Today, I discuss one of the most infamous more modern day occurrences in Russia - the Dyatlov Pass Mystery.
The Dyatlov Pass incident is whispered about among conspiracy theorists and Bigfoot enthusiasts. In 1959, young hikers took off into the Ural Mountains of Russia in the icy nasty conditions and when they didn't make it back, a search party found them - frozen and dead.
There were signs that they were in a rush to escape their tents and their bodies were found in odd descriptions.
Over time, the stories have changed about their conditions and many thought perhaps it was an alien attack, a government exercise, and when a photo from one of their cameras came back with photos and a cryptic dark figure was seen, many believed a Yeti or Bigfoot-like creature had killed them.
MK Davis, who works expertly with video and photos, cleaned it up a bit to see closer and the details that emerged showed a very different potential killer. Not at all of proportions of a Bigfoot, but very much in proportions of someone else who had a likely motive to terrorize....
I looked up the local Native tribe, the Mansi. Many members of their tribe had taken to living in the wild in protest to Russia's desire to develop the area. It had become a battle on their mountains. They wore knotted kerchiefs around their necks, waist ties with bags and knives, as well as long overshirts.
Above, you can see the garb the Mansi men wore.
Comparing their garb with the figure (middle) from the photo, one can see the bag tied at the waist, even the knot around the neck. He even appears to have pulled his kerchief over his face - for anonymity or perhaps against the cold.
It is much more compelling to me that what we are seeing is a Mansi. As the hikers that were murdered seemed to show signs of fleeing from attack not fully dressed, it would seem that an attack on their campsite was likely, but the culprit was surely a local and not a Bigfoot-type creature, given the build and the details that are elucidated by MK's expert observation.
MK Davis blog - The Davis Report
MK Davis YouTube Channel - Greenwavefb2010
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