Why Are There So Many Bigfoot on the West Coast?


Why are there so many Bigfoot sightings in the Pacific coast line? 

Perhaps it's like America's settling. When Europeans arrived on the Atlantic side, the populations built cities and settled. Even today, hundreds of years later, there is a bigger concentration of population on the East Coast.

Interestingly, in my research anthropologists and archeaologists readily admit the first arrival to the Americas was by boat.


Even the tribes along our coastline were significantly different with a different shaped head, tattooing and ear spools, uniquely South Pacific-like characteristics. The Pericue in the Baja Region, Karankawa of Texas Coast Line, Gulf Coast and Florida natives early on were ravaged by Spanish explorations and disease. 

It would appear that the Bigfoot "people" arrived by Pacific and so their population remained higher concentration in this wonderful wilderness, with some of them spreading out. 

It is my postulation the mound cultures along the Misississippi were settled by these people and even in their graves, they showed seashell arrangements from the Gulf Coast. 

In fact, the Spanish encountering the Karankawa on the Texas Coastline, asked how they got copper for their implements. They said they traded with the people from the North. No doubt, the Mississippi was a major trade route with the miners in the north - Wisconsin/Illinois and the coastal people to the south. My guess is those miners got a lot of seashells.

In fact, if you compare the map here of the mound cultures in America, you will see them correlating with the Bigfoot sighting densities today. Why? Well, is the city of Rome burgeoning? Ancient civilization sites often retain themselves as a population center, even after the great Coliseums are no longer in use. 

Are Bigfoot the first people of the land? Did they build these mound culture civilizations? The Native People speak of an earlier people when they arrived, ones who mined, ones who build permanent civilizations. 

How could Bigfoot go from being a precocious civilization and settler to a feral citizen? 

Perhaps this is like Planet of the Apes. The culture was approached by Europeans invading and the Native People have legends of killing the Prior People and driving them off. 

If you're a population that is way outnumbered, you will retreat. But if you're intelligent enough, you find a way to coexist without leaving evidence. 

Still, they remain in the regions of their forefathers, perhaps they pass down oral legends of the early times or they simply lost their own history and modern ones do not realize the people they came from.

In my research, it was important to figure out the ancestry of Bigfoot. In America, the only large bones we have found were relating to the mound cultures regions. There, they were thoughtfully buried. In the Western US, the Bigfoot likely quietly and unceremoniously buried those who didn't make it, or the forest carted off the bones as it does within a week's time.

Gulf Coast approach to America by these ancient people showed fantastic river systems and game, fertile land along the Mississippi, Missouri, Illinois, and Ohio Rivers. For a people based on sea-navigating, these waterways created a fantastic natural highway for trade. 

Why are there no mound cultures in the Western US? 

Well, in Arizona at Casa Grande site, there were pyramids and mounds, as well as in Mesa, Arizona. These are not spoken of, but they are protected archeaological sites. 

Arizona has at least 50 mound sites in the southern part of the state. This was an accessible area for any culture that navigated the Baja region and entered around Yuma, Arizona. 

The San Francisco and Sacramento area in California has over 400 mounds. This is another water-oriented area between the ocean and Sacramento River. 

Oregon along the Yamhill River in the Willamette area in Oregon has mounds thought to be from people of Asian origin.

If mound cultures depended on waterways as highways to trade, the western US might not have been particularly preferable, but there are signs of ancient cultures here that are baffling. The channel islands in California are one such location. 

This conversation has a million moving parts, but suffice to say, populations go where there are resources and preferred conditions. If a people navigated waterways as a culture, shorelines would be launching and landing points and rivers would be highways. Follow the waterways - 






Here's some maps (above) to show the outlinedmound culture area and other things like giant skeleton finds, caves, rivers, bigfoot sightings.

There are so many possibilities when it comes to Bigfoot - 

*Ancient man still existing side by side with us
*Nephilim (product of angelics mating with human women)
*Mythical figments of our imagination
*The "missing link"
*Interdimensional being
*Antedeluvian people who survived the flood
*Demons/spirits/other forms of noncorporeals
The remaining mound culture people/megalithic builders who have taken to hiding for many many generations.
*Aliens from another world using our world as a rest stop for their travels.

I suppose if we use Occam's Razor, we'd have to settle on an ancient people as we have proof there were ancient people here, we simply thought they went extinct like other life forms we later found out survived. 

Continue seeking answers, correlations, repeatability, evidence to support your concept.

One thing I know about studying the unknown is it's best to enter the practice with no preconceived notions of what a Bigfoot, alien, or ghost is. The problem with many researchers is they have a belief and then they work their evidence to support it. This is a dead end in which there is only one conclusion, the one your ego has invested upon. 

The evidence should provide the conclusion, not the other way around. 
