I'm Co-Hosting "Vegas Supernatural Tonight" on KCOR Radio

Where did October go? We are on our last episode with me co-hosting. I love doing these October shows with Shawn Whittington on Vegas Supernatural. He is such a great host and so enthusiastic about the guests and subjects I bring for the month. 

Tonight, we have one of the most intriguing researchers I know - Jeff Woolwine. He is not only an expert on Phoenix Lights, but has been making a study of the ancient HoHoKam tribe's petroglyphs on the mountains in the area. He regularly watches the skies and has been able to capture some amazing things! 

Jeff's book - 
The Phoenix Lights - Petroglyphs in the Sky 
UFO - Petroglyphs in the Sky page Faceboook

Show is on at 8 pm EST/7 pm CST/5 pm PST
KCOR Radio Vegas Supernatural - LINK

This has been the best month and tonight's show will knock it out of the park!
