The Top 10 Ways To See a Bigfoot

There is no better way to take a skeptic or a believer and make them a "knower" than to see a Bigfoot for himself/herself.

So, what are your chances of seeing one? You have to look at how people usually come across them and that will tell you much. 

Below are top 10 ways to see one, but not in any particular order. 

1.  Ideal locations; gorges with streams/rivers in mountains with trees, in either the region from Northern California to Washington State, Appalachian Range, to East Texas. They often cruise the top of the gorge to watch the stream, see who is coming, and decide when to descend and forage, as well as finding the top of gorges a good area to clack rocks or holler with the sound echoing throughout. You might find at the top of the gorge signs of heavy rocks dropped atop of boulders and broken open where they drop heavy rocks to make clanking sounds.

2.  Spending time on a farm during growing season, especially corn when that farm is near a forest. They might strip the forest-facing side of an apple orchard or hit the rows of corn at night to pick. Most often, they will uproot the entire stalk, but sometimes they simply pull the ears off and head to some tree cover to munch. 

3.  Being in the woods at nighttime, especially near game trails and creeks. They hunt for food like anyone would in the forest, so game trails and creeks are good sites to find their prey, but also they tend to do this at nighttime when we are not out and about. Creeks can sometimes mask our noise enough that they don't notice we are walking along the banks. 

4.  Studying dumpsters behind stores that are along the treeline of a large park or forest. Yes, they do dumpster dive and especially when you have dumpsters lining the woods. In fact, you often find their paths worn down paralleling the parking lot where they stalked, pacing back and forth. 

5.  Staying in a rented forest service cabin in an isolated location. Here in Arizona you can rent retired forest worker cabins down dirt roads in the middle of nowhere. They aren't rented all that often, so the BF population can get comfy in that area until someone comes along and then the smells of cooking might be worth stalking the woods nearby. 

6.  Springtime when mountain passes reopen. A lot of mountain lakesides, campgrounds and passes close during winter months. No one is going to maintain them during snow season, but after many months of being alone atop the mountain, the BF come out with the spring buds and begin to forage openly. The first to arrive are more likely to disturb their Eden. 

7.  A nighttime country roadway in the mountains when it is berry season. They do forage the berry bushes which grow on disrupted ground, along roadways is one of the biggest growing areas. Quiet, less traveled country roads in prime berry season are going to allow a potential encounter. I have speculated for some time that when the berries are overly ripe, there might be some BF enjoying a bit of a buzz, in which case they will risk more and react slower. 

8.  On video. After filming the woods with a slow pan back and forth over an area and moving to another area and doing the same, go home and view the video for changes. The reason you pan back and forth is that you don't see them with your eyes, but they will move or hide while you pan away, when you pan back, you have something to compare the first panning with to see if anything moved or changed. No matter how well you think you observe the woods, most people see the BF after they get home!

9.  The window of a mountain cabin when you are watching TV inside at night. Noise, light and the TV screen are sometimes too tempting. Many people report that while watching TV at night, the window facing the woods might have a face in it, peering in to see the show. In this case, I'd advise an open window for some sound, a movie with a good musical score, like "Fantasia" and keep a camera on the table filming the window behind your back. 

10.  Living alone in a cottage in the woods where you have a veggie garden and live alone. Some people living in remote cabins and living off the land, report that the Bigfoot get not only comfortable with them, but a bit protective. You work the garden, you come and go at regular times that they get used to and pretty soon they come in closer. If someone comes to visit, they might even act more aggressively in a natural instinct to keep you safe. Yes, they do realize we are weaker and vulnerable.

Why would I give such inside tips on how to see a Bigfoot? Because so many people lament that they have never seen one. I ask them what they did to try to see one and they most often report "I have camped all my life." Well, here's a perspective - you camped, but you didn't camp to see a Bigfoot. You camped to go fishing or maybe to enjoy the outdoors or hike. You weren't looking for or expecting to encounter one. And, newcomers to the woods who are there for a weekend do not win their trust. They know you are there. They know you are camping out. They are not going to approach you. In fact, they now know where NOT to go. 

I cannot give you the experience of seeing a Bigfoot and all the amazing realizations that brings, but I hope this helps you realize that you can increase your chances. 

The oddly mystifying thing about seeing a Bigfoot is that in almost all cases, people did not go looking for one when they came across one. Their minds were elsewhere and they accidentally saw one. That is something I hope to pursue even more because it seems, like the watched pot won't boil, Bigfoot will not present themselves if you focus on them.
