As I have in recent years been focusing a good deal on research of ancient giants, I tend to gather a lot of various information from sources around the globe and as I do, I begin to notice odd correlations.
Working with researcher Dennis Guern, we have found
some unusual characteristics we will share now -
Dennis and I both have long held a fascination for Hollow Earth theory that there is another world within our own world. We seek to find evidence that moves us.
The Smoky God (A Voyage to the Inner World)
The book is a retelling of a Norwegian fisherman's encounters with Hollow Earth while out in the northern sea with his father on a fishing excursion.
I will bypass the description of the place because for the purposes of what caught my eye, the individuals living in this location and their unusual animals had me riveted. (This is a small book but well worth the read in description)
*Keep in mind this fisherman from the 1800s in Norway was not accessing information on what giant culture should be like, but what he stated he witnessed correlates strongly with our knowledge of the hidden giant culture around the world.
QUOTE FROM BOOK ABOUT HOLLOW EARTH - There was not a single man aboard who would not have measured fully 12 feet in height. They all wore full beards, not particularly long, but seemingly short-cropped. They had mild and beautiful faces, exceedingly fair with ruddy complexions. The hair and beard of some were black, others sandy, and still others yellow. The leader was a full head taller than any of his companions. The women averaged from ten to eleven feet in height....They were richly attired in a costume peculiar to themselves, and very attractive. The men were clothed in handsomely embroidered tunics of silk and satin and belted at the waist. they wore knee breeches and stockings of a fine texture, while their feet were encased in sandals adorned with gold buckles. We early discovered that gold was of the most common metals known and that it was used extensively in decoration....I never saw such a display of gold. It was everywhere. The door-casings were inlaid and the tables were veneered with sheetings of gold. Domes of the public buildings were gold. It was used most generously of the great temples of day we saw a great herd of elephants. There must have been 500 of these thunder-throated monsters, with their restlessly waving trunks...."
Let me jump now to the legend by the Paiutes of the Hav-Musuvs in the present-day Death Valley area -
"’Living in their hidden city, the Hav-musuvs ruled the sea with their fast rowing-ships, trading with far-away peoples and bringing strange goods to the great quays said still to exist in the caverns."
"’Then as untold centuries rolled past, the climate began to change. The water in the lake went down until there was no longer a way to the sea. First the way was broken only by the southern mountains, over the tops of which goods could be carried. But as time went by, the water continued to shrink, until the day came when only a dry crust was all that remained of the great blue lake. Then the desert came, and the Fire-God began to walk across Tomesha, The Flaming-Land.
"’When the Hav-musuvs could no longer use their great rowing-ships, they began to think of other means to reach the world beyond. I suppose that is how it happened. We know that they began to use flying canoes. At first they were not large, these silvery ships with wings. They moved with a slight whirring sound, and a dipping movement, like an eagle...."
"’They are a beautiful people. Their skin is a golden tint, and a head band holds back their long dark hair. They dress always in a white fine-spun garment which wraps around them and is draped upon one shoulder. Pale sandals are worn upon their feet...’
Sometimes they were seen in the distance, in their flying ships or riding on the snowy-white animals which took them from ledge to ledge up the cliffs. We have never seen these strange animals at any other place. To these people the passing centuries brought only larger and larger ships, moving always more silently.’
In more modern times, we find a story you can read about in the book Death Valley Men -
These giants are clothed in garments consisting of a medium length jacket and trouser extending slightly below the knees." said Hill. "The texture of the material is said to resemble gray dyed sheepskin, but obviously it was taken from an animal unknown today...the chamber contained tall gold spears, although he doesn't elaborate on why he failed to take any of these spears with him...Following another tunnel, they came across what they described as a “ritual hall” of these ancient people. Here, they once again found artifacts and marking as well as the well-preserved remains of animals, including dinosaurs, elephants and tigers. Later, it was suggested that perhaps these bones belonged to ancient saber-tooth tigers and mammoths.
Note the lizard-like face on the male sarchoagus above? Looks like Father Crespi/Ecuador find here -
Attempts to follow their writings found around the world, meant that languages found in America may not be from Egypt or Tibet, but are the ancient's writing, the writing that those areas of the globe imitated and made their own. This would create many similarities.
Death Valley description: (Dr. F. Bruce Russell in 1931 who supposedly found a series of caverns and a civilization thought to be 80,000 years old)
It was also mentioned in the descriptions of the find that there was an entrance at a gallery of windows up high around 5000 feet where they believed long ago the valley was filled with water and they docked there. And, yes, there were ancient late ice age lakes there such as Lake Manly and Lake Panamint, drying up around 10,000 years ago.
