In keeping with the theme of "hiding in the forest," we find our cryptic buddy, Bigfoot has a hobby - building stick structures and rock stacks.
Why do Bigfoot do this?
It's all conjecture and anyone's guess.
My concept is this - we have heard of them keeping their youth near the trees. It is an early practice for them to survive to learn to stay close to a tree. The adults, in supervising the children have been supposedly teaching them games to play with bark to keep them busy. They don't have preschools or daycare, so what do they do? They build a struture to safely house them inside and install a parent to watch and protect. What we might be looking at is "playpens" for baby Bigfoots.
Southern Ontario Bigfoot channel on YouTube has one of the best and widest selections of Bigfoot art gallery of anyone I've seen. Be sure to subscribe!
Here's just some of the beauty -
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