Campfire Storytelling: What to Watch


If you love moody atmospheric storytelling outdoors by a campfire, I found some YouTube channels and movies that will evoke that. Curl up with a candle and a blanket to wrap around yourself. 


Base Camp Chris

This is probably one of my biggest channel addictions on YouTube. Chris hikes out to a lonely spot in nature, dim light, sometimes a tent and campfire, sometimes a lantern, an ice cold craft beer, and a helluva story of people in the forests with Bigfoot and other creepy encounters. I run marathons of his videos and darken the room, and make sure my toes are safe under the blanket. He's utterly a-dorkable.


This dude travels the US in a van home and stops in at creepy locations to ride the night out. It feels a lot like hanging with a buddy on a boring weekend, looking for mystery and daring each other to go into the abandoned house on the edge of town. 

Campfire Tales 

These videos are narrated with some artistic video footage. It's an ideal listen-to while doing other chores like an audio book.


Alone in the Dark 

Surprising amount of well-known great actors and a creepy scenario of mental hospital patients thinking the new psychiatrist killed the old one they were attached to, so they escape to chase down the new guy.

Campfire Tales

This is absolutely my very very favorite urban legend telling movie. Urban Legend wasn't bad, but this one is a definite watch-in-the-dark wonderful storytelling. Enchanting and scary!


A beautifully made documentary about a real-life incident of a mental hospital shutting down but not all patients accounted for and serial murders in the area. 

The Haunting (1963)

This black-and-white classic is the very best ghost story telling in a dark moody home that feels very window-less and a team sent in to prove ghosts exist.

The Fog (1980)

The addition of John Houseman telling a campfire tale to the kiddies at the opening of the film sets the mood and tone for the ghosts rolling in on the fog. 

Indoor Smores Kit

Start building your blanket fort!
