NBC's newest drama "Manifest," after a turbulent, but routine flight from Jamaica to NYC, the passengers and crew discover the world has aged five years, yet no time has passed for them, and soon a deeper mystery unfolds. Curtiss stars as flight passenger 'Radd,' a leading musician from the Jamaican Philharmonic who must deal with the consequences of being absent for 5 years, which includes being re-introduced to his son who was just 13 years-old when he disappeared and is now a young adult at the age of 18. In the series, Curtiss' son is portrayed by his actual real-life son, Curtiss Cook Jr., and includes deeply emotional and intense scenes between the father and son team.
NBC's newest drama "Manifest," after a turbulent, but routine flight from Jamaica to NYC, the passengers and crew discover the world has aged five years, yet no time has passed for them, and soon a deeper mystery unfolds. Curtiss stars as flight passenger 'Radd,' a leading musician from the Jamaican Philharmonic who must deal with the consequences of being absent for 5 years, which includes being re-introduced to his son who was just 13 years-old when he disappeared and is now a young adult at the age of 18. In the series, Curtiss' son is portrayed by his actual real-life son, Curtiss Cook Jr., and includes deeply emotional and intense scenes between the father and son team.
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