(Photo above obtained by MK Davis and Don Monroe in Lovelock Cave, Nevada - a handprint 18" wide on the rock and with dermal ridges apparently left by touching the ash-covered ceiling many thousands of years ago.)
The beginning of the trek to understand the slope-headed skulls of America began with this interesting and obscurely hidden paper (below) that came to light by way of a research colleague, MK Davis, who found it by investigative means. I want to share the contents and make some correlations (the skull is vaguely thought to be from 4000-6000 BC) - - -
- This is the link to this paper -
(**Interestingly, since this post has been up on my blog, this paper has mysteriously been deleted from online! I have since inserted it at the bottom of this post**)
"Miscellaneous Paper #18: An Unusual Human Skull From Near Lovelock, Nevada" by Erik K. Reed - Photographic work from the paper one by Dennis Van Gerven.
A skull was found in the Humboldt Sink Flats about 2-1/2 to 3 miles southwest of Lovelock Cave in Nevada. This was turned into the University of Nevada in 1967 by a student who discovered it. It was found near a site with stone tools that appeared to be Paiute in nature. This site had previously been partially excavated in 1965 by the University of California. Other items were found such as numerous Pinto points.
This item had some unusual features including a very prominent brow ridge, a markedly developed protruding nuchal crest with a distinct inion process, and a true os inca (Note from me: Also known as Inca Bone as found in Peruvian mummies) or interparietal bone. The skull was large, ovoid, with high vault but low retreating forehead and marked postorbital constriction with a massive occipital torus or crest. (Note from me: This postorbital constriction makes me wonder about the possibility of a race who was sensitive to light and worked at night, lived in caves and mounds as in North Carolina's Moon-Eyed people. The massive occipital torus or crest means that basically the head was pointed in the rear *see picture of underneath of skull below). The mastoic processes were quite large and the supramastoid crests were well developed (Note from me: In other words, a jaw that could crack walnuts easily).
Sutural complexity was high with several Wormian bones in the lambdoid suture. The occipital was divided by an intricate suture just above the torus from asterion to asterion; a true interparietal bone. The pterion area is arranged in a fairly narrow H. There were broad supraorbital notches and infraorbital foramina were moderately large (Note from me: This guy had a strong support for above and below the eye which might also indicate anchoring for strong muscles and ligaments around the eye to protect it from daylight - see my post yesterday about Bigfoot eyes).
Glabella prominence was very strong with a large continuous brow ridge over the medial halves of the orbits which were squarish and horizontal (Note from me: The scowl prominence between the eyes and the ridge above the eyebrows were large and continuous - very prominent brow). The malars were large and prominent with moderately developed zygomaxillary tuberosities. The suborbital areas were nearly flat. The root of the nose was high and narrow. (Note from me: You can see this in the frontal photo of the skull below - nose hole is up between the eye sockets to the mid point unlike the compared modern human skull photo below - check also below the cartoon drawing of the Mexican emperor and his servants - high bridge of the nose because the nose hole cavity is mid eye socket on them.)
The mandible was large, strong, masculine and square. The teeth were very severely worn with no signs of cavities or crowding. It was believed to be an adult male, but not elderly (Note from me: This guy had a jaw and teeth that were not meant to grind, but to be carnivorous - he was a predator by the very nature of his design).
The skull is categorized as "New World Material," a general archaic type referred to by Georg Neumann's term "Otamid variety." It resembled early period central California material from the lower Sacramento Valley (Neumann 1957) and from Tranquility in the San Joaquin Valley (Note from me: See Link 1 at end of this posting) (Angel, 1966). It also resembles the the Ophir cranium from Virginia City (Note from me: see Link 3 below), Nevada (Reichlen and Heizer 1966) - even having the strange os inca.
The *Otamid type is part of a small group from the Gulf Coast of Texas representing Karankawa Indians also the Pericue of Baja California. Most of the North American species known to be ancient are Otamid. The Lansing Male (4900 BC), the Browns Valley Male (Note from me: Link 2 below) (probably sixth millennium BC), the Midland Female (undoubtedly much older) and pre-ceramic Ventana Cave specimens and others. And so are the Upper Paleolithic finds in Asia exemplifying the general source of population of the original immigrants to the New World.
