Mesoamerican Mystery of Ancients

Studying ancient missing cultures that leave a lot of ???'s in the archaeologist's books, I have come across a pattern from Peru up to modern-day USA. And I can't help wanting to share just some of that mystery - 

The Teotihuacan culture of Mesoamerica has raised a lot of brows. The Aztecs reportedly came to the anciety city about 600-800 years after the occupants had left. What they found was surely built by the gods, right?

First off, I am NOT a fan of Van Daniken's concept of ancient aliens. I am not one to credit the "indigenous" people of that time period in that area. But, I am plenty willing to report a definite belief that a culture that was present around the world and that Homo sapiens came upon their presence or their city remains, influenced the development of our language, mining, agriculture, building, astronomy, and more. 

Who were these ancients? Some call them giants and others call them aliens. I am more inclined to believe that a people who develop outside of Africa for a few hundred thousand years had plenty of advancements.


Adaptation. A people adapted for the vast climates of Asia and Siberia, as well as Europe acclimated to survive in most climates. They also had to learn to use what is local and find ways to get food and work together to survive. In Africa, it was pretty easy work - good climate, water, tons of fruits and game. No need for a survival adaptation. 

These people who pushed up into these regions had to deal with a variety of dangers and this meant learning and innovating. 

The more we are forced to practice driving, the better we get, right? Driving would be necessary if things we need are far away from us. City dwellers, however, can walk to sources of their needs. Those heading out of the abundant food source and temperate climate, had a lot of adapting to do, including dealing with immune system strengthening against a host of viruses and bacteria we didn't deal with at home.

Give those people a few hundred thousand years outside of their original homestead and you have some people who are seriously advanced. 

Let's look at us, for example. We left Africa perhaps 50,000 years ago as popular anthropology states (although that number is finally reaching more like 100,000). But in that perhaps 75,000-125,000 years, see how advanced the world has become as we spread out?

Homo erectus left Africa 1.8 million years ago. Neanderthals are said to have lived in Europe and Asia for about 130,000 years. That's longer than we have been out and about the world. How much do you think they might have been ahead of our curve?
What we might have learned from them as we exited the homeland and spread out? 

Basically they did the hard work that we learned from. They developed written language, making jewelry, medicine, and more. The extent of what they did still baffles many when we look at abandoned unexplained sites like Teotihuacan in Mexico. 

They say the culture there showed some signs of exposure to the Olmec - oldest civilization noted in Mesoamerica. You know, those folks whose facial features and large stone heads look rather South Pacific? 

I am going to be doing some very indepth research on this culture versus other cultures, but I am seeing an overall pattern from Easter Island to Peru - 

In Samoa they have a legend of the Moso. This is said to be one of the giant people's footprints. They report that the Moso went down with the giant flood. 

In fact, going through the Polynesian culture, there are many legends of giants. In Peru, they have a legend of the giants reaching the shores and taking over on a rampage. The legends continue throughout the region, even displaying the six-fingers and six-toes often attributed to that culture.

Below are glyphs in the USA that show such prints. And, if we trace the age of cultures, the Peruvian up to MesoAmerica and into American mound culture, we see what might be a race of people who valued being near waterways, building megalithic structures, and mining gold and copper. 

Coastal indians who have long since gone missing due to warring with the Spanish and disease, wore ear spools, had polynesian-like tattoos, and were water-based people. Tribes such as the Pericue and Karankawa have long since been extinct, but they also had the "otamid" head shape that was different than Amerindian origins. Were their origins South Pacific? 

I've given my readers enough to consider for now, but expect a LOT more on this subject as I begin to make a timeline from Peru up to present-day United States and an ancient culture that has defied accepted concepts of "indigenous" people.


  1. when I was in College I learned abotu Zigerauts (( spelling?)) .. basically they were pre egyptian pyraminds, they had a very similar shape and feel to the step pyramids found in middle america, I find it interesting that these cultures who ( theoretically had no contact with eachother) such as the meso americans and the ancient near east were building these things, even in China you can find pyramid like structures, I would just like to add this to your research and theory, its something I noticed in Art history that a lot of them had similiarites in culture


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