The REAL Settlers of America?

There are many native legends across America involving a culture of "white" or "giant" people who were here first with an advanced civilization, mining, canal systems, etc. This is one account that is quite striking - 

The Natural and Aboriginal History of Tennessee by John Haywood (1762-1826)

"There is nothing in the history of the Lenapes or of the five nations or of any of their tribes which can induce a belief that they erected mounds, worshiped the sun or moon or built fortifications enclosing them in entrenchments or that they sunk wells which they walled up with stone or that they had the knowledge of metals. 

The tradition of Indians northwest of the Ohio is that Kentucky had been settled by whites and they had been exterminated by war. They believe that the old fortifications now seen in Kentucky on the Ohio were constructed by those white inhabitants. An idea very much confirmed by the white skeletons and the petrified female found in a cave in Kentucky and by the color of their eyes and hair, all of which are wholly dissimilar to the Indian complexion, hair and color of eyes....

An old Indian concurred in the truth of this tradition. He was 120 years of age and must have been born some time around the year 1680. (He) informed Mr. Moore that the western  country and particularly Kentucky had been inhabited by white people but they were destroyed by the Indians that the last battle was found at the falls of the Ohio and that the Indians drove the aborigines into a small island below the rapids... When the waters of the Ohio had fallen, a multitude of human bones were discovered on Sandy Island and the Indians told Gen. Clark of Louisville that the battle of Sandy Island decided finally the fate of Kentucky with its ancient inhabitants...

He did not know who made the graves on the Ohiol and at other places but it was not his nation, nor any he had been acquainted with...

He said that some Indians who had traveled very far west and northwest, had found a nation of people who lived like Indians, although of a different complexion....