The entire group can be regarded as Eastern Asiatic subdivision of the general Upper Paleolithic Homo Sapiens. The Humboldt skull has unusual features described above including the prominent brow ridge and sloping forehead among others described (Note from me: They do not seem to see mongaloid features of the attributes of Asiatic subdivision as they just stated here in the underlined passage.)
Here begins in italics another source of information on Neumann's type "Otamids"
Here begins in italics another source of information on Neumann's type "Otamids"
*As it turns out, Otamids are defined as long and low headed with elongate distal limbs (ie. they were hunters like Late Pleistocene Europeans), are present right into the eastern Archaic and Middle Woodlands periods and are described simply as plesiomorphic (meaning primitive ancestral or primitive character) relative to 'derived' Americoids, resembling similar populations in Europe and Siberia and lacking Mongoloid features in their cranium and face (Note from me: So, these slope-headed ones were found in Europe and Siberia and interestingly those are regions where light hair was found in the population correlating with reports of red-haired and blond-haired giants).
*Neumann' eight 'types' (actually, relatively homogenous units from marginal, refuge areas or continuous continental areas of distribution. These are the Texas Coast (Otamid), Kentucky shell mound (Iswanid), Arizona basketmaker (Ashiwid), middle Missisippi (Walcolid), central Algonquian (Lenid), Eskimo (Inuid), interior northwestern Canada (Deneid) and northern Plains (Lakotid). On measurements and indices, the Otamid is close to the Inuid, the Iswanid to the Ashimid, the Lenid to the Walcolid and the Lakotid to the Deneid. Neumann (1960) theorised two migration events into the Americas, the Paleoamerinds (including the Iswanids and Ashiwids) and the Cenoamerinds (Athapaskan-Deneid and Eskimo-Inuid). His third Mesoamerind group are derived from the Paleoamerinds. The robust Otamid is described as including all earliest Americans (except for Tepexpan) and also ('marginally') Central California (figure 3 below), Texas Coast and Terra del Fuego. Article shows four Otamid skulls, one from Tierra Del Fuego, Astahuacan 2, Midland abnd El Penon 3. Figure 4 on page 320 shows four Walcolids (a derived, smaller and gracilised version of the Otamid), labelled as Tepexpan, (Preclassic) Tecopan, Lagoa Santa and Pericu.
(This link is the source of above italicized information)
Note from me: Just try and Google "Otamids" and see what you find - interesting that academia was referring to this skull type defined by Neumann and yet you don't find but perhaps a couple rare items about it.
Do you see the sloping forehead on the skull above compared to the one below? The square jaw? Look how high the nasal cavity is between the eyes on the Humboldt skull. How about the prominent brow?
(art work of Mexican emperor and attendants - Delafield 1839 - interestingly with sloped heads and high narrow noses).
(UNDERNEATH: Notice anything unusual on the underneath of the skull? See where the teeth are there at the bottom of the picture - now look at the back of the head. Feel the back of your head. Does it match? This is the occipital ridge - a pointed rear of head.)
But, there's more -
(***MK Davis, a man for details, noted to me the interesting tooth sockets in the rear molars - it would appear to be double rows!***)
Might these slope-headed ones be the ancestors of today's slope-headed giants? Well, where there's smoke....
(figure 3)
Skulls and Skeletons: Human Bone Collections and Accumulations by Christine Quigley "G.K. Neumann developed a model to explain the peopling of the New World in which he placed all Amerindian populations within a Mongoloid subspecies. He classified them in 8 races based on geography, cultural association and morphological similarity.... he utilized craniometry (measuring skulls) and grouping people by head shapes... (researchers like Hrdlicka also used these measurements as a way to group people into races) and perhaps use this as to justify racial superiority or inferiority.
Other Skull finds listed above as comparison to the Humboldt find Link 1 below:
Tranquillity from San Joaquin Valley, California: The partial calva includes the upper part of the frontal bone showing a sloping and probably low forehead, imperceptible bosses, and median crest which rises into the pronounced sagittal elevation (note that a pronounced sagittal crest is in correlation with strong jaw muscles and that of a predator type lifestyle, found in early man and also in apes) which is the only noteworthy feature of scanty parietal fragments. A constricted, low, and strongly sloping forehead back to parietal with marked sagittal elevation.
Browns Valley Male: The oldest skull found in Minnesota. Approximately 9000 years ago and oldest remains found in Minnesota. Of course, because he was pre-Columbian, he was given to the Native local tribe to rebury according to our NAGPRA law. Note from me: I am unable to find much description of this, however, this skull was compared in the paper above with the Humboldt find and considered similar in appearance.
