Season 9 begins with a cosmic bang as sixteen new talented artists work in teams of two to construct original alien animals that incorporate two models into one massive creation. This difficult task of fashioning the largest creatures ever seen on Face Offproves to be eye opening and taxing for multiple contestants, and a surprise announcement from the judges keeps everyone on edge.
And on Tuesday, August 11 at 9PM, Face Off will celebrate its 100th episode in style, as the artists turn real-life engaged couples into whimsically undead duos. Following the challenge, host McKenzie Westmore, recently an ordained minister, will marry the couples as they say their vows in front of friends and family.
Ben Ploughman
Age: 34
Hometown: Austin, TX
Residence: North Hollywood, CA
Twitter: @benplowguy
Brittany Leslie
Age: 25
Hometown: Mt. Sinai, NY
Residence: West Hollywood, CA
Twitter: @brittanykleslie
Evan Hedges
Age: 29
Hometown: Boulder, CO
Residence: Denver, CO
Twitter: @HedgesEvan
Jasmine Ringo
Age: 31
Hometown: Atlanta, GA
Residence: Las Vegas, NV
Twitter: @MonsterNotWar
Jason Henricks
Age: 36
Hometown: Crane, OR
Residence: Los Angeles, CA
Twitter: @ZombieDog_LA
Jordan Patton
Age: 25
Hometown: Parkersburg, WV
Residence: Pittsburgh, PA
Twitter: @jpattonFX
Kevon Ward
Age: 27
Hometown: Rock Spring, WY
Residence: Denver, CO
Twitter: @kevonwardkkw
Libby Rose Goldberg
Age: 28
Hometown: Ojai, CA
Residence: New York, NY
Twitter: @libbyrosemakeup
Megan Wilbur
Age: 24
Hometown: Hightstown, NJ
Residence: Ewing, NJ
Twitter: @cupcake_meg
Melissa ‘Missy Munster’ Stell
Age: 20
Hometown: Palmdale, CA
Residence: Palmdale, CA
Twitter: @MissyMunsterfx
Nora Hewitt
Age: 25
Hometown: Barkhamsted, CT
Residence: Pittsburgh, PA
Twitter: @Nora_Hewitt
Omar Sfreddo
Age: 40
Hometown: Miami, FL
Residence: Hollywood, FL
Twitter: @Omar_SFX
Ricky Vitus
Age: 22
Hometown: Schenectady, NY
Residence: Bellport, NY
Twitter: @RickyVitus
Scott Fensterer
Age: 43
Hometown: Orlando, FL
Residence: Orlando, FL
Twitter: @scottstoybox
Sidney Cumbie
Age: 31
Hometown: Pace, FL
Residence: Burbank, CA
Twitter: @sidneycumbie
Stevie Calabrese
Age: 26
Hometown: Grayslake, IL
Residence: Chicago, IL
Twitter: @AsSeenOnStevie
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