Ural Mountains Giants

Reportedly 120,000,000-year-old relief map of the Urals

Akraim, on the border of Russia and Khazakhstan, was found by aerial photography in 1935. It is believed to be around 2000 BC. Astronomical observatory and extensive canals were discovered. It had in the past been destroyed by fire and not one remain of bones, jewelry, pottery or the like was found. (Interestingly, correlates with reports of God bringing down destructive fire to obliterate giants).

Russia is the source of many very ancient mysteries and also an impressive mining region. If the origins of ancient Giants was within Asia and Siberia, then this would make sense to find ancient sites there that showed great sophistication for such a long-ago eon. 

Source:  The Bashkirs (Native People), one of the indigenous peoples of this area, have a legend of the heroic giant Ural who sacrificed his life for the happiness of his people. Later, they formed a burial mound over his grave from which the mountains sprang.

Source: The origin of mountains (hills, rocks) in Bashkir legends are often connected with mythological plots about giants – alps («Musektau», «A Two–topped Alpa–kom»).

The area of spreading the motif «Mountains arise from sand (clay), that poured out of shoes of a giant» is broad: from the Baltic sea to the Caucasus and further on to the East. This motif is also known to folklore of peoples of the countries of Western Europe.

Source: From olden times, the Urals have been famous as a unique mineral treasure trove: there is hardly an element in Mendeleyev?Periodic Table that could not be found here. Copper from the Urals was used for the Statue of Liberty in New York City; malachite from here was used in the construction of the Malachite Hall of the Winter Palace (Hermitage) and the columns of St. Isaac in St. Petersburg.

Today, in this region they report giants called Almas or Almasty. They are the Bigfoot equivalent or "wild man" of the region. They are reported to be on two legs and covered in red-brown hair. This commonality of Bigfoot-type beings seen in areas where giants were inhabiting in the past seems to be a running theme. 

Source:  While excavating at Byzovaya, Russia, an archaeological site in the cold western foothills of the Ural Mountains at the edge of the Arctic Circle, Dr. Ludovic Slimak of the Université de Toulouse le Mirail, France, along with a team of colleagues, had unearthed a total of 313 human artifacts, along with a massive accumulation of remains of mammoths and other animals, (such as reindeer, wooly rhinoceros, musk ox, horse, wolf, polar fox, and bear). Examination of the mammoth remains indicated that they had been butchered using human-made tools. But these artifacts, a stone tool technology known as Mousterian and associated most commonly with Neanderthals, were dated to about 28,500 BP, too late for the Neanderthals. The dating didn't seem to match the nature of the technology, as the newly discovered artifacts defined a toolkit that belonged primarily to the Middle Paleolithic period (300,000 to 40,000 years ago), and Neanderthals are generally thought to have become extinct after that time period -- replaced, as many scientists have suggested, by Homo sapiens (anatomically modern humans) around 75,000 to 50,000 years ago with a more advanced stone tool industry.

Note:  I believe that the place where we meet the unexplained past is riddled with puzzles. It does this so that perhaps man can finally be unsettled enough to search for answers.

Some other unusual things from this region (it is very freaky in the Urals to Siberia)- 

Dyatlov Pass missing hikers in strange mystery

Klerksdorp Spheres (found in Russia's Patomskiy Crater - geologists give logical explanation)

Valley of Death

Manpupuner Rock formations

Giant Megaliths


Lake Baikal - always an odd legend

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