Now, let's move on to the supposed 1909 find in the Grand Canyon by G.E. Kinkaid
From our previous post: "I was journeying down the Colorado river in a boat, alone, looking for mineral. Some forty-two miles up the river from the El Tovar Crystal canyon, I saw on the east wall, stains in the sedimentary formation about 2,000 feet above the river bed. There was no trail to this point, but I finally reached it with great difficulty...Among the other finds are vases or urns and cups of copper and gold, made very artistic in design...Among the pictorial writings, only two animals are found. One is of prehistoric type..."The tomb or crypt in which the mummies were found is one of the largest of the chambers, the walls slanting back at an angle of about 35 degrees. On these are tiers of mummies, each one occupying a separate hewn shelf. At the head of each is a small bench, on which is found copper cups and pieces of broken swords. Some of the mummies are covered with clay, and all are wrapped in a bark fabric.
As well, Kinkaid made mention of about 30 yards of carved steps that led to the cave, showing what looked to be a climb from an ancient docking area when water levels were up in the Grand Canyon and upon occasion lava plugged up areas of the canyon making lakes of high levels. This is similar to the supposed docking area up on Death Valley's Panamint Mountains and the Lovelock Cave with the red-haired giants in Nevada.
Now, let us take you on a journey to a more modern-day man, John Brewer (see photo of tablets at top of this post), who came across a cave in Utah that is hence referred to as Brewer's Cave. He spent years sorting out the contents of this hidden niche and then attempted to bring in Mormon officials to verify the find. The cave ended up collapsing, losing the history that was within, but here is the account.
Alledgely there were copper and gold plates and objects throughout. As well, two sarcophagi of a male and female. These are drawings - male with beard and tunic, female with tunic and headdress. The male was 9'2" tall, the female 8'10" tall.
Common themes -
*underground/cave/cavern in gold/copper mining area
*gold is precious, as is copper
*wear tunic type clothing
*males have beards
*extremely tall
*existence here up to the end of ice age to time of Europeans arrival.
*docks up high at cave entrances above ancient waterways around the 10,000+ year ago time frame.
The legend of the red-haired giants at Lovelock Cave involves similar themes that the giants made reed boats and hid within the cave when water levels were high there (10,000 years ago), and amazing duck decoys of an advanced ancient culture were found within, along with giant skeletons in the 1911-1920s time frame. Also found in the caves are giant sandals 15 inches in length.
Although it is said the Paiutes trapped the giants in the cave and burned them to death, we have reason to believe collapses in the cave system have hidden potential long-distance caverns they might have escaped into.
Let's take a look at a culture that surely owned the earth before man stumbled from the borders of Africa. These people were strong, big, and way ahead of us in technology. While we carried spears, they had canals, substances to tar things, megalithic precision-cut structures, mining, jewelry making, astronomy, and more.
Attempts to follow their writings found around the world, meant that languages found in America may not be from Egypt or Tibet, but are the ancient's writing, the writing that those areas of the globe imitated and made their own. This would create many similarities.
In fact, our very obsession with gold might have come from knowing the "gods" sought it, even at the possible risk of enslaving us to get it.
But, how did this race of giants get around? How were they so good at mining?
Let's give the Hollow Earth concept some credence for the sake of debate.
There was a strangely accurate description from the Norwegian fisherman of Hollow Earth. Let's assumed that civilization valued gold a lot, as seen In descriptions of architecture and decor. If they sought gold and were excellent at underground worlds, they either utilized a network of caverns across the globe or took to their ships to come and gather the precious metals where they could be found.
It would also make this culture rather cryptic as they can retreat underground at any time through a system they know well. (It rather reminds one of the Bigfoot of today).
Suddenly, finds in caves, and themes relating to caverns and caves and gold finds begin to make much sense. Descriptions of giants made by those that found their remains or the indigenous people who carry legends, have oddly related themes.
(a waist band, a circle, carvings on the back and head, stiff erect posture, long ears)
And who were the "long-earred" ones of Easter Island who erect the Moai statues?
Note our comparison of both cultures showing similarities.
Note the Father crespi writing (copper color above) looks a lot like the writing on the sarcophagi from Brewer's Cave (above).
Teotihuacan versus Moai
Megalithic structures made of stone from pyramids to giant complexes have been found around the world and seem to have been designed by another people with vast knowledge of cutting and moving stones. Who might be expert in such things? Perhaps underground dwellers who deal in earth and evolved to adapt to cutting stone, moving through earth, heading in directions they seek their treasures?
Cueva de los Tayos. A massive cave system in Ecuador that shows evidence of being carved out with artifacts. Father Crespi who was beloved by the locals was given access to these finds. Many of the items were made of gold and copper.
The Father Crespi finds also depicted prehistoric-looking creatures.
Note the Father crespi writing (copper color above) looks a lot like the writing on the sarcophagi from Brewer's Cave (above).
Note that this stone above shows a mammoth-type creature below the sun and comes from the Father Crespi collection.
Dennis and I continue this exploration of ancient cultures that were "other" and that were made up of "unusually tall people" who "mined gold and copper" and were rather "advanced."
We promise to keep you posted.
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