The Bigfoot Radio Show To Listen To Tomorrow Morning!

Tomorrow morning (10 am EST/9 am Central/7 am Pacific   - now rescheduled for 10 pm EST Friday night) on "The Long Version" with Fletcher Long (LINK), he will be interviewing two Bigfoot researchers I highly admire. This is going to be a most riveting show. 

Many of you have read posts by Karl Sup the Bigfoot researcher here on my blog and possibly listened to him on Fletcher's show. He has done posts on Bigfoot eyes, locomotion, witness reports, Long Island Bigfoot, and ChiSquatch - Chicago Sasquatch. You can find the links on the right hand side here on the blog in the popular posts list.

The other guest, Buddy, is one who has kept himself under the radar to be able to research in many areas, mostly in Texas, where he has accrued about 20 or so years of field research knowledge in some extremely extraordinary locations. The knowledge he contains comes from some of the most impressive research into habituation I have seen. 

I am eager to hear this show! 
