There is nothing better at Halloween time than updating your profile pic with a Halloween selfie. In this photo above I am peeking around the corner of a curtain with an element of terror. If you want to amplify the look, consider using a filter on Photoshop like "poster edge" or just up the contrast.
A gothic mood involves a black background, some candelight, gauzy ghost, slightly lit figure behind you....
Consider making everything black so that your flesh is the only thing that pops out in the photo -
Try moving the camera back and forth fast as you take the pic so you blur out -
Take on the look and attitude of your subject -
Interact with a background - art piece, object, or even a character on a large screen TV -
Don't be afraid to be unrecognizable -
Live a fantasy -
Here's some things to help give you the best pics -
Get inspired with Halloween Smoke Bomb Photography
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