This is a series on Ghost Hunting Theories chronicling a present-day Sasquatch experiment utilizing techniques employed by the researcher over a decade ago in a completely different location at an habituation site.
Today, the researcher's ongoing study is being performed in an urban setting in the southern half of the US, hundreds of miles from the original site and the results are amazingly similar. During the series, I will be sharing the evolution of these experiments and their results from his journal.
For earlier installments go to THIS LINK.
Today, the researcher's ongoing study is being performed in an urban setting in the southern half of the US, hundreds of miles from the original site and the results are amazingly similar. During the series, I will be sharing the evolution of these experiments and their results from his journal.
For earlier installments go to THIS LINK.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
To all, this report will be in 7 sections. This is from the west side of the Regional National Forest. 85 photos are included of this day's activities and travels. I'm only making comments when absolutely necessary. Let's get started.
My goals for this days visit was to 1) finish hiking the FSR from the previous report 2) drive the Forest Service main roads to locate more gated FSR trails 3) also locate excellent parking spots to establish late night listening posts 4) look out for interesting tree structures etc. for photographing 5) spent time at the trailhead with my local friend to listen for activity in a specific location.
I arrived at the trailhead parking at approximately 9:24am. The temperature on arrival was 82 but feels like 90 according to the gage. The high was expected to be 92. the wind was from the SSW at 9mph. Partly cloudy with the humidity at 81%.
Section 1 (photos 1-48)
I started my hike on the back entry of the nearby FSR. This was close to the main trailhead parking area. I was hoping to finish hiking the full length of the FSR I had started on July 23, the previous week. I got started around 9:45am and it was extremely hot even this early in the morning. It did start out under the trees but eventually moved out from the tree cover to open space. The trail road crosses the main hiking trail at 3 points: @ 33 minutes, 54 minutes and 75 minutes. At 75 minutes, I had covered 3/4 of the trail one way. At this time, I was close to being wiped out by my pack and heavy 44. mag revolver and still had to do the return walk. The temperature was now feeling like the low 100's. I made it back to the trailhead and my vehicle by 1pm. I did see interesting items on this hike. These are noted on photos 1-48 for this section as follows:
#1. 9:46am---pushover off the FSR trail.
#4. 9:48am---another view of the above.
#7. 9:50am---again, another view.
#17. 10:10am---primitive campsite near the intersection of the main hiking trail loop and the FSR (forest service road) trail. I had put the rock stack on the bench during my last hike this way on July 23. In the back of the campsite, notice pushovers, bows, and breaks.
#18. 10:15am---broke off a tree near the trail intersection. The broken tree can be seen to the rear. This was noted during last week's hike here. When I hiked the main trail here on May 27, the tree was intact. That was the same day 3 vocals were noted just to the north and east from this spot across the boundary fence on private property.
#22. 10:38am---on my left side at the tree line, long branches/limbs jammed into tree crooks, leaners, plus nearby bows.????
#25. 10:44am---another spot inside the tree line 5 minutes away from the prior photos with more pushovers & bows, etc.
#30. 10:51am---The FSR trail has widened much at this point. This is the 2nd intersection of the main hiking trail and the FSR trail.
#35. 11:20am---a long log across the FSR trail road @ the intersection of the 3rd intersection of the main trail crossing.
At this point, I took a lunch and rest break. The next set of photos (#38-#42) were on my return to the trailhead and my vehicle. These were the most impressive I found along this trail. A group of trees in the same area were all broken at approximately 12"-18" off the ground. All were broke away from each other. This is a first for me seeing them broke over in this fashion in a group. Here they are with no comments.
#43. 12:30pm----these branches were scattered on the trail near the primitive campsite passed by earlier in the morning. They were on the trail then and I passed them over. I photograph them now.
I make it back to the trailhead parking and my vehicle by 1pm. I take a break at my vehicle before driving to another area.
Section 2 (photos 49-56)
I decide to go to another FSR to the west side of the forest. I come off the main HWY to the west and go south on a FSR. I take this road past 2 turnoffs until I don't want to go farther. I turn back around and take the first turnoff to the left. I drive down this road until I notice unusual tree structures in a small patch of woods to my left. I stop and take the following photos:

#49. 2:02pm
#56. 2:05pm
To me it looks like 'BF/Sasquatch' artistry in tree structure making. I drive to the end of this road which ends at a back gate to private property. I left this area. I drove out to the main HWY to a 3rd area.
Section 3 (photos 57-67)
The 3rd area was further east of the first trailhead parking area. A FSR went down to the west side of the local area lake. This was off another main FSR. The location I was now at supposedly had bad things happen 7-8 years ago. There was possible 'BF' destruction of a camping site here. The edge of this part of the lake is supposed to be a travelway for the 'BF'. Here are my photos of this location:
#57. 3:21pm---the FSR ends to my rear of taking the photo. I turned my vehicle out for a quick getaway if need be. The lake is also behind me. This old camping/parking site is supposed to be along a 'BF' travelway.
#59. 3:22pm---I turned to the rear. The end of the FSR can be seen going to the edge of the lake. The lake can be seen in the far rear at 2 spots.
#60. 3:22pm---This is a trail along the edge of the lake going to the north. Again, this is supposed to be a 'BF' travelway.
#62. 3:23pm---I'm near a marshy spot with my vehicle in the distance. Also a brokeover tree can be seen.
#63. 3:23pm---a closer view of the brokeover tree at approximately 18'' off the ground onto another tree. Reminds me of the low breakovers from section 2 photos.
#64. 3:23pm---this is where the camping took place. Someone recently had a fire going from the burned limbs etc. seen. The direction seen is to the south along the lake edge.
#66. 3:34pm---I'm leaving the site. Above the road , 2 bows can be seen across the road. the front bow is right to left. The second left to right and both tops meeting together over the road. Interesting.
Section 4 (photos 68-69)
I head back to the main FSR to get over to the next area. As I turn to the north back to the main HWY, I notice across the road on the west side, a gas pipeline marker. Orange and white. It looks like it has been pushed over slightly. It is leaning to the right. it's not in the normal upright position. Here are the 2 photos for this:
Section 5 (photos 70-73)
I cross the main HWY and scout the FSR areas to the north. I eventually stop at one of the gated FSR trails. As I park and get out of my vehicle, I notice bones on the ground to the left of my parking spot. The following photos are those bones:
Section 6 (photos 74-76)
I now head back south to the main HWYagain. I notice in the woods to my right a huge Y log leaning against a large tree. It looked very unusual to me so here are the photos:
Section 7 (photos 77-85)
I now go to my usual exploring & listening spot on the east side of the lake. I haven't been here for sometime. I get to the FSR trail gate and notice something different immediately. Here are the remaining photos:
I now go to my usual exploring & listening spot on the east side of the lake. I haven't been here for sometime. I get to the FSR trail gate and notice something different immediately. Here are the remaining photos:

#79. 5:38pm---I step back and take the photo. the small tree is over onto a part of the road trail. The gate is seen further down the trail.
#80. 5:48pm---this twist and break is down the road trail to the right. It's also a fresh new breakover. Also at the base can be seen numerous empty shotgun shell casings. This occurs at two other twisted and broken trees along the trail. This road trail is sometimes used by people for target shooting etc. I believe the 'BF's' were agitated with the shooting and did this fresh damage. Also they found small trees near the shooting and did the twist and breaks to let loose their frustration with the shooting.
Later around 9pm a researcher friend from this area met me at the first trailhead and we listened until approximately 12:30am. We heard a few possible vocals off in the far distance but nothing close.
I headed home after a day full of accomplishments.
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