PBS Studios: Monstrum

I adore PBS and the critical thinking, imaginative programming and great talent involved so when PBS Studios came out with a new series that I know my readers would adore, I have to share!

You know how we para geeks sit around contemplating legend, mythology, scifi, and the universe? Well, PBS Studios totally gets us! Thanks to Dr. Emily Zarka for this superior series! 

About Monstrum

Emily Zarka, Ph.D. (Victorian literature, gothic literature, horror, folklore) is a Faculty Associate at Arizona State University and holds a Ph.D. in Victorian Literature with an emphasis on the Gothic. As host of Monstrum, Dr. Zarka explains how society’s fear of the unknown has lead to a culture obsessed with all things scary. Her research explores the roles of desire and knowledge dissemination in portrayals of undead characters produced during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Zarka received her Ph.D. in literature from Arizona State University and graduated magna cum laude from the University of Colorado with both Bachelor of Arts, English and Bachelor of Science, Journalism degrees. Monstrum episodes will be published twice a month to YouTube beginning April 10, 2019.

Check out the channel (LINK)


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