Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, the beloved "tykes" on the popular late 80s/early 90s sitcom "Full House," are all grown up now and into many fashion enterprises, as well as Wiccan accessories. They are producing items such as a cauldron, ritual candles, an amulet, crystals, cigarette case, sage sticks, and athame (knife).
I'm pleased to see celebs making Wiccan items more mainstream and available in shops that maybe aren't so rare and obscure. Pagan practices are rich in ceremony and amulets, idolatry, and symbols. It's something that often sneaks over into mainstream in the form of erbs, stones, and symbols.
We've seen Hollywood go Scientology and Kabbalah, now Pagan. It's an ever-interesting trek into spiritual for the wealthy and successful who have the influence to affect other practitioners.
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