My Humvee vest
I'm lazy about Christmas shopping. I do it online and don't sweat the crowds. If I go to the mall, it's to see the decorations and atmosphere and have lunch, not to find deals. My friends and family are all geeks. I won't find their gifts there. I'm sharing some of the geek gifts I think your buddies might not have and might really get excited to receive this holiday season.
Inflatable lounger. This fella doesn't need a pump. It has a carrying bag. Put it in the trunk of the car and you are ready for floating, riding down a snowy hill, or just lounging out and chilling with friends by a lakeside. It's one of those keep-it-in-the-trunk items that people don't know what they ever did without.
Hairy Hobbit (or Bigfoot) feet slippers. These fellas are just itching to be worn with a serious expression. Only a geek who loves Lord of the Rings or Bigfoot would understand the joy of wearing these.
Humvee vest. This is a staple in my road trip, urbex'ing, ghost and Bigfoot investigating (see my photo at the top of the post). It is mesh so it breathes and it has tons of pockets - huge and small inside and out and metal rings to clip a light or compass on.
Altimeter Barometer thermometer compass. This clip on baby can answer a lot for the hiker or the ghost hunter.
The complete series "In Search Of." Your friend or family member is going to love you a long time for this one! Just the show's introduction music makes a geek get all squishy and sentimental inside.
Coconut stick. Consider this a stocking stuffer, but it's a must have. If you have this on hand, it takes care of two big issues - dry lips and skin.
Holographic Lamp. There are some pretty cool versions of this depending on what your geek might like, but how cool is that on a table top?
IR light for camera. This is for the geek who wants to turn off the flash and use an IR to perhaps capture activity in a location with nightvision.
Starfleet tray. You can use this to make ice cubes or candies. Perfect for the Star Trek freak.
MST3000 collection. This is every geek's fav! This hilarious and geeky series is in the hearts of all who love a laugh and really bad scifi movies.
It's not too difficult to look outside the box for geek gifts. Generally, technology, science, animation, video games are favs. And, don't forget the Big Bang Theory show's fashion!
And, if you want $6 tees that are utter geekdom, you have to try 6 dollar shirts. They have every category -
Nothing makes a geek happier than saying, "I getcha!" Good luck this season finding the right item for the right geek -
Good picks lmao