Interdimensional Beings Caught in Photographs: Missing Inventor


It's a blessing when someone finds a cure, perhaps creates an easy free energy or a car that runs on air, but then the inventor goes missing - 

Originally when I posted about Daniel Nemes, PhD, I was very critical of the images he said his invention was able to capture from other dimensions. 

The fact that they had faces and were staring right at the camera made me raise an eyebrow. 

However, having viewed a few videos about the inventor's disappearance, I had to dive into the murky waters for evidence.

It would appear finding photos of his images or anything about him is a dead end. In fact, I had a link to him on my previous post years ago and that link is now dead. 

So, what happened to this inventor? 

My advice to anyone who invents something that threatens the Unholy Trinity that controls us (government, religion, educational institutions), will need to approach their invention not as an invention, but as Tesla would have done - give it away. Print it out, mail it to people, go onto many sites and hand it all over. Spread it like chicken pox and give up hopes of owning the patent. DO NOT TRY TO PATENT IT. 

One thing to consider when viewing the images is the energies that are being photographed and being pressed into a 2-dimensional image we can view and understand. This will change much about the subject's actual content. It's the same as if someone takes a photo of your face that cannot incorporate the depth and 360 degrees of your head. 

I say, if there's any chance Nemes was onto something and he went "missing," it's critical none of us drop the ball on making this public so that, once again, citizens are kept in the dark about the true nature of our universe. For some, these are demons. For others, aliens. Perhaps even pareodolia (the human tendency to see faces and such in random shapes). 

I find I'm comforted by the concept that we share space with other dimensional beings. If they utilize a higher plane it is not limited like ours is by biology and three dimensions, it's a plane based on energy forms. This would be akin to how we see our souls in Heaven.

If for any reason, Daniel Nemes is available to discuss his invention, I encourage him to contact me. 
