Tips For Video Investigations of Bigfoot

1:18 point of video 
(bottom center right of tree)

Fred Kanney video 
(at 1:17 - 1:18 he steps out from behind tree)

(thank you, James Carroll for spotting this movement)

Here's what happens. They are in the woods. They are watching. They stand very still to become one with the trees. They are good at this. So good that we literally do not see them as we look around.

But, as we turn and pan the camera away to film the woods around us, we allow them time to get the hell outta Dodge. They watch us turn away with the camera and know we and the camera are focused on another part of the woods. 

The videographer had just filmed where they are, but now that he/she turns away with camera, the Bigfoot bolts. 

Here's the concept, as you pan the camera around and turn in a slow circle, keep camera turned back, but hold it up as if you are pointing it where you are looking, even though you are filming behind you.

Option two is to hold the camera by the top with the strap over your hand as you do when filming, but drop your arm down to your side, camera facing backwards, upside down. Just casually walking around with it in you hand, filming behind you. 

Try to avoid filming the ground. What we find on video happens after you leave the site because almost always you will not see them while you are there, but when reviewing video after, you will see something out of place, or something move. 

Be sure to pan the area slowly a few times because if you pick up a shape, it's good to see if it's gone the next sweep through.

If you do find something on video, go back later to that spot and film again to show if it was or was not a tree stump or other. You want your evidence to be reputable and this is a fine way to show your integrity and desire to get to the bottom of what you filmed.

These are just some tips, but thinking outside the box is helpful when investigating. We often get caught up in filming in the woods and hopefully catching something but the majority of the time, we caught something without knowing it. Up your chances by confusing those who can outsmart us. 
Yes, accept it, they do outsmart us.
