YouTube Unexplained-Themed Channels I Recommend


Every now and then I explore new options in video content offered on YouTube. Recently, with the rainy weather and daydreaming about autumn and Halloween, I started poking around only to find some exceptional channels for my readers, ones I highly recommend!

This blog being #1 in the world for ghost hunting subject theme and a top paranormal blog, I know what you want - 


Original art, beautifully constructed narrative, dark forboding, and the dream stuff to watch with the lights off, nothing will get  you in the mood like this spectral, atmospheric tale-telling. We are all getting into the Halloween vibe and this channel will plunge you into traditional and hauntingly beautiful visuals and storytelling. 


The Why Files

If you find yourself accepted the unexplained once all known scientific methods have been explored, you will love this very astute channel and the host and his goldfish heckler. He covers many subjects of the unexplained, going over both sides so you can decide for yourself. His logic is spot-on and he is honestly on the fence about the subject, just giving you evidence both ways. It's such an addictive watch, I often do marathon showings of one episode after another.


Carl the Crusher

Carl is a totally real guy with a curious mind, plenty of muscle, and a team of buddies who explore the unknown. They truly make you feel like you're one of the gang exploring abandoned sites, testing UFOs near Skinwalker Ranch, following petroglyphs for ancient clues....


The Lehto Files

There are probably a handful of people qualified enough in experience and knowledge to discuss UFO phenomena and Chris Lehto is one. This channel goes over evidence and details that boggle the mind. 


James Keenan

Somehow this channel has remained under the radar, for now. James Keenan covers one of our favorite regions, the Uinta Basin, as well as other locations around the world. He is very knowledgeable, curious, and brings you evidence you never knew about. 


Secure Team 10

This is THE premiere channel to see UFO evidence and hear it reviewed. This is up-to-the-minute info and has a huge cult following of alien/UFO lovers. You feel like you're with a smart buddy discussing evidence. Your mind will be instantly opened by way of being blown.


There are so many great channels out there. If you stumble upon any you think the viewers would enjoy, please share!
