Today, I share another researcher I think the world of - MK Davis. He became known in the field of research when he was the first to handle and stabilize the Patterson Film. But, from there, MK has used his astrophotography background to elucidate tiny details from the film to give us the best view of Patty ever, as well as reviewing the video from other researchers, going out into the field in search of evidence, and so much more.
MK's BLOG: The Davis Report
MK's YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Greenwave 2010 FB
MK's motivation in the field research is one of the most noble kind - he's simply curious. He has spent thousands of hours tirelessly going through video and photographs, creating the clearest image we can see so that we the viewer may decide what is there and if it's of worth. He shares his knowledge at conferences to crowded rooms of other curious minds.
But it isn't enough that he studies the film, videos and photographs. MK also works with audio files, goes to museums and historic sites in search of ancient mysteries, as well as spending his own money and wear and tear on his own car and legs hoofing it around sites across the country that show promise of Bigfoot habitation and potential evidence gathering.
MK has worked on historical photographs and colorization, giving the best visual possible of the Kennedy assassination from both films shared by the public. He continues to deepen his study of native culture, historical sites, museums, mounds, you name it!
When MK puts out a new look at a film or photograph or evidence gathered, I give it the top of my list of attention because I know and trust the source implicitly.
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