What's Up With GHT's Researcher/Author?


The last couple of years, I've buzzed along in the background working on my career in screenwriting/film production/acting. I haven't shared it because projects are under non-disclosure agreements. I am ready, however, to reveal where my career is headed.

Life takes serendiptous turns, but one thing to remember is everything you do, use what God gave you. Someone will notice. They will remember. Eventually when they have a project, they will think of you. This was my father's practice and he was a very successful man. Reminder: This works the other way around too. Father brought those talented and unseen friends with him to the top. 

Treat everything you do as if it's career-changing.

As a young child, I was the storyteller among my friends. We sat around on sleepovers and I made up stories spontaneously using elements they asked for. When I laid in bed at night, I saw movies in my mind. When I watched TV, I paraded around in makeshift gowns and reenacted the parts. I stated very early that I would write a movie and act in a movie in the distant future. 

Like most practical parents, they patted me on the head and said, "honey, only one in a million do that." Of course, to an eager child that sounded like, "you're not one in a million."

Don't give up dreams, even if you have to pursue them on the side. Stay tapped into that energy.

It's late in life for me to have gotten to this point, but by a hand of fate, I kept my skills going with a blog, research, podcasts, and a dozen books. 

Eventually, I volunteered for a film production group and my talents got noticed and my confidence in screenwriting grew. 

I had spent six years studying acting and four years in college focused on being a film critic and studying scripts. I thought I put that away after college, but it crept into everyday life because it was a passion. I passed that love down to my son, as when he was little we would rent B movies from Blockbuster and MST3000 them. He later made his own film critique channel on YouTube and majored in mixed media art with a focus on video. 

Can you see the ripples of a passion being spread? Even if you never make a dime at what you love and feel compelled to do, you change your attitude, those around you, and contribute to a creative energy that is desperately needed these days. 

When you don't pursue a dream, it becomes the breakup that you never get over. 

Great loves have a way of haunting you

I started writing manuscripts when I was raising a toddler and working in the medical field. I finally published books, grew a popular blog, and used my communications major skills to be on podcasts and radio shows, workshops, lectures, and the like. 

So, here I am today announcing that I have a LOT of film projects going on. I'm doing various tasks from being a screenwriter and actress to a producer.  Pretty much all of these films I am certain my readers would love to see. I made sure of it!

For too long we've seen Hollywood throw a half a billion dollars at a film that is #8 installment in a stale series, redoing old movies, and doing pompous I-wanna-win-an-award, self-serving, period peices that no one wants to see. 

Westerns - scifi's - paranormal drama - horror - family  - military action - documentaries - reality - are just some of the categories I'm working with. 

I have nonstop film projects booked up until the end of 2025 with more after that.  I will share, as I can, so that y'all can check out these films, documentaries, episodics. 

Thankfully, this blog has really helped me to become very knowledgeable in all things unexplained and which I will be using for some of these projects. 

You can be sure that wherever I go, I take y'all with me. The blog is queued up for the rest of the year and I will be adding new posts when I can update on what's going on. I will also be traveling to locations that allow me to expand research and posts on here. 

Curious imaginative minds read this blog regularly, taking it to #1 in the world for ghost hunting content and #10 for paranormal content. I feed off your enthusiasm and wonder. 

Sometimes, the most unexplained things are how we arrive where we do. 

Little "Sherry" would tell you, feed your dreams from a wellspring. It grows into a well-nourished and invincible purpose. 

Believe, when others are too scared to chase dreams. Have faith in a way that suspends you above where you presently are. Someone has to be the trailblazer that shows it's possible.

How do you stalk a dream? 

As an investigator of the unexplained, I'll tell you that the more your focus on something and stalk it, the more it runs and hides. Ghosts, Bigfoot, UFOs, you encounter them when you aren't expecting it. But, you put yourself in situations, develop certain skills so when the time comes, you recognize it.

Know that I continue to want to bring y'all content as well as lots of links and ways to do your own research.

I suspect that as my career allows me to travel and explore, as well as create documentaries, that I will be able to bring you exactly what you're looking for - more of the unexplained and sometimes horrifying.

Remember, you're not chasing butterflies with a net. You're paving a road for others to see the path. 
