It behooves researchers to keep very open minds about what might be causing paranormal activity. In fact, if we used the rationale of assuming trapped souls of the dead in environments for every haunting, it would be kind of like assuming that every noise is thunder. With that in mind, let me shed some mind-expanding perspectives on the unexplained -

We tend to think of ghosts as invisible people. But, if you are a soul and utilizing a different energy in the universe just to exist, not physical form, but some other energy form, then your very action through our world would create an incidental finding.

Let's take a stream for instance. A person walks through a stream. They create ripples. We can look at the ripples and assume they were an intended communication from the person, but in actuality they are simply an incidental result of them moving from here to there.
You cannot have an action without a reaction. We may be studying the reactions, the incidental consequences of activity from another dimension or world.
I could spend years studying ripples thinking that is the purposeful byproduct of intelligence when it is nothing more than the physical impact of an intelligent action...
Our research is limited by the fact that many accept what they have been told ghosts are. They might have religious reasons to want ghosts to prove the afterlife and their belief system, but when you take evidence and use it to fit a belief system that is already in place, it's backwards thinking.
It's like using an orange to prove apples: They are both round, grow on trees and can be eaten. But, an orange is not evidence of an apple's existence, only of its possibility.
The orange parallels the apple, but it is not the apple.
Let's look at another aspect of phenomenon - portals or vortexes and leylines and strange activity.
Leylines are an interesting thing.
They are called energy paths for the earth's energy fields. Where they converge with other lines, they create a "vortex." If you think in terms of energy like "chi" described in Feng Shui, energy follows simple paths, but what happens with maybe a dozen pathways converge on one point with all that energy???
These vortexes actually are found in ancient megalithic structure areas and places known for unusual happenings. Sedona, Arizona touts four of them. I have hiked to them and I do admit, there is something going on there!
Looking at the map of leylines above, we begin to see something that has a dimensional quality to it. This has me considering the next dimension and where it converges with ours.

Let's use a Tesseract as an example (a cube visualized in fourth dimensional attitude). Could leylines be a three-dimensional mapping on our earth of elements that actually are in the fourth dimension and might these vortex/portal areas of strangeness be convergences, a place where fourth dimension makes contact with third?
It would be similar to your finger being on a photograph. If the 2D image could see, it would note someone just joined their world magically but all it could see is what is in the second dimensional plane.
We need to quit thinking quite so linear about our world and its happenings. We come entirely from the perspective of our limited third-dimensional frame of reference.
We also tend to project our issues and characteristics onto ghosts, a kind of anthropospectromorphia. We assume that souls can be confused they aren't living bodies any longer, that they are trapped in locations, and that they have unfinished business here. We are assuming characteristics that are our own. We have no perspective outside of being human and mortal.
There is yet another perspective that helps us understand the transition from here to there.
Another thing we know is that people who have NDE's (near-death experiences) report a reality to that world that this one does not have. It is like seeing everything from every angle all at once and a range of color and light we don't have here, as well as a sense of all knowledge.
That added "dimension" to that world would relate quite well to the concept that "Heaven" is the higher dimension. We may love a photograph of ourselves, but we don't talk to it and carry it around protectively. We realize it is a primitive imitation of us. So it might be to a higher form of life, such as the next dimension, that they regard us as mortal and engaging, but definitely not having met our "value" yet.
It is comforting to think of the mortal time in the life cycle as an actor on a stage. The actor existed before the play, he ran the play every night for months on end, but then when the play was over, he went onto his life. He could look back at the play with fond memories or even vague ones, but that part of his life was over. That play had closed. He had moved on to other projects.
When we leave the mortal stage, there are those in the wings holding flowers to hand off in congratulations for completing the play's work. The greeting on the other side is a welcome to going back to life - real life.
“Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
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