, and steady-state plasma

Tesla understood the critical importance of frequency. when we speak of physical death and rebirth into a form that no longer has electrons holding together atoms to make a physical form, we talk about energy continuing on. Our very frequency records our consciousness that moves on to "Heaven." 

Here (below) is what infrasound (the lowest frequencies out of our audible range) can do to water. Imagine what that does to spinal fluid and the 60% water we are made up of? We know in the microwave range it irradiates. 

I often use the Bubonic Plague as an example, but people were dying in the Middle Ages, not sure what the heck was doing it. Was it faith? Gender? Character? We didn't know of bacteria. Long after that, with the invention of microscopes, we found a microbial world. It was so small we didn't see it, but it could take down a human. 

Frequency is yet another constant in the universe on which everything depends and yet we are utilizing it for the greatest majority in communications. We are babes in the woods.

I do hope this line of investigation gets the attention of the team at Skinwalker Ranch so that new avenues of study within the auspices of scientific method can be explored.
