(giant head protected inside gourd for transport)
In the 1930s, explorer Paxson Hayes, searched a cave near the canyon of Barrano de Cobre in Northern Mexico. Within the cave, he found 34 mummified men and women, all with blonde hair. All of them also had tall heights between 7 and 8 feet.
Paxson Hayes and his men find a huge walled city built within the cave of giant proportions.
The burial baskets were dug up below volcanic ash. They were made from woven mats and tied with yucca rope. Interestingly, this is a similar burial method found in caves above Sonora, in the Nevada area. The giants apparently wore robes dyed with saffron. The latch hooks were powder blue and there were pyramid designs on the cloth.
Over time, Paxson Hayes's finds have been lost to present-day knowledge, like many things during the time period Hrdlick was curator of the Dept of Ethnology at the Smithsonian. That was on person for whom I have zero respect. He definitely led knowledge astray in America with an agenda to guide us away from true knowledge to constructed narrative. What were the reasons he did this?
It's hard to tell if Hrdlicka was just an uptight man of his time (early 20th Century) that looked down his nose at the very department he ran or if there were religious and governmental entities involved in the coverup of the ancient race. As the government decided to make the Dept of Ethnology part of the Smithsonian, it would seem all finds of giants were swept away, dismissed, or destroyed.
A find such as Paxson Hayes's today could be filmed live, shared with the public immediately, and impossible to hide. This is something to remember, as there are numerous ancient giant finds in caverns, deep in the floors, and awaiting discovery.
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