Coming Soon - Madam Curio on Etsy!

I am opening a very unique shop on Etsy, hopefully this coming 4th of July weekend. The items in it will be an eclectic mix of vintage collectibles, spiritualist turn-of-the-century feeling items, my oil paintings, and many crafts involving ghostly themes, as well as some psychometry-charged items where I pair things together of a similar energy to give off that mood visually and psychically. 

Here's a sample of things to expect - 

I will be doing a wide variety of ghost mirrors. 

Some eerily aged items- 

A wall hanging with its own urban legend called "Teenage Obsession" - 

Oil paintings -

Mermaid -

Thunderbird -

Coming next in oil paintings - Fairies with lightning bugs and ghost ship

Quirky vintage things, retired sideshow type items, spiritual medium-themed items, psychic stuff, oil paintings, haunted mirrors and more!

I promise to share the shop's opening as soon as it happens!


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