Taking Spooky Pictures in Your Yard


 A wee walk in the garden after the sun goes down and the fading corn and sunflowers, the Halloween doll heads and scarecrow, take on a new and sinister tone - 

I was really lucky to have a crescent moon (doesn't come out that way in the photos). My scarecrow got lit from one side by a street light too. 

Get the moon in some shots if you can.

I put doll heads out in the garden to add effect for when it's pumpkin picking time. Where I had cut sunflower heads off to put inside and dry, I stuck a doll head.

Out came a Michael Myers mask from my Halloween box of decor. I put the mask over a sunflower.

For a ghostly figure, I hung a styrofoam skull on a sunflower and then draped cheesecloth over it. In the darkness, you move your camera back and forth very fast as you click and the shutter is open long, so it gets a blur.

If you let your summer garden die off for fall, the effect is amazing. Sunflowers and corn age especially nicely. 

Take advantage of shadows. 

You'll be very surprised to find out what your backyard can provide in terror, from tree limbs and shadows, moonlight and dying plants. Perhaps lay out a trail on the ground of clothing, a knife, a horror mask, and some muddy bare footprints....

Let your imagination run wild with the stories you can tell with the camera. 

Consider a live Facebook video with a bit of glow stick green light on one side of your face and tell a scary tale.

I suggest you make a night of the backyard and photo opportunities. Here's some suggestions to use - 

Here's an impromptu adlib video in the backyard - 
