In half a minute Mrs. Cratchit entered- flushed, but smiling proudly- with the pudding like a speckled cannon-ball so hard and firm blazing in half of a half-a-quartern of ignited brandy, and bedight with Christmas holly stuck into the top.
A Christmas Carol ~ Charles Dickens, 1843
The Victorian Era was less about gift-giving and more about food and hearth. Carolers were in vogue and so was hanging paper cornucopias in the tree with nuts and fruits. By the late 1800s, store windows began to display European dolls around Christmas time and consumers shifted from handmade items to giving toys for the children.
For many of us who adore that Victorian Era or are consumed by the Steampunk style craze, Christmas is the epitome of the era. If you want to bring some Victorian into your Christmas, you will be taking yourself back in time to a warm hearth, candlelight, rich velvet fabrics and satin ribbons, fur muffs and formal wear.
Elements to consider: Candlelight, lanterns, cherubs/angels, sleighs, furs, velvet, ribbons, gold, foil, fruits/nuts, pine boughs, mistletoe, snow globes, garland.
How about the music?
A Victorian Noel CD: Hammered dulcimer, harp, piano playing European Christmas tunes of the era.
How about movies to inspire?
How about your tree and decorations?
How about your gift-giving and cards needs?
How about foods and drinks?
Sugar Plums
Here's great recipes for a Victorian Christmas Supper
More Resources:
Victorian Christmas Customs
Design Toscano
Victorian Trading Company
Etsy shops with Victorian Christmas Offerings
Grand In Road Catalog
I do remember having real lit candles on a real Christmas tree in school when I was about 5 or 6. What would hearth and safety make that nowadays?
ReplyDeleteMy dad was from Norway, we always did Norwegian Christmas tree and Smorgasbord, opening gifts on Xmas Eve. We did live candles on a live tree. It's kind of amazing we survived.