Case Files Week: Revisiting the Roswell Crash

Some towns become infamous for a paranormal event, so much so that henceforth the name of the town becomes interchanged with the phenomenon. If you say "Amityville," people immediately think of the haunted house and if you say "Bluff Creek" you immediately think of the Patterson film and "Patty" the Bigfoot walking across the sand. Well, such is the case with Roswell. Instead of a quaint town in New Mexico, one immediately thinks of a UFO crash and dead aliens. Let's reopen this case - 


The summer of 1947, something crashed in the desert in Roswell, New Mexico. The conspiracy took hold when a local military man from the base announced to the press that a flying disc had been recovered. 

The following day, a higher-up retracted that with a "it was a high-altitude balloon." Witness reports from supposed medical workers saying they handled "small injured" beings from the crash combined with stories of one of the military men showing his family parts of the crash with what looked like hieroglyphs, set in motion all the best ingredients for a local urban legend that over time would grow into a huge conspiracy theory involving government coverup of the crash, the aliens, and technology gained. 


What we absolutely know is that something crashed in the desert there. And, that the military retrieved it. We also know that there were several versions of what happened. 

Many people have supported this theory because we supposedly got a lot of new technology all at once since that time period, but then we had just come out of WWII and were deep into the Cold War and getting better technology was our driving force. In fact, our best bursts of new technology follow war time. It's just a natural result. 

Witness reports from that time are equally compelling that something occurred in Roswell that no one had a frame of reference to understand. 

(LINKOn July 7, 1947, Jesse Marcel and Sheridan Cavitt collected wreckage from the crash site. After filling Cavitt's vehicle with wreckage, Marcel told Cavitt to go on ahead, that Marcel would collect more wreckage, and they would meet later back at Roswell AAF. Marcel filled his vehicle with wreckage. On the way back to the air field, Marcel stopped at home to show his wife and son the strange material he had found.

In an interview decades later, Marcel said (LINK), "There were just fragments strewn all over the area, an area about three quarters of a mile long and several hundred feet wide. So we proceeded to pick up the parts. 

I tried to bend the stuff, it would not bend. I even tried to burn it, it would not burn. That stuff weighs nothing. It's not any thicker than tin foil in a pack of cigarettes. We even tried making a dent in it with a 16-pound sledge hammer, still no dent in it. 

One thing I was certain of, being familiar with all our activities, that it was not a weather balloon, nor an aircraft, nor a missile. It was something else, which we didn't know what it was.


1.  A military experimental vehicle crashed in the desert in New Mexico, coincidentally in a state that saw atomic testing in prior years and lots of military presence where populations were low enough to test a vehicle without a huge metropolitan center to witness it. It was covered up and continued to be covered up to keep Cold War knowledge hidden.

2.  A weather balloon did crash leaving so much debris that it confused those who found it and who had not seen one before. 

3.  An alien vehicle crashed in the desert, perhaps there on maneuvers to observe the nuclear testing areas and military presence. It was quickly covered up, tucked away and those who witnessed it called imaginative and exaggerating. 

4. An enemy craft crashed and the government scooped it up and hid the fact so that they could examine the parts and perhaps keep it from the public that the enemy had broached US territory.

Some explanations are silly, like a weather balloon. By no stretch of the imagination would that create the kind of clean-up and cover-up that occurred. But, the goal here is to put as many explanations as possible and allow the reader to figure out what they think.
