Ancient Giants Found Along Streams

Today's post for Terror-in-the-Sea month is going to incorporate giants found along steams. 

Sycamore Creek

For the obvious reasons of being a curious person who likes to explore, I thought I would research the Arizona ancient giants that were found. Given that this state had many water basins (before the great dry up 10,000 or so years ago), we are also a huge copper producer which always is associated with the giants and their civilizations. 

I found a place not far from my area that is called Sycamore Creek. I used to ATC ride in this are and it had some great hill climbs, a waterway, and plenty of reasons to think it could have been a popular giant location back in the water filled heydays of this area desert. 

I find this area interesting because we also had a few ancient tribes, Sinagua and Anasazi, who not only went missing, but before they went missing, they had gone to elaborate lengths to build dwellings in the cliffs with lookouts. Why?

Source: The New Sentinel, April 19, 1926
A prehistoric graveyard on Sycamore Creek, where the grade of the Verde railway passes through, has been uncovered by a crew of laborers under the direction of Conductor C.W. Corbin, in performing certain excavations to improve the roadway.
There has thus been revealed a very interesting situation that prevailed at some time or another, in the physical make-up of a race is reflected in the massive remains that have been recovered, and which are indisputable of a giant type of humanity that is bewildering to those of this generation. The skull of a human is in the possession of Mr. Corbin together with a portion of the frame that would indicate one who in life must have attained a height of at least 8 feet. The sides of the face have been severed, but when placed in their natural position, on the head of the living they were so massive as to shield the features like unto a perfect mask. The bones of the legs likewise are of greater length and heavier than any today.

That a prehistoric burying place has been determined is proven in the finding of a handful of beads, which archaeologists trace to the Toltec period. These precious ornaments were kept by the Mexican laborers, and cannot be secured. Mr. Corbin, however, verifies the discovery made, and at the time did not appreciate what their possession meant, else would have secured the lot.

The mammoth skeleton was a duplicate of that discovered some months ago by Peter Marx on Walnut Creek, which the owner retains in his possession.

Marion County
West Virginia 

Source: In 1875 workmen were constructing a bridge near the mouth of Paw Paw Creek at Rivesville. While digging through heavy clay soil they were astonished to uncover three giant skeletons strands of reddish hair clinging to the skulls. A local doctor was called to examine the remains.

Exposure to air deteriorated the bones rapidly to but the doctor was able ascertain after careful measurement, the skeletons had supported people approximately 8 feet tall.

Maple Creek

Source:  On December 20th, 1897 the New York Times reported that three large burial mounds had been discovered near Maple Creek, WI. Upon excavation, a skeleton measuring over nine feet from head to toe was discovered with finely tempered copper rods and other relics.



The discovery in Hardin County a short time ago by Joseph Booda and Elliot Charles Gaines of innumerable mound builders’ relics, and the subsequent finding, by other parties, of the remains of a man of the prehistoric period, have greatly interested scientists in other parts of the country, the chief among these being Curator Charles Aldrich, of the state Horticultural Society.

Assuring himself of the truthfulness of the various newspaper reports, Mr. Aldrich has arranged to be in Eldora next month and begin a careful and systematic exploration of some of the mounds in the vicinity, the legal permission having been obtained.

In a large show window in Eldora for several days has been exhibited the skeleton of the man, which was found in a mound on the banks of the Iowa River, near Eagle City, six miles north. It has caused much interest and wonderment. Although well preserved, it is estimated that the skeleton is many centuries old. The skull is very large and thick, fully a quarter of an inch. A set of almost round double teeth are remarkably well preserved. They are yellow with age, are perfect in shape, and appear to have been double, both above and below. The femurs are very long showing a giant in stature.

Dr. N. C. Morse, a prominent physician who examined the skeleton, pronounced it that of a person who had evidently been trained for athletics, as the extremities were so well developed.

Cheat River
West Virginia

(From my favorite ancient giants book, "The Ancient Giants Who Ruled America" by Richard Dewhurst) In many respects the West Virginia Mounds are key to understanding the true story of the Giants who once ruled America. Not only are the West Virginia mound sites in Charleston, Wheeling and Moundsville, some of the most significant in size and number in United States, but in 1883, the Smithsonian dispatched a team of archaeologists to the South Charleston Mound led by Colonel Morris of the Smithsonian to conduct an extensive dig of the 50 mounds they found there and issue a detailed report. The report shows quite clearly that the team uncovered numerous giants, one of which was 7’6”tall and decorated with six heavy copper bracelets on each wrist and on his shoulder were three large plates of mica. In another mound, they found a circle of ten skeletons surrounding another giant skeleton, as well as underground vaults, various copper and mica ornaments, religious items, pipes and spearheads. Then, at a depth of nine feet, another giant skeleton was found in the remains of a bark coffin and it was noted in their report that this giant had a skull, which was of “the compressed or flat-head type.” In other words, this skeleton exhibited conehead characteristics similar to those found in South America and Egypt. As digs progressed in other parts of the state, archaeologists in Wheeling, WV found another grouping a giants ranging in height from 6’7” to 7’6” and also displaying unusual skull formations with low foreheads that sloped back gradually, “while the back part of the head is very prominent, much more so than the skulls of people living today.” Adjacent to these finds, an eight-mile wall and a hilltop temple were also found in Marshall County on Mount Carbon. And further down the Cheat River in 1774 settlers found what they dubbed “The Giant Town,” with numerous gigantic skeletons the most significant being that of an 8-foot tall male.

Giant civilization appear to have been often on the confluence of rivers, up and down the Illinois and Mississippi, as well as along the great lakes that were once in the west, like Lake Lohantan. In fact, as they dig up the basin near Tucson and a civilization they say might have been ancestors to the missing tribe, the HoHoKam who had canalways and astronomy preoccupation, one has to wonder what sort of skeletons they are uncovering. As of yet, I have not seen a photo shared.


If you want to find a giant, you need look at some of the things they coveted and places attributed to them.  They arrived along the Pacific route by sea - seafaring, along rivers and lakes. They mined copper and used seashells for adornment, built mounds often times, and were found in caves. They tended to like to build their civilizations along confluences where two rivers adjoined and along enormous lakes, such as Lake Lohantan in the Nevada/California area and Lake Michigan. Trade was done for Gulf Coast items with Native People, up and down the Mississippi and in the west they found haven in caves at the top of the mountains around the Lovelock Cave area as well as the Death Valley area, when these lands thousands of years ago were filled with water. They were preoccupied by astronomy and were excellent well diggers and canal designers, as well as megalithic stone structure architects. 

Knowing these things about the giants, looking at maps of ancient waterways, looking for items such as copper mining and tributaries that lead to the sea, caves up high on mountains that were once surrounded by water, one can find more skeletons and proof of giants. It's no rocket science, but it will take tenacious and tough people to traverse some lands that may not be hospitable today. One of my key areas of interest in Arizona is Red Mountain near Patagonia. It meets all the criteria. 

**Tomorrow's post is "Dead Crew At Sea!"**
