It seems regularly we are changing the timeline of human beings on earth. Either we adjust when modern man showed up, where he showed up, and where he traveled to, or we learn some intriguing things like we carry Neanderthal and Denisovans DNA.
But, one of the most often changed aspects of man in the world is how long man has been in the Americas and we are getting more and more reason to believe we weren't just here when the Bering Strait land bridge was at its supposed zenith. In fact, we might go back as much as 50,000 years here.
While researching the timeline of man at Lake Lahontan (a pluvial ancient lake that has mostly dried up with the exception of Pyramid Lake and Walker Lake in the Nevada area, the result of melting ice from the ice age), I came across some interesting observations by a contributor to archaeological research in the west - Peter Ting.
"Very few of you are bold enough to come out in print and state that early man inhabited North America 50,000 years ago when there is so much convincing evidence it is true!" (see below)
If the last glacial period started 115,000 years ago instead of 70,000 years ago (above), then some things portrayed by Native People in America may be actual documentation of real events.
Did you know at 50,000 years ago a meteor hit Arizona?
Meteor Crater Arizona. Meteor Crater (Barringer Meteorite Crater) formed 50,000 years ago when an asteroid plunged through the Earth's atmosphere and crashed into what would become central Arizona. ... Traveling at around 8 miles per second (12.8 kps) the force of the asteroid impact on the ground was tremendous.
Hopi Culture and the Lenape culture both describe disasters in this region that sent the people either underground (ant people) or heading east (Lenape). Some reports put man in the Americas 130,000 years ago!
The oldest petroglyphs found in America are in Winnemucca, Nevada dating 14,800 years ago. The Calico Man Site in California dated at 200,000 years ago man had a ring of fire there.
It is interesting to note that in some papers, anthropologists referred to the first migration of America being by boat, the second by the land bridge. Interestingly, they note specifically the second migration by land was by "humans." Interesting differentiation.
40,000 to 30,000 years ago: The Australian Aborigines reach their continent by boat, leading some archaeologists to suggest that the First Americans might have reached the Americas by travel overseas.
Did you know at 50,000 years ago a meteor hit Arizona?
Meteor Crater Arizona. Meteor Crater (Barringer Meteorite Crater) formed 50,000 years ago when an asteroid plunged through the Earth's atmosphere and crashed into what would become central Arizona. ... Traveling at around 8 miles per second (12.8 kps) the force of the asteroid impact on the ground was tremendous.
Hopi Culture and the Lenape culture both describe disasters in this region that sent the people either underground (ant people) or heading east (Lenape). Some reports put man in the Americas 130,000 years ago!
The oldest petroglyphs found in America are in Winnemucca, Nevada dating 14,800 years ago. The Calico Man Site in California dated at 200,000 years ago man had a ring of fire there.
It is interesting to note that in some papers, anthropologists referred to the first migration of America being by boat, the second by the land bridge. Interestingly, they note specifically the second migration by land was by "humans." Interesting differentiation.
40,000 to 30,000 years ago: The Australian Aborigines reach their continent by boat, leading some archaeologists to suggest that the First Americans might have reached the Americas by travel overseas.
Some body stats for the Americas -
Luzia Woman found in a Brazilian Cave dated 11,500 years.
The Spirit Man of Spirit Man Cave in Nevada was the oldest mummy found at more than 9400 years ago.
The oldest confirmed archaeosite was in southern Chile dating 18,500 to 14,500 years ago.
Naia, a female skeleton found in a Mexican wet cave underwater was dated back to 12,000 to 13,000 years ago.
It wasn't that long ago that we were given 4-digit numbers for how long man has been in the Americas and we are pushing it to five and even six digits.
Even "Nature," a peer-reviewed paper has released that findings in California show possibly 130,000 years ago man lived in the Americas.
How long has man been in the Americas? Much much longer than ever thought before. It wasn't too long ago they were saying humans left Africa around 40,000 to 60,000 years ago. Studies of aboriginal people in Australia proved the longest living single culture of man, having arrived likely by boat 40,000 to 80,000 years ago.
Anatomically modern humans began around 200,000 years ago, so whoever these early Americans were, they were modern man. Were they ancestors for the Native People of the Americas? We may not ever know until we can unearth bones from that period over 130,000 years ago.
One thing for sure, man had quite a few epic things to encounter on this continent that had drifted away from the one continent of the earth's origins. They encountered Pleistocene Era epic-sized creatures, a meteor hit, many volcanic explosions, and ice.
Might a catastrophe wiped out the earliest first people here, leaving the continent open for the land bridge people of the melting ice age?
I think we are also pushing the dates back when Aboriginal people arrived in Australia. New research has revealed it could date back to 120 000 years ago. (