Ophir cranium Virginia City: There is in this skull a peculiarity that is seen in some of the ancient Peruvian skulls, namely an interparietal bone. The general contour of the skull is that of a very low type; the anterior portion is very slightly developed and receding; the hinder portion is largely developed. It bears a similarity to the skull of the carnivorous apes,the cavity for the low-bone being very deep and now allowing of any grinding motion of the jaws. The skull when found was covered with a metallic layer (in a cave) of a different type from any form that have been found, and belonged to a carnivorous man who could walk easier on all fours than on two feet (Note from me: Bigfoot is often reported to run on all fours as easily as two legs). Several ancient Peruvian skulls were then produced in order to show the interparietal bone.
Link 1: Tranquillity finds as reported by Smithsonian
Link 2: The Browns Valley Male by American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Link 3: Ophir Skull of Virginia City, Nevada
Interested in pursuing more? Look at these resources, if you like, but also consider going off after some finds like these -
My purpose in presenting all this information is for the reader to also participate. Take these potential avenues of investigation, ask your own questions, and stumble into the rabbit hole that is "popular" archaeology versus "forbidden."
If you feel ambitious to check out some concepts, try these -
*Were Native Americans living in abandoned villages and using technology found of the slope-headed ones and that's why they are sometimes found in sites together, or were they literally living together?
*What are the similarities between our slope-headed ones and the Peruvian mummies? What about the Ainu and the Northern Europeans who might be DNA-related? Any theories how?
*Kennewick man found in Washington was found to be Ainu - Northern Japanese tribe. Were his characteristics those of the slope-headed ones? We know that Ainu traveled through Siberia (Northern Europe) and into Alaska and down into America, so hence, Ainu and Northern European breeding might explain some of the odd features found in slope-headed ones, giants, and some Native American tribes with light eyes.
*Legends of Paiutes driving out the cannibalistic red-haired giants in Nevada's Lovelock Cave might be based on the fact that the slope-skulled ones show that their jaw and teeth were not made for grinding, but carnivorous intent. They were powerful meat eaters and this might have made for an aggressive and opportunistic personality. See what you can find about signs of cannibalism among the slope-headed and giant ones.
*What about these other mentioned finds that they compared the Humboldt to? Tranquillity, Browns Valley, Ophir, Terra Del Fuego, Texas Coast Otamids? Check those out and compare.
*What's with the reported double rows of teeth in some skulls? Any of the slope-headed ones or just giants or both? Many giant skulls were reported to be slope-headed. Were these two tribes maxing or one tribe that worshipped the tall ones that came more often because of genetic odds, like the tribe in Panama where 1 in 145 people are born with albinism?
I really could go on and on for weeks about this, but I want you to choose to pursue knowledge. I will take some of these concepts and develop them over time, but let's make a fuss about getting a proper education. Were these slope-headed ones primitives and were they carnivores who were predators, cannibals and the like? Is this why cultures like the Paiutes, Cherokee and Lenni-Lenape of tales of driving them out from the lands told by their ancestors and passed down?
Expect me to continue a full pursuit of this in coming posts, probably for years to know since I'm a persistent researcher and I don't like having information fed to me through pasteurization process.
I was asked if I'd like to name these people. I would want to call them Homo Clivus Frons for sloped forehead.
This is my sketch (below) based on the skull and the description given by the researcher of a carnivorous robust jaw and the high nose attachment above the brows and indian legends of "long ears" who wore ear spools.
Found this too -
LINK Tsul 'Kalu [pronounced Sool Kaloo] (the slant-eyed or sloping giant) is a legendary figure of Cherokee mythology who plays the role of "the great lord of the game", and as such is frequently invoked in hunting rites and rituals. The tale is one of the best known Cherokee legends and was recorded by Europeans as early as 1823, often using the spelling, Tuli cula. The name Tsul 'Kalu means literally "he has them slanting/sloping", being understood to refer to his eyes, although the word eye (akta, plural dikta) is not a part of it. In the plural form it is also the name of a traditional race of giants in the far west.
A very good researcher contacted me with photographs. He was researching Erik Reid, the archaeologist and had access to his notes. It seems that following the study of this unusual skull, Reid began to keep notebooks filled with clippings about ancient giants -
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