Strange Escapes: Go On the Scariest Vacation Tours

Lots of towns have ghost tours and ghost conventions and other spooky odd get togethers, but sometimes an innovative group puts together a panel of "experts" and a promising location to give the para geek a weekend (or even a week's) getaway dream. I came across one such group with some interesting upcoming events - 

Strange Escapes has put together some amazing packages for those of us who need to be with our para geek enthusiasts in the scariest of places. 

The list of events (LINK) is impressive!

April 7th to 9th - A weekend of spirits at the Odd Fellows Asylum and Belvoir Winery in Liberty, Missouri (LINK

May 5th to 8th - A spiritual retreat to the Mount Washington Hotel, Bretton Woods, NH (LINK)

May 25th to June 2nd - "Witch You Were Here" cruise from Salem to Bermuda with a ghost theme. (LINK)

Some of these events sound like must-do's!! I am very pleased with this concept and hope to see a lot more of these unfolding around the US!

If you are into Bigfoot research or curious about them, this is THE event for this May in Pennsylvania. I only regret I can't get to it! It looks like an utter blast! (LINK TO EVENT

Now, go forth and plot your spring and summer - 
