This is the reporting by a Bigfoot researcher of an ongoing study in the Southern part of the United States in a very large park area near homes and urban setting. Read the prior series HERE.
Journal Volume 4
Field Visit #6
Saturday February 18, 2017
I couldn't get to the area until late in the afternoon. I arrived at the park approximately 5 PM. The conditions were the following: temperature 75, scattered clouds, wind at 14 mph, humidity 64%. It was late so I had to get a move on. I was walking so I moved with a purpose. On the way, I checked the small cedar tree past the 0.25 mi. marker and observed the following:
#1. The bottle in the tree was missing???? but the golden paper container was still in position. I moved on.

I entered the 1B tree line at 5:15 PM. I blew the 3 flute notes and moved to the pipes. At the pipes I did the 3 tree knocks. I noticed nothing out of the ordinary at the pipes or along the path to the mid-site. Last visit, I moved all the dolls etc. to the deeper site. The following was found in the open area at the mid-site:
#2. and #3. The frog doll has been brought from the deep site back to the mid-site.???? The frog doll is on its back looking up. The head is towards the NW and one eye is missing.
#4. and #5. Wow! As I was moving towards the deep site, I glanced around and saw the bee-bear doll on the ground with head to the SE.???? The doll was in the NW quadrant of the mid-site open area. Its head was also up. The coat has been removed and the nose had some stuffing pulled from it.
Awesome! Both dolls had been brought back to the mid-site. What purpose? A game? To get my attention? What awaits me in the deep site?
I arrived at the deep site. observations:
#6. The limb knocker has been removed from the log stump and was on the ground.????
#7. Food items for the bucket: 1 box of dry cereal, fruit, small, plastic container filled with deer corn.

#8. Food items place in the bucket.
#9. The food bucket was hanging by a large nail. I didn't show, but the large rock and kettle bell were both on top of the food items. The bucket opening on top measured 7'-6" off the ground.
#10. On the log stump, I put the 3 toy soldiers and toy horse and leaned the limb knocker against it.
#11. Above 'Clyde', I put "Lil Joe Young' minus his body stuffing. I put the bee-bear doll on a separate limb. I put its coat back on and you can see stuffing out of its nose.

#12. I put the remaining animal dolls at the base of the grouping of the small bushes/trees growing thru the ground tire.
That was all for this visit. This was a quick one. I left the site area approximately 5:45 PM.
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