Summer Reading For Para Geeks, SciFi Nerds, and Horror Freaks

Happy first day of summer! For those of us in the desert, it is the beginning of our hibernation, but for the rest of the lucky nation that has these things called trees and rain and nights that cool off, it's nirvana! 

I am going to share some authors you might want to read this summer, whether you're on the beach, poolside, or hibernating indoors like vampires. 

New Authors

A new young author who seriously knows his table-top role-playing game methods and madness. His first book (hopefully of many more) is "A Decade of Dungeons: Tips, Tricks and Secrets For Running Any Role-Playing Game," is a great insight into the in's and out's of running role-playing games.

I have known Scott for many years, following his awesome horror movie review blog, Anything Horror. I got to know someone who is brilliantly talented in everything he does, creative, inventive, and fearless when it comes to writing horror. I was thrilled when he just released his first horror novel, one that I read in one sitting so excitedly! Outbreak: The Hunger is a most remarkable and ingenious zombie novel. Scott has no qualms with playing your terror buttons. Definitely an author going places in the horror genre!


Dallas is a folklorist, a seeker of all things unexplained, a bit of a romantic at heart, an historian, and a wonderful storyteller. He has an array of books. I suggest you begin with his cryptid trilogy's first book - Shadows of the Thunderbird

You might know Julie, as we are joined at the hip on road adventures, investigations and writing books together, but Julie broke away on her own to write a book I am so proud of. If you have ever wanted to go to Arizona, live here, or simply like to know about it, this book is for you. Julie did an amazing job covering the weirdness in the state and amazing photography in a book filled with things that will give you shock and awe. Arizona Back Roads: A Travel Guide to Ghosts, Outlaws, and Miners is a keeper. It's a coffee table quality joy. You will get lost in the mystery.

I have known Debe for over a decade and she is a bundle of energy and enthusiasm for all things unexplained in the great state of Arizona. No one knows the sites, the ghosts, and the stories better than she does and she researches relentlessly to bring you the chills and the thrills. Enjoy her latest in the ghostly lineup of books.  Grand Canyon Ghost Stories . She also has some fantastic children's books for the lil ones this summer.

We in the para field know Scotty for Intrepid Magazine and his world travels in search of the unknown, but thankfully he shares great knowledge in his books. Give The Rise and Fall of the Nephilim: The Untold Story of Fallen Angels, Giants on the Earth, and Their Extraterrestrial Origins

I have appreciated both David Claerr's art in relation to the cryptids, but am fascinated with his research. He recently released a book about the tools used by Bigfoot. Definitely worth a read. I also highly suggest his newest book, "Bigfoot in Texas." 

Micah is a feverish and meticulous researcher in all things unexplained with a fantastic focus on the giants. He has some great books out. I'd suggest you give Magic, Mysticism, and the Molecule: The Search For Sentient Intelligence From Other Worlds a look-see.

You don't get more well researched and insightful in the field of the unexplained than Nick Redfern. I hang on his every word, his every writing in magazines, and all his books, as well as those precious times he is on documentaries. I appreciate his healthy look at the subjects. I'd suggest this summer you read Secret History: Conspiracies From the Ancient Aliens to the New World Order. 

Ken is a well respected cryptozoologist/researcher in the field who has written numerous books. One of my favs is Encounters With Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles, and Other Winged Birds.

Hugh knows the earth well. I love his book Earth Grids and I recommend The Psychic Children: Dolphins, DNA and the Planetary Grid.

Jen has a healthy attitude and a great body of knowledge and insight in the field of paranormal investigation, as well as being a psychic medium. Dark Night Haunting: The Life of a Paranormal Investigator.

Marie has a great scientific mind, an amazing way of presenting information and is just a fascinating author. I loved her book PSIence, but you might really enjoy her newest one, Mind Wars: A History of Mind Control, Surveillance, and Social Engineering by the Government, Media and Secret Societies

Linda brought Dogman to the forefront with her investigative reporter skills and has kept us fascinated ever since with wolfmen and dogmen. I just adore her book Real Wolfmen: True Encounters in Modern America. It will give you chills and make you wonder.

Jeff is a highly intelligent and engaging public speaker who wrote a fantastic book Bloodstains proposing that HH Holmes was Jack the Ripper. This is well worth a read and a ponder.


Jason is a horror author with a great understanding of and ability to write about ghosts in a way that is very unnerving and deliciously creepy. I recommend his book, Unrested Peace.

Nick Kisella
Nick is a fantastic horror author, prolific, and consistently gripping. I suggest the second in his Morningstars series, Darque and Obscure.


Dwayne is a most talented and original horror author that I am lucky enough to share a writer's critique group with. His insights and his knowledge of the written word knows no bounds. I offer his works on Smashwords and am especially fond of Disfigured. You can also find lots of his works for free on there, so load up! 

The book Seige of Station 19 is an exciting piece of fiction about reptilian-creatures attacks on a precinct. 

Historic Thriller/Steampunk

I try not to play favorites with authors, but I honestly have to say that ME Brines is my favorite author I've read in the past decade. That says a lot. I am very pleased to be in a writer's critique group with him and find basically nothing to correct him on in his work. It is flawless, easy to ready, so riveting and intense. I don't even know what to recommend, but I will start with a fantastic historic/parathriller, The Queens Martian Rifles.


Richard is another author I am very privileged to be in a writer's critique group, following his MacKenna Saga series. He has a vision of SciFi and a lead character, Kalen, that are both so well defined and real that I feel as if I'm traveling the universe with him. 

Consider Julie Ferguson's and my re-release of "Paranormal Geeks" and learn what the other para geeks are doing, how they're doing it, why they're doing it and so much more including a huge section of resources for the places to go, things to find in the para realm. This book was written for our para geek friends and was an honor to put together and represent our kind. 

I have a lot of books, but for summer reads, there is nothing like my two real-life accounts that have a very happy audience of readers and fans. Growing Up With Ghosts  and Vacationing With Ghosts are the two most reader beloved books I have written. They both are nonfiction about my childhood encounters with hauntings. Other titles: Abandoned Places: Abandoned Memories (Desert Edition), Abandoned Places: Abandoned Memories (Appalachian Edition), Zombie Housewives of the Apocalypse, Zombie Housewives of the 1960s, Zombie Housewives of the 1970s, Zombie Housewives of the 1980s, Paranormal Geeks Gang: Geeks and Ghosts, Twice As Special, Don't Go There: A Flash Horror Anthology, Kickin' Up Dust! (Getting Lost to Find Ourselves), Josiah: Undead Cowboy, My Alien Encounters, Going Vegan, I Recovered From Panic Disorder, Was That a Ghost?, Philia: Sex in Dark Places, How To Make a Gorgeous Selfie, Developing Your Psychic Abilities

Happy summer reading, y'all!
