Mt. Kailosh: The Most Mysterious Mountain in the World


There are some miraculous locations in the world, but Mt. Kailash has taken over the obsession for many. 

Elevation 21,778 feet in the Tibetan territory in China. 

This pyramid-shaped mountain has quite the reputation. NASA imaged it and found the magnetic field around the mountain can produce lights seen in the sky over it. 

Some believe it's a true man-built pyramid.

Buddhists believe it's the entrance to Shambhala, a mythical kingdom underground that will usher a new age. For Hindus it is the sacred above of Lord Shiva who represents destruction and regeneration. Possibly, this seems accurate when you think of this local legend - 

There is a story of two men who tried to climb it and aged rapidly. In fact, they died of old age soon after. Other hikers report their hair and nails grow in 12 hours as they would in 2 weeks on regular land.

There have been no reported successful summit climbs on its peak, but the Chinese government prohibits it and says there are religious reasons to leave it alone.

There are two lakes beside the mountain that are vastly different. Lake Mansarovar - the highest freshwater lake (15,000 feet) in the world. It appears to be impervious to winds and weather or even freezing over.

Then, beside it is Lake Rakshastal that is the highest elevation saltwater lake, with no signs of life. 

This land appears to have a lot of Yin and Yang going on. 

I will continue to explore this magical location and I hope I've ignited your curiosity to learn more. 

Here's a beautiful impactful short video of the mountain that will mystify. LINK 
