In his 1902 Myths of the Cherokee, ethnographer James Mooney described a "dim but persistent tradition" of an ancient race who preceded the Cherokee in lower Appalachia and were driven out by them. Accounts often describe this race as having white skin and credit them with building the ancient structures in the area. The earliest recorded mention of this race appears to be in Benjamin Smith Barton's 1797 book New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America. Citing the authority of Colonel Leonard Marbury, Barton wrote that "the Cherokee tell us, that when they first arrived in the country which they inhabit, they found it possessed by certain 'moon-eyed-people,' who could not see in the day-time. These wretches they expelled." Barton suggested these "moon-eyed people" were the ancestors of the albinos Lionel Wafer encountered among the Kuna people of Panama, who were called "moon-eyed" because they could see better at night than day.
The Kuna people of Panama (mentioned above) have a good deal of albinos among them. One in 145 people in the tribe are born with this unusual "albinism" that makes their skin and hair pale. Geneticists later determined that a gene on a strand of DNA known as Chromosome 15 caused the type of albinism common among the Kuna, which gives only minimal pigmentation in skin and hair. Rather than pink eyes common in albinos with no pigmentation, the Kuna albinos have blue or brown eyes.
More about Kuna: Kuna people are reported to have the highest incidence of albinism in the world. According to Kuna legend, the albino people are called “moon children” and are given the responsibility of shooting arrows at the full moon. Since the moon controls the tide, and Kuna people live on small atolls, they’ve interpreted the presence of albinos as a gift from the gods to protect them from rising tides.
It is reported that the incidence of male albinos in their culture is higher and they are discouraged from breeding among the population and put to tasks that involve being indoors. Interestingly, this makes one wonder about these past histories of light-haired/light-eyed tribes like the moon-eyed people of North Carolina. Was it possible albinism cropped up among these pockets of population where they interbred and continued the mutation because others feared breeding with these night-dwelling people? Could it have encouraged a variation in humans within regions, a variation that was a natural gene mutation and not a different branch of man?

Depending on who looks at the hair in the picture above (Kuna albinos)- these children are blond or red haired. Female brunettes in our culture who have gone blond know this process of stripping the hair color. You end up with this strangely yellow-orange hair until they put the dye in to make it the blond shade they wanted. Anyone with brown hair from the 70s remembers that "Sun-In" hair product did the same thing, depigmented, but not fully.
The red and blond giants reported around the world might have been just minimally pigmented genetically. Not red or blond, simply minimal pigment. And, that would mean the very way they lived was different to avoid the painful light on their eyes and skin. These past civilizations might have indeed been night-seekers and hence their desire to mine for copper a valid one - it gave them a task and a trading price that was worthy while ensuring their work was done in darkness. The giants were reported to have valued seashells greatly. And, why not? They would trade for something they could not collect themselves that represented the sun and the tides - tides run by the very moon they were named after, the moon-eyed people.
Interestingly, the Lenni Lenape and Paiutes tell tales of driving out giants, just like the Cherokees did with the moon-eyed people. They all report a race of people here before them who were advanced and had civilizations and technology.
The moon-eyed people were said to be pale skinned with pale hair, beards, and blue eyes, and hid underground to avoid the light. They lived within the round dwellings and emerged at nighttime. Interestingly, red-haired giants reported in the west were found hiding in caves. The Cherokee legend says they drove these moon-eyed people west. Did these light-sensitive pale beings find comfort in mounds underground and caves?
The Dakota tribe of the Mandan had people living in round earth lodges. Some explorers believed there was evidence among the tribe of breeding with the Norse because of light skin and hair and blue and gray eyes. Where were these traits of light hair, skin and eyes coming from? Was there a prolific breeding population of Norse all around the world or was there another breeder with these features spreading around the earth and creating these characteristics?
Interestingly, the "moon-eyed people" were reported to "see better at night than day," something repeated often about today's Bigfoot population, as well as red and white hair among them - nighttime trekking, hiding in caves, and extreme squinting reaction to light.
How does all this correlate? Well, we have ancient giant bones, we have giants in our woods now. We have reports of red and blond haired giants with advanced technology, and physical proof of some oddities among native tribes in the Americas that spit out blue eyes, blond hair, and red hair. We have reports of hieroglyphics and use of copper metals by early people around the world in completely different locations showing that somehow they had a common influence on their construction, metallurgy, language and textiles.
There seem to be many mysteries throughout our world and one of the greatest ones is the findings of red and blond-haired giants around the world. They defy what we thought we knew of "evolution." Why were the giants found inside of mounds and caves? Perhaps because they sought shelter within. Were they some form of albinism involving the Chromsome 15? Was that passed down through breeding in the general population of mankind? Could something that was dominant for their people, be recessive for us?
The one other potential missing piece to this puzzle is the Neanderthal people. Did they really go extinct or is that the history that early archaeologists surmised and completely inaccurate? Did they evolve alongside us, sometimes breeding until the two branches of man did not breed well? Did these people evolve with fair hair and eyes? Did they evolve to be tall because their sloping head and different brain structure make their very pituitary system different than ours?
There are so many numerous possibilities, but it all seems to lead back repeatedly to tales of giants in almost every culture, findings of their bones, and reports of them having fair hair and eyes often times around the world, doing metal work and using hieroglyphs and living in dark cave-like places.
All these pieces come together in to a history that might shock and surprise us - alien DNA manipulation, nephilim, Atlanteans OR something quite natural but defies what we thought we knew like early mariners and explorers who bred around the world or perhaps a race of people who evolved alongside homo sapiens.
The mystery continues and inquisitive paranormal geeks will not give up searching for answers. You know this para-geek will be on top of these possibilities.